Farewell Uncle Pterry

Terry Pratchett has died, and the world is a little darker for his passing.

It would be hard to overstate the impact that Sir Terry had on me over the years; his writing has been a near constant in my life since I really began reading fantasy.  It would have been around 1990 or so that a friend of mine loaned me a copy of Guards! Guards! and from there I was hooked.  Not that Discworld novels were easy to find in America at the time.  For a few years they were out of print here with only used copies and the like available.  Most of my copies of the books before Small Gods! are book club editions I picked up used.

There's one last Discworld novel to be published, the 41st in the series.  I have that last bit of Pratchett to look forward to, and then it's over.  I'll reread the series, have no doubt of that, but for the first time in 20 years I won't be avidly anticipating the next book.  I'll miss that.

Thriving Community

Oklahoma Conventions

superbitcon Pax South was my first real gaming convention, and I have to say I had an absolute blast there.  Don’t get me wrong I had been to a few conventions in the past, even worked a few comic book conventions when I worked at a comic book shop, but they were nothing like Pax.  This got me thinking about what I might be missing out on here locally.  It turns out we have a not insignificant number of conventions that happen within a short driving distance.  In fact at the tail end of this month a pretty big retro gaming convention is happening in the Oklahoma City area.  As you can see from the handy little button thing on the right it is happening March 28th and 29th at the Oklahoma Expo Hall of the Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City…  Oklahoma.  Yeah that was a lot of Oklahoma in a row, even as a lifer I thought it was a bit excessive.

Super! Bitcon is going on its second year, and seems to be a pretty cool place to go especially if you are into “retro” gaming…  or as I like to call it “my childhood”.  They have several well known guests on the docket like Smooth McGroove, Alpha Omega Sin, and Patrick Scott Patterson.  They also apparently have a fairly large exhibitor hall with several local and regional companies showing off the games they have been working on, as well as a free play arcade and gaming museum.  There is this #IamSuperBitcon thing from social media where folks talk about their experiences last year that is really interesting to watch as well.  The absolute best part of all of this is that you get a two day pass for only $10 and for this… I thought it would be a sin for me to pass up going.  Oklahoma City is only an hour and a half drive for me from Tulsa, so not a big deal at all.  One of my new goals this year is to try and hit up as many of these smaller conventions as I can to tide me over until the next Pax.  As we get closer to time I will talk about the Heartland Gaming Expo and the XPO games convention both in the Tulsa area.  It just excites me that we have this thriving games culture seemingly in my own back yard.

Thriving Community

ffxiv 2015-02-18 18-07-31-65 One of the topics that I have been mulling over in my head is why exactly we have manages to stay happy and engaged with Final Fantasy XIV for the better part of this last year.  So often we pop into a MMO and last a few months only to flit off to another title a month later.  At the same time I have been examining why I stayed in World of Warcraft for over seven years, and continue to return to it.  I think the answer to Final Fantasy XIV is two fold.  Firstly we returned to the game after a sequence of boom bust cycles in MMOs like Elder Scrolls Online and Wildstar.  I was personally looking for a place to “settle down” for awhile, and Final Fantasy XIV had been the only title that all of my friends seemed to leave “on good terms” with.  So we set down roots, and I started getting involved in the Cactuar community as did the rest of my guild.  This process was aided by the fact that we had nothing on the horizon to draw our attention away from the game.  As such we have been able to play the game without the distraction of shiny new objects and their promises of a better gaming experience.

I think this lull in MMO releases has helped a lot of games that were stable get more so.  When I came back to Final Fantasy XIV last July they were at I believe 2.5 million subscribers, and last week they announced that they had blossomed up to 4 million subscribers.  That is a fairly significant growth over what is essentially two quarters, and I think that in part it has a lot to do with the fact that there is really nothing out there to pull attention away from it.  Don’t get me wrong Warlords of Draenor happened, and I have been playing it…  but that is only a draw to players who still have warmth in their hearts for the World of Warcraft franchise.  I think the answer to why we have stayed is that we were given enough time to set down roots.  We not only have friends in our free company, but are members of several active linkshells that give us access to raiding and grouping beyond our own numbers.  This sort of environment is contagious and has made recruiting more members to the fold exceptionally easy.  All of which builds upon itself giving me the piece the kept me coming back to World of Warcraft all of this time…  a stable and thriving community.  The awesome thing is… I can have my cake and eat it two, because at this point my community in World of Warcraft is vastly different than my community blooming here in Final Fantasy XIV.

The Botanist

ffxiv 2015-03-12 06-46-29-58 I had every intention to come home and have a quiet night of powering through the early levels of botany.  In fact that is precisely how my evening started, with me brute forcing the level 10 trees near Bentbranch in the Central Shroud.  Right now I am working towards the level 10 quest, which will require 99 Crow Feathers.  My goal is to be able to have 99 waiting and ready for when I ding 10 and can immediately turn in that quest and move on to the next sequence.  However last night it was only a matter of moments before someone in guild needed something… and the adventurer inside me leapt at the chance to do something “not crafting”.  My friend Arkenor needed a run of Haukke Manor, and another group needed a run of Copperbell and thankfully we had the right mix of people to make both happen.  I tanked Haukke on my Paladin and another run when smoothly.  I have said this before, but I keep having to say it over and over.  I love how damned easy and rewarding it is to run lower level content with your friends.

Once the crafting thing was tossed aside I spent most of the rest of the night running content.  We moved from Haukke into a random Expert Roulette picking up Cav to add to Ash, myself and Thalen.  Once finished there I ran a few trials roulette and a hard roulette… and before I realized it was 9:30 and I was starting to get a bit tired.  This is the way an evening can evaporate in Eorzea, with a bunch of chain events that make you wonder where the time went.  So sadly I did not make much progress on Botanist, but I am feeling that Sunday I will have another “catch up on television” day downstairs on my laptop and push forward again.  At some point I need to run a good deal more content however because I would really like to cap my poetics this week, and I have barely put a dent in them.  If I keep running a few roulettes each day, I should be able to do it without much difficulty.  The only monkey wrench in this plan is the fact that most of Saturday I will be out of town, leaving me only Sunday to really work on such things.  In any case… I had a fun evening with my Free Company and have zero regrets of not making any flower picking progress.

Source: Tales of the Aggronaut
Thriving Community

Farewell Uncle Pterry

Terry Pratchett has died, and the world is a little darker for his passing.

It would be hard to overstate the impact that Sir Terry had on me over the years; his writing has been a near constant in my life since I really began reading fantasy. It would have been around 1990 or so that a friend of mine loaned me a copy of Guards! Guards! and from there I was hooked. Not that Discworld novels were easy to find in America at the time. For a few years they were out of print here with only used copies and the like available. Most of my copies of the books before Small Gods! are book club editions I picked up used.

There’s one last Discworld novel to be published, the 41st in the series. I have that last bit of Pratchett to look forward to, and then it’s over. I’ll reread the series, have no doubt of that, but for the first time in 20 years I won’t be avidly anticipating the next book. I’ll miss that.

Serious Spelunking

Kromog Fell Down

Wow-64 2015-03-10 21-43-21-79 Once more we entered the Blackrock Foundry, and once more we made some progress in our eventual goal of killing Blackhand.  Generally speaking on Tuesday nights we try and clear all of our “farmed” content, some of which is less farmed than others.  We struggled a bit at Oregorger this week, but managed to get him on what I think was our third attempt.  That fight is just frustrating no matter how often  you do it.  I am not really sure what we were doing differently and if we were breaking boxes in the wrong order, but Oregorger was not going where we expected him to go.  Eventually through a combination of luck and perseverance we managed to defeat him, and move on to more interesting fights.  Quite honestly other than this rough spot, it was a pretty banner week given that we were down at least one healer the entire night.

Once again I got nothing of any use from the evening which is starting to get frustrating.  This is two weeks now without a single upgrade, even after spending plenty of bonus roll tokens.  My hope is that eventually there is going to be a week where everything I need drops all at once.  It is just frustrating when you can feel the entire raid getting better geared… and you are still stuck at roughly the place you started Blackrock with.  Our big accomplishment of the night is that we finally managed to defeat Kromog or Kologarn 2.0 as we tend to refer to him.  On the attempt we managed to down him I think I was the only person dead, or at least one of the only.  My issue was that I danced around with one of the tanks for a bit as we kept going for the same hand.  All told though it was a pretty great night of raiding, and I look forward to making progress on Thogar on Thursday.

Serious Spelunking

ffxiv 2015-03-10 23-43-54-28 While raiding is enjoyable and an important part of my week, it was far from the most important thing on my mind last night.  Since I have a level 50 of every role, I have decided to deep headlong into the hole that is crafting in Final Fantasy XIV.  Since I am making this my new mission I have decided to take it on in a rather methodical way, and that means focusing on leveling my Disciple of the Land “gathering” professions first to hopefully make feeding materials to the OTHER professions that much easier.  If you have been reading my blog you have known that over the last few days I made a very serious push to finish leveling mining.  Last night at the  beginning of the evening I was what felt like a stones throw away from 50 sitting at 48 and some change.  The problem is my evening did not work out exactly how I intended, and one thing or another kept sidetracking me.  By raid time I had managed to push through to 49 but had to take a break to beat up orcs and such.

After the raid however I went back to pushing the gathering leves.  The 45 leves in Coerthas send you all over that zone, or more importantly in three distinct areas.  One of the tricks I figured out is the keep doing the one closest to the leve master, with a hopes of stacking all three of the ones that were further away at the same time… and then going out and completing those together.  Each time you complete a leve it resets the ones the master offers.  Essentially it took a few trips to the closest leve and one trip to the three furthest and I dinged 50.  I have to give huge thanks to Thalen for hanging out and crafting me a full set of level 50 miner gear that I am wearing in the above picture.  The best part… is that /visor turns off and on the headlamp.  I have to say that a game is amazing if it can even make the crafting gear feel epic.

Lumberjack Time

ffxiv 2015-03-11 06-11-45-13 I wasted no time sitting on my laurels, because I have so much more to level in order to reach my goal of being an “omni crafter”.  This morning I started down the path of the botanist, which is essentially the guild of lumberjacks.  I have to say though… after playing a Warrior for so long… that axe feels really puny.  As of this morning I am sitting at level 5 and have completed the first quest.  For this next stretch I am going to try and push through as long as I can stand it on just harvesting material alone, to hopefully allow my level quest allowance to regenerate a bit.  Right now I only have 35 allowances, so it took most of the 99 maximum that I was sitting at to go from 30 to 50 mining.  That is really my only frustration with this process, is that I don’t really understand why there is a leve allowance in the first place.  There have to be better ways to farm gil than to grind leves over and over.

At least with leveling a battle profession, I can rely on dungeons and fates to replace the need for leves.  But with crafting of all kinds it feels like you desperately need those to augment the experience you gain through harvesting.  My hope is that once I start down the crafting path proper, I can use the Ixal dailies to make some serious headway.  The goal right now is to stair step up each of the professions.  So the first goal will be to take all of them to fifteen, then start raising them by 5 levels at a time.  The hope is to make it so that when I need an item from one profession for the one I am currently working on… I can craft those without much fuss.  This is a pretty significant undertaking, but I think I can accomplish it without burning out too badly.  Honestly so far with the gathering professions I find them extremely relaxing.  You end up hanging out, listening to the amazing music in this game, and clicking sparkly nodes.  Compared to tanking… it is a piece of cake!

Source: Tales of the Aggronaut
Serious Spelunking