Faulty Memories

In the continued tradition of Bel learning things don’t quite work like he remembers them… I introduce to you the Warrior Training panel. In theory this is where I learn new abilities every few levels. The challenge with this however is that I did not remember needing to scroll down to find each of the various talent trees worth of abilities. As a result up until this point… I had only ever been training the Arms abilities and not realizing it. As a result this lead me to run Ragefire Chasm last night with a group of guild friends with only Rend, Heroic Strike, Sunder Armor and Taunt. I somehow made that work for the most part, especially on single target fights… but it all seemed way the hell harder than it should have been. That is because I had apparently never trained Shield Block, Shield Slam, Mocking Blow and Enrage… all of which that would have been super helpful in trying to keep multiple targets under control.
So far for the most part World of Warcraft Classic has been a continued series of these things not quite working like I remembered them. This is a sequence of things… firstly that I am 43 and I am having a hard time remembering exactly what things were like when I was 15 years younger. Next I played through a series of changes in the game and don’t quite remember when they put which things in. So I for some reason thought that meeting stones would actually work to summon players… but no they do not. I also thought that the Barber Shop was something that I could do to change my hair cut… also not a thing that exists yet. The challenge is that so many little things don’t quite work the way that I remember them working, and as a result the game feels very new and fresh… rather than ground that I have tread upon a thousand times before. It has been nine years since we have played through the old world zones in the condition they are in now… and quite frankly there are many cases where I get mixed up the way the world used to be and the way it was post Cataclysm. It is the little things, as simple as expecting to find the quest where the kid is looking for his dog that has the recorded voice of Ezra Chatterton. That however didn’t go in until way later.
The weirdest part about all of this… is that I am finding that I really do love World of Warcraft. At least I love THIS version of World of Warcraft. Maybe we are just in the honeymoon phase, but it seems like so many people on Bloodsail Buccaneers are going through this same sequence of events, and it is leading all of the public channels to be relatively delightful places. Granted this is all Horde side… for all I know the Alliance side may be a dumpster fire. The Horde seems to be exception at keeping their head down and moving on with things as a whole. Even retail WoW Horde side is way more chill than it ever was on the Alliance side. Also we are apparently up to 57 characters in the guild? This still floors me.

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