Garula Is Mad

Garula Is Mad

Tonight I am sitting down to knock out a blog post because in the morning I will be interrupting my routine.  Tomorrow night my wife and I will be going to see the a stage production of the Wizard of Oz and it is going to simply be much handier to have a single vehicle.  However this also means that I have to get up and out the door considerably earlier than I normally would.  On an average day I leave the house around 7 and tomorrow that deadline is getting pushed up before 6:30.  There is no way I can get showered and ready and write a blog post all within that time frame so you are getting something tonight.  I was a bit all of the place putting time in Final Fantasy XIV, Horizon Zero Dawn and Final Fantasy XV.  All of them were enjoyable in their own way but much like last night…  I was never fully committed to any of them.  I think I am trying to come down with something, because I have just felt drained and hollow at the end of the day.

Garula Is Mad

The highlight of the night however was hanging out on Spiral/Weiward’s Twitch channel as she played Final Fantasy V.  The entire AggroChat crew has a very specific relationship with Final Fantasy V.  The game I believe is among Ash’s favorites in the series, and as a result we get roped into participating in the Four Job Fiesta every year.  I’ve talked about the charity event numerous times, but the roots are that you play Final Fantasy V with only a randomly chosen set of jobs.  The truth is I have never actually played Final Fantasy V legitimately, having only beaten it while doing the Fiesta.  That said it was super interesting to watch Spiral struggle with some of the same things we have all struggled with in confronting this game.  The best part of the night however is when she started having the same realizations that a lot of us have… about the deep connections between a lot of the Final Fantasy XIV Heavenward content and characters and settings from V.  You can be absolutely certain that when the Fiesta time comes around again, we will be pestering Spiral to join in the fun.

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