A Lost Month

August has been ... not a great month, IRL.  I'm not going to delve into things, but it's been the sort of "not great" that causes me to basically withdraw from and not be around as much in certain places.  Unfortunately, that means Blaugust was sorted into the pile that I couldn't mentally deal properly with, but hey - I've got a few days left, and the blog won't be self-destructing and deleting itself off the internet come September 1st, so let's forge onward.
A pair of my favorite in-game events in XIV happened this month.  I was glad to see the return of the Eorzean Nimble Warrior jump puzzle for Moonfire (and with the new 'hoofin' it' debuff that barred all Behemoths from entry).  I didn't even bother trying to get allll the way to the top of the 'extra' puzzle, but the little deck on the side was a cute touch and another great spot to chill with pals and watch the fireworks.  Allowing players to get tokens with fishing and cooking again was great, and very welcome.
The above screencap is from The Rising, and it's only been out for a day or two, so no spoilers here, but once again the devs managed to make me get a little emotional with the clever use of minions and heart-felt words from the XIV team.  I can always feel how much Yoshida and his crew care for the world and players every year with this event, and I'm grateful for this place they've given us.
Meanwhile, I also managed to complete the achievement for the Raigo whistle - 60 wins in Frontline battles (the non-ranking PVP zones) while wearing a special Garo title.  I nearly gave up hope on this out of general frustration, but a few days of landing in good groups that really wanted to coordinate and I was well on my way to finishing.  I will never use the title "Makai Summoner" title ever again.  Phew.

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