The Villainy

Extra-Life : Support Liore!

The VillainyWe started out this year with every intention of doing Extra-Life as AggroChat.  However somewhere in the middle of all of this good intention… life happened.  At this point we have done nothing to prepare for Extra-Life and done absolutely no fundraising.  This means…  that AggroChat is not in fact doing Extra-Life this year but will be taking a rain check  in the hopes of rebooting this initiative next year.  In the meantime…  I highly suggest you support the person I am supporting for Extra-Life.  We have joked for awhile that AggroChat and Cat Context are similar enough that we should start having special “AggroCats” episodes where we jumble the cast together.  I feel like the podcast would end up feeling pretty similar.  Liore and Cat Context were so much inspiration when we decided to start AggroChat… so backing Liore in her Extra-Life is kinda like backing us!  In truth if not for Cat Context there would likely not be an AggroChat because that podcast taught me that it is perfectly okay to do a podcast with natural conversation instead of show notes and such!

It is my hope that even though I am not doing Extra-Life I can pop by on Liore’s stream and hang out a bit while she does her thing.  We even talked about potentially playing something that is all multiplayery that we can hang out and chat while doing.  I love the concept of this event, because it proves that gamers can in fact put their hearts in the right place and do amazing things for the world.  It is not in fact all about teabagging… and I was honestly shocked that was still a thing when I encountered it recently in Destiny.  Like people did that in the Quake 3 engine days… and I figured surely by now people had gotten over that “phase”.  I got off track…  anyways I highly suggest you pop by the donation page and throw a few bucks towards the cause.  I will be tuning in for as much of Liore’s stream as I can, so it should be a good time!

Favorite Weapons

Yesterday I decided to do a new sort of video for me, where I go into it with a specific topic…  you know like most youtube videos in existence.  Generally speaking YouTube is just this place where I dump backup copies of whatever I have streamed, and not something I really do intentionally.  This time around I wanted to talk a bit about the weapons I am currently using in Destiny and what I like about each of them.  So during the course of the video I go through my current arsenal:

  • Zhalo Supercell – Auto-Rifle
  • Hakke Zarinaea-D – Auto-Rifle
  • Suros DIS-43 – Scout Rifle
  • Suros Hawksaw – Pulse Rifle
  • Invective – Shotgun

I cannot fully put into words how excited I am that Xur had a Zhalo Supercell on Friday.  Other than No Time to Explain exotic… this was the weapon I wanted most.  This gun is so much fun, and more importantly it does a bunch of interesting things.  Namely it seems to be able to reach around shielded mobs when it procs.  So if you are fighting a Hive Knight or Cabal Phalanx… the procced lightning damage will still damage them even if they have the shield up.  This means this is my go to weapon for most strikes because it will simply decimate so many mobs…  and can drop the shield of annoying mobs like Knights, Captains and Harpies that have those Arc Shields.  I am really hoping that everyone who wants one of these got it this past weekend, because even though it is only 280 I was able to pour enough stuff into it to make it reasonable for most things.  Largely right now what I am lacking is weapon parts… and decent high level weapons to feed into my legendary weapons of choice.  I wish I knew the secret to getting decent drops… because I am equipping every last ounce of light I can before I start decoding, and still habitually ending up with 260-280 items that are utterly useless to me.

New Weapon

The Villainy

Traditionally my Hunter has used the hand-me-downs from my Titan as far as weapons go.  Then if I ended up really liking a weapon… I would end up stealing it from the hunter and giving it to my Titan instead.  I think the above weapon is the first time I am not going to do that.  On my Titan I already have a really capable Pulse Rifle in the form of a Hawksaw, that nicely rounds out my weapon arsenal.  If you want to hear more about it, I go into it in detail in my video above.  The other day I managed to rank up with Future War Cult that my Hunter reps… and the package handed me one of their weapons called the Villainy.  I didn’t think much about it and ultimately it took me awhile to get around to testing it out.  Yesterday during our Star Wars pen and paper session I spent a good deal of time running around in Destiny on my hunter and chewing through the backlog of bounties.  During most of that time I used this weapon, and I have to say… I am liking it.

The Villainy

If you look at the two weapons… Hawksaw and Villainy they stack up pretty closely… but I have to say in almost every possible way the Villainy is just better.  It has significantly more impact, more range, more stability…  similarly reload.  The more I look at it verses the Armory profiles for each weapon… I am guessing I simply just got a really ideal roll on my Villainy.  This is one of the things I like about this game that would end up driving others absolutely insane.  I like that two different weapons from the same family can vary so much, because it makes you feel like this weapon or that weapon are more “yours” because they may not be exactly the same as anyone else’s version of it.  My specific Villainy has Partial Refund, Perfect Balance, and Third Eye… and it is an absolute amazing weapon to use.  Part of me is hoping to get another one just to see how different they might feel.  All I know for certain is that for the time being…  this weapon is the go to for my hunter.  I also posted a picture of my hunter above just because he looks kinda bad ass right now.  I am hoping to get more pieces of the Neuroghast set… because seriously…  that name is fitting for me, and it looks pretty amazing.


Mystara Monday: AC1 – The Shady Dragon Inn

This week we've got a little change of pace from adventure modules. Starting in 1983 TSR published a series of 'Game Accessories' that ran the gamut from character sheets and Dungeon Master screens to collections of spells and magic items. Today we've got the first of these, AC1: The Shady Dragon Inn, written by Carl Smith.

Mystara Monday: AC1 - The Shady Dragon Inn
Adventurers in their natural habitat

As the cover advertises, this is primarily a collection of pregenerated characters for use in your campaign. 73 of the characters are humans, divided between the four human character classes and another 32 are split up between the demihuman classes (remember, this is the D&D ruleset, so dwarf, halfling, and elf are classes as well as races). Each character is presented with a name, stat block including attribute scores, alignment, level, saving throws, and hit points, height and weight, armor and weapons, spells known (if applicable), and a short biography. There's also a lineup for each character class drawn by Jim Holloway. Of note, the dwarf lineup includes two dwarf women, both of whom have short beards. So as of this product, dwarven women in Basic D&D are bearded.

Mystara Monday: AC1 - The Shady Dragon Inn
Handwritten notes courtesy of the previous owner

Characters range in level from 1 to 14, which was the limit of what the rules supported at this point. Each one only gets a paragraph of description, but that generally includes a couple of interesting personality traits or bits of history to make them stand out. For instance the dwarf Leo Leopard-Bait "hates wealthy men" and "kicks cats when he gets the chance." Zarkon the Blue "brags too much, and sometimes makes promises he cannot keep." It's enough to make each character distinct and to give a good DM something to build on when using them as NPCs.

The Shady Dragon Inn itself is also presented as a foldout map sized for use with miniatures. Handy if you plan to use the inn as a base of operations for the PCs, especially if the odd tavern brawl breaks out on occasion. A short description gives a rundown of the owner and employees (all drawn from the pregens), prices, and the general state of the inn. Again, it's fairly terse but enough to serve as a base to build on.

Finally, there are a few more characters presented here that I haven't mentioned yet, under the heading 'Special Characters.' In 1983 a licensed line of action figures hit the shelves; although the figures were marketed as Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, D&D stats for them (including a few characters whose figures were never produced) are presented here. Most importantly this means we have D&D stats for the evil WARDUKE.

Mystara Monday: AC1 - The Shady Dragon Inn
WARDUKE's contract requires that WARDUKE's
name always be printed in all caps.

As far as the development of Mystara, nothing here really contributes to the setting. Some of the characters do show up as pregens in future adventure modules; I know that X6: Quagmire! is one of those. Apart from that none of them enter into the ongoing setting that I know of. The Shady Dragon Inn does make an appearance in the Tower of Doom arcade game in a town in Darokin. That's as close as it comes to being made canon in the setting.

This is an accessory I really wish I had had when I was running D&D regularly. Coming up with NPCs on the fly, especially good names for NPCs, has always given trouble so a list of ready made characters to fall back on would have been useful. There are quite a few in here that I'd love to use in a game some time in the future. 

IntPiPoMo 2015

I’ve gone and signed up for another blogging challenge this month. IntPiPoMo is a challenge to post 50 pictures or screen shots over the month of November. This year the challenge is being hosted by Chestnut over at Gamer Girl Confessions.

I’ll be posting some big photo posts and some quick individual posts over the course of the month. Since we’re free to post any kind of picture we like, I’m going to try to use this as an excuse to post some actual photos or art in addition to screen shots. For today’s post I have a mix of art and screenshots.

IntPiPoMo 2015

IntPiPoMo 01. Happy spoopy little trees.

I’ve been watching Bob Ross on Twitch this week along with half the internet. It got me motivated to follow along a little bit and try my hand at some digital paintings.

IntPiPoMo 2015

IntPiPoMo 02. Big strong mountains.

I’m hoping this urge to “paint” sticks around for a while. I’ve been enjoying seeing what I can do in a half hour or so.

As for screenies, I’ve got a quick trip through what I’ve been up to on my alts.

IntPiPoMo 2015

IntPiPoMo 03. Quiet Downs.

I’ve tried to send a few more alts through Quiet Downs before it disappears. Unfortunately it is quite difficult for low level characters. I did get this cute screen shot of my aurin wearing the cultist garb though!

IntPiPoMo 2015

IntPiPoMo 04. Cultist Aurin.

My granok medic did some of the Drusera instances this weekend. I love the colors and the Eldan architecture.

IntPiPoMo 2015

IntPiPoMo 05. Alpha Sanctum ceiling.

IntPiPoMo 2015

IntPiPoMo 06. Genesis chamber.

Finally my mordesh medic on Entity-2 is making her way through Farside. I really like the colors on this one, even if this area of the zone is probably my least favorite. I can’t wait to get her out onto the moon’s surface!

IntPiPoMo 2015

IntPiPoMo 07. Desert on the moon.

That’s it for today! I look forward to sharing my pics over the course of the month, and hopefully seeing what everyone else posts too.

IntPiPoMo 2015

Week in Gaming 11/1/2015

Goodbye Summer

Week in Gaming 11/1/2015

This is the week where we finally started to see some colder temperatures.  Its funny that this has been the case for the last few years…  that October for the most part has still be warm and sunny and if we still had our pool open… we probably could have swam in it all month long.  We still have yet to see a freeze but this past week it was regularly in the 40s, when the week before it pretty much never dropped much down past the 70s other than the early morning.  As a result this means our hibernation instincts are starting to kick into overdrive.  We recorded the AggroChat podcast Friday night, which left us with all of Saturday to do whatever we wanted.  The end result… is that we pretty much just stayed inside apart from a mad dash out of the house around 4 pm to run a few errands.  I am perfectly fine with a weekend like this…  my wife however has some inborn instinct that tells her that we if did nothing over a weekend… that the weekend is somehow a failure.  Me… I see those as the most wonderful weekends ever.


Week in Gaming 11/1/2015

I had all of these plans to play some themed games for Halloween… but those plans pretty much died yesterday.  Instead I ended up working on my Warlock and getting it to 21 from about level 8.  I have to say the Warlock is growing on me over time… and I really really like Nova Bomb as a super goes.  It is this awesome mix of the way the Havoc Fist super and Shadowshot super feel, where I can deliver death from above…  but at a target instead of jumping down in the middle of everything.  Having played all three classes… I have to say they have done an excellent job of giving them all something really neat and special about them that makes it rewarding to play.  The hardest thing for me so far however has been adjusting to the Warlock jump.  It just works so different than all of the others… and while I am starting to get the hang of it…  I still have zero desire to do any of the platforming encounters with it.  We will see when I get to the dreadnaught if I can figure out how to do the various chasm jumps with it.  Hunter is simple…  double jump, and Titan is similarly simple… you just have to sort out when you want to hover over your target before you land.  Warlock…  is just fiddly and annoying and I never can seem to do the sort of jump I need when I need it.

The secret of my success honestly was getting high enough level to where I could break out my Stranger’s Rifle and I plan on riding that puppy up as long as I can.  That weapon is just so damned amazing…  and I am ultimately going to have to sort out the process for getting the modern version of it.  Sadly I don’t have much faction with Future War Cult, which is ultimately required to get the No Time to Explain exotic.  As it stands right now my hunter is running up Future War Cult faction, but since I don’t play him nearly as much as I do my Titan it is lagging behind.  I did manage to get my hunter up to 285 light, and I can now consistently him 297 light on my Titan.  Getting 300 and beyond items just seems to be the problem, and I still decode so many 260ish items that are just trash.  While I don’t mind so much if they are weapons… since I am consistently struggling to keep enough weapon parts on all three of my characters…  but armor…  I have more than enough to share.  I want to take a moment to talk about how much I love the website for swapping stuff between my characters, and the fact that you can do it in the middle of a game play session.  This is a really amazing feature.. and I have heard there are chrome plugins that streamline this process considerably.

Week in Gaming 11/1/2015

For the last several weeks I have been on this mission to grind as many strikes as possible to get Exotic Engrams…  and there was a method behind my madness.  There was one weapon in this game that I wanted more than anything else… and that was.. the Zhalo Supercell.  From the moment I saw it in a video, I loved the look of it as some sort of futuristic AK-47/Bolt Action Hybrid thing.  What I loved more about it was the functionality of being able to chain lightning to all of the mobs around your target.  The only problem being…  I never seem to get weapon engrams.  I get Helms and Gloves… and the occasional Chestpiece… but have pure hell getting any sort of weapon to drop.  So you can imagine my excitement this Friday when Xur had none other than the Xhalo Supercell available.  The only negative of course is that all Xur weapons start at 280 instead of the 290 that they are usually dropping for me as.  I have managed to pour enough stuff into it to get it to 287 which will have to do for the time being.  I love this gun, and more importantly I love the way it rips through mobs that always frustrated me.  I’ve noticed when the lightning procs… it can hit Phalanx and Knights even if their shields are up which makes this gun freaking amazing.  When I wrap up my post this morning I think I am going to stream/record for a bit and talk about some of my favorite weapons currently.

Week in Gaming 11/1/2015

Another huge positive from this week is that one of the Armsday orders was the above Suros DIS-43 Scout Rifle.  One of the rolls available had full auto… which makes this gun freaking amazing.  It has good impact, solid range and really great stability which makes it pretty much the perfect scout rifle for me.  This has now completely replaced Hung Jury in my current weapon load out.  My Hung Jury essentially has maxed range which is nice… because I can use it much in the same way as I would a sniper rifle, but the Suros DIS-43 is just a much better all around weapon.  I noticed it was available for Armsday orders again this week, and I put in for another one… so hoping that I can end up getting a third one for my Warlock.  I have two of these now and they are just excellent.  Hoping that everyone managed to get in on the full auto version from this past week because man… I am really enjoying it.  My only problem with Suros weapons… is that I really don’t like the Red and White paint job.  So this is another case that I would love to be able to repaint my weapons…  like if I could put a Dead Orbit paint scheme on this thing… it would be perfect.

Secrets of Grindea

Week in Gaming 11/1/2015

Another title that I played this week was Secrets of Grindea to get prepared for the Friday night podcast.  I of course talked about this at length on the podcast, but this is a game where I went through a few different phases with it.  At first… it didn’t really grab me.  This was my pick for the month, and I largely picked it because some of the game footage I saw reminded me of Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Secret of Mana.  The early gameplay however… is kinda boring, and the first “boss battle” on the bridge felt a little uninspired.  That was quickly followed up by the Giga Slime boss… which was absolutely brutal to do as a melee character.  So I have to admit that knocked a lot of wind out of my sails as far as this game went.  I did however manage to pick it back up this week and saw the game that I had not quite gotten to yet.

All I can say is… boy was I wrong to doubt this game.  The quests are cute, and a parody of traditional RPG tropes…. without being cruel or slapstick about it.  It is kinda a sly nod and wink to the fans of this genre…  saying “we know” rather than trying to rub your face in it.  We talked about this on the podcast, but this is essentially the game I had wished Citizens of Earth was.  It is well written, has some interesting and often times hilarious characters, and presents a world for the grown up fans of the original Zelda games…  not necessarily the same audience those games were targetting.  The boss fights are really challenging, but each of them have a trick or a pattern that once you figure it out it becomes doable.  That said I do think this game might have significantly more challenging encounters than Zelda did, because the above Hydra was essentially the point where the game broke me.  After talking with my friends on the podcast… there was essentially a pattern that I was missing that hopefully means I can get in and wreck it now.  There was not a single boss that did not take me multiple attempts… other that the first bridge encounter mind you.  The game does a great job of check-pointing your progress so you start pretty close to where you died allowing you to get right back into the action and try again.  Even though this is early access… I highly suggest checking it out…  though admittedly you might just wait for the final version.


Week in Gaming 11/1/2015

The other game that I spent some time playing is Devilian, that was having another beta test weekend.  I still have issues with the game, at least in the style of the character classes… and their gender locked nature.  That said I do actually enjoy playing it, and I think it is a cool take on a normally Diablo clone environment.  It feels like something different, and I find it significantly more challenging already than anything I saw in Diablo.  Diablo gameplay felt “cheap” at times… where bosses would just straight oneshot you if you were unlucky or lacked the armor/skills to deflect the blows.  This game requires you to react a lot more quickly to things happening and dodge out of the way of incoming damage.  I’ve already encountered a boss that I just cannot currently beat, and I am hoping to come back to it once I have picked up a few more levels.  I have this feeling that the boss is designed for multiple players to take him down…  because he is right there out in the open rather than hidden behind a bunch of mobs.

The game is really damned pretty, and I will give it marks too for running extremely smoothly.  I am still getting used to its somewhat quirky control scheme, but it makes sense.  If I were in the permanent test group I would probably be playing this more regularly but with only having weekends to play it… it somewhat disincentives my time spent.  My ultimate hope is that Trion has more control over this one than they do over ArchAge and that maybe just maybe they can get some of the changes in that will make the game more enjoyable.  Like for example the game is desperately in need of some inventory management tools…  like sort and compact.  It feels so odd to be playing a game without those things at this point.  I doubt the whole Gender locked classes thing will ever be solved, because that will mean a TON of art and animation work to get there.  In truth, as I look at the other classes… it is highly unlikely that I would play any of them other than the berserker in the first place.  I am just not much for ranged classes…  and I have zero desire to play a character with a habitually open shirt.  In truth I wish there was some sort of a “tanky” character like the Crusader in Diablo 3.  That would probably ultimately be the class for me.