Valentione’s Fun

Valentione’s Fun

I don’t always do the seasonal events in FFXIV. They are usually fun and silly, so I enjoy them. Somehow I don’t quite have the same completionist streak in that game that I do in other MMOs though. Anyway I was totally prepared to skip the current “Valentione’s” event, until my friend asked if I wanted to queue for it together.

Valentione’s FunI’m super glad I said yes! A lot of times in FFXIV the seasonal events have you either do solo quests, or run fates out in the world. This one had you queue for a two-person instance to see how “attuned” your characters are to each other. We had to solve a maze while tethered together, and then do a card patching game. We ended up being a favorable match! I never doubted it, we’re two awesome femmeRoes.

Valentione’s FunIt was quick and fun and at the end of it we each got one half of this ridiculous chair mount. We took them out for a spin together. They are so ridiculous and I love them. They each have one silly wing on the back, and they can fly. I am so happy I took the time to do this event with a friend!

AggroChat #190 – Vegetarian Apex Predator

Featuring: Ashgar, Belghast, Kodra, Tamrielo and Thalen


This week we record our 190th episode and for whatever reason each time we tick off a 10th episode it seems like a big deal.  Last week during the bustle of getting ready for a show I completely missed a topic so we are leading off with that.  Thalen talks a bit about the early access deck building game Slay the Spire.  From there we talk a bit about our continued addiction to Monster Hunter World in spite of its flaws on the group interaction side.  We talk a bit about our new D&D 5th Edition Campaign set in a custom game world of Tam’s design.  Kodra talks a bit about bouncing off of Warframe and that leads to a discussion about games and accessibility.  Tam and Ash describe Night in the Woods…  and it begins to sound an awful lot like Bel’s experiences with his own home town.  From there we attempt to close out the show but get into another discussion about Monster Hunter World before actually succeeding.

Topics Discussed

  • Slay the Spire
  • Monster Hunter World
  • Fallout: The Board Game
  • D&D 5e Campaign
  • Bouncing off Warframe
  • Accessibility and Games
  • Night in the Woods
  • More Monster Hunter

AggroChat #189 – Very Meowscular

Featuring:  Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Tamrielo and Thalen


Tonight we are back after roughly three weeks off…  one week missed because I had the flu and another week devoted to a game of the month show.  As a result there are a bunch of things we have to say about a wide variety of topics.  Bel discovers Wolcen a game attempting to split the line between Diablo 2/Path of Exile and Diablo 3.  Kodra talks a bit about how well the Switch works as a mobile gaming platform and his experiences with Mario and Rabbids.  Tam talks a bit about Nier Automata and how close he came to just giving up on that game.  Kodra talks about his recent trip back to Atlanta and all of the board gaming that happened.  Bel talks a bit about Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age and how it weirdly follows the Japanese control standards.  Grace talks a bit about her experiences with the recent Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft patches.  Then we go through a big discussion about our feelings in regards to the Monster Hunter World release and how we seem to have fallen into a big hole.

Topics Discussed

  • Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem
  • Switch as Mobile Platform
  • Mario and Rabbids
  • Nier Automata
  • Board Games
  • Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age
  • Final Fantasy XIV Patch
  • World of Warcraft Patch
  • Monster Hunter World Shaped Hole

February 2018 Gaming Goals

Another month of gaming is in the rear view mirror. How did I do on my goals, and what should I do in February? Let’s find out!

January Goals in Review:

WoW: See every Legion raid at least once, even if it’s just LFR. Nope. I’m a bit closer now. I’ve done everything except Antorus. I just need to work up the nerve for a few more rounds of LFR.

Destiny 2: Finish the Osiris storyline. Done!

Diablo 3: Finish that last set dungeon already dang it. FINALLY DONE!!!

Horizon Zero Dawn: Start playing the new DLC. Technically done. (I started but didn’t get very far)

Hollow Knight: Get to an ending. Nope. I mean I’m at the last boss maybe? But haven’t been able to defeat it.

February Goals:

WoW: Do all the wings of Antorus LFR. This will finish off my leftover goal from January.

Get exalted with one of the Argus factions. I haven’t done the math, but hopefully it is possible to do this in one month. I’m revered with one, and honored with the other for now. I want to get at least one finished before I preorder and start thinking about allied race alts.

Hollow Knight: Get an ending. This is one of those things I just need to throw a few dedicated hours at. I am technically at an ending, but want to upgrade my nail one last time before beating my head against the boss fight any more.

FFXIV: Catch up on the new MSQ, dungeons, and raids. As I noted earlier this week, I’m still a few ilevels away from being able to run the new raids. A month should be plenty of time to get caught up.

Pyre: Finish the game. This is my pick for the Aggrochat game of the month, so I should probably finish it before we record that show.

Will I get any of these things done? Who knows!!