Reading Challenge #79: Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

It’s time for a reading challenge entry again! It is amazing how much faster I am going through these when I actually enjoy the books. Today I’m discussing Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury, first published in 1962.  This one definitely caught me off guard, but in a good way.

I was not prepared for this book.

I had some vague recollections of the plot from the movie, which I hadn’t seen in decades. I remember liking it as a kid but I don’t know how well it would hold up now. Especially after reading the source material. I’ve read my share of creepy and horror novels, from classics like Lovecraft, staples like King, to more current offerings. I’m by no means an expert, or even an enthusiast, really, but I figured I’d seen enough to know how I feel about them, and how they make me feel. But while zombies still give me nightmares and clowns are freaky no matter what the context, nothing I had read before really prepared me for the unsettling creepiness of this book. I think it is largely because it reads like a poem that reads like a story. Bradbury isn’t just telling a tale, he’s excavating it out of some dark secret place in the earth and weaving it with the nightmare dust from your subconscious. It is on an entirely different level from his work in The Illustrated Man. Regardless of the plot or the characters, the feeling evoked by reading this book was a strong enough experience for me that it justified its placement on this “Top 100″ list.

The story follows two kids, Jim and Will, as a creepy carnival rolls into their mid-western town in the middle of the night. They eventually discover that there’s something rotten with the hall of mirrors and the carousel and the freak show. As they start to uncover what is going on, the carnival becomes aware of them, and starts trying to distract them, entice them, and eventually stop them from disrupting their plans. If that sounds slightly cliched it’s probably because so many other authors have paid tribute to this book over the years.

I’m going to avoid more details because I would honestly suggest you just read it if you are interested at all. This book is about the nature of friendship and fear and age and death. It is about why we believe some things and not others. And it is about how there’s no better response to the inevitability of time and death than to get on with life, laugh and keep laughing and steal joy where you can. I fully recognize that this book might not resonate with everyone the way it did with me, but I still highly recommend it.

TL;DR: A fantastic tale of good and evil and a creepy carnival, that shines because of the writing and the mood at least as much as the story.

Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

Rating: 5/5 stars

Next up: The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin


AggroChat #198 – Mining Our Memories

Featuring:  Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Tamrielo and Thalen


Tonight we are back recording an normal show after last week’s game of the year show.  This also marks the first show we are purposefully trying to time box at around 90 minutes worth of recording time…  which turns into roughly an hour of run time after editing.  The plan is to make this show a little easier to consume… and also easier to record for those of us who are in central and east coasts because some of our bigger shows lead to getting to bed occasionally around 1 am.  As a result we whittled down the list of topics a bit and wound up with essentially four solid topics to discuss.  As a result oddly enough the conversation seemed to flow much more easily so it may also be a good decision for our content in the long run as well.

Topics Discussed:

  • Bloodborne
    • Soulsian Games
  • Spring Blossom Event
    • Monster Hunter World
  • Neostalgia MMORPGs
    • Project Gorgon
    • Shroud of the Avatar
  • The Way Games Start


Rocket-Swords and Pig-Bees

Rocket-Swords and Pig-Bees

Last night I spent some time in Monster Hunter World because the Spring Blossom festival launched about halfway through my evening offering up a ton of things to do.  It is this weird blended festival that includes a ton of repeat chances to get items that were offered before as well as several new items including the Greatsword I am rocking in this image and the Megaman/Rockman Pallico Armor that I will ultimately have to get my hands on.  I will talk more about the Greatsword a little further down the list…  but first I want to talk about how generally happy I am with the pacing of events in this game.  It feels like every single week there is a reason for me to log in and do content,  and while I am largely stalled out at 49 behind Tempered Kirin there seems to still be a constant deluge of things to do.  Granted I have pulled back my playtime a bit given my recent infatuation with Project Gorgon and the return to doing stuff with people in World of Warcraft…  but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I am completely disconnected.

I really love the flow of this game because it feels like I can log in any night and feel like I have interesting options to do.  There are also things on the horizon that I have to look forward to, like the Devil May Cry collaboration that brings a brand new Charge Blade into the mix.  This week however was all about the new fan designed Greatsword and helping me to fill in a weapon slot that I really had not put any effort into.  While I don’t think they necessarily have the intention of giving us an event weapon for every slot… so far I have gotten a really nice Bow and a really nice Greatsword with what felt like minimal effort when it comes to farming all of the missing bits I need to get from point a to point b in the crafting tree.  Sure the Greatsword and Bow both require a Wyvern Gem which is annoying to farm… but that is one part out of a whole list of parts that might be a pain to get.  I wound up using the Gold Wyverian print I had laying around to craft the Greatsword last night.

Rocket-Swords and Pig-Bees

Like I said before I was ultimately missing a decent Greatsword from my weapon lineup, and while it is an extremely cumbersome weapon…  it is one I want to learn how to use because it seems very much a “me” weapon.  In order to get this weapon you need to start running the low rank 5 star quest… Every Hunter’s Dream.  This involves taking down a Paolumu and a Rathalos…  which enter the fight staggered a bit so you can get a significant amount of damage in on the Lumu before having to deal with the poison and fire asshole.  I ran the first one of these solo and then grouped up with Thalen who also happened to be on to get the last few kills.  I think in total it took us four attempts to get the five Master Craftsman’s Blueprints needed to craft both steps of the weapon.  As far as the other items needed…  here is a list form breakout even though I crudely photo-shopped it all together above.

  • Master Craftsman’s Blueprint – 5 – Event Only Item
  • Dragonite Ore – 7 – I believe any zone after Low Rank Coral Highlands but not 100% sure
  • Paolumu Webbing – 2 – Low Rank Paolumu
  • Rathalos Marrow – 2 – Low Rank Rathalos – Green First Wyverian Print
  • Elder Dragon Blood – 2 – Kill an Elder Dragon – Nergigante, Vaal Hazak, Kushala Daora, Teostra, Xeno’jiiva
  • Firecell Stone – 2 – Found in Elder’s Recess
  • Wyvern Gem – 1 – Most High Rank Paolumu, Tobi-Kadachi, Lavasioth, Jyuratodus, Barroth, Radobaan, Diablos
  • 40,000 Zenny – yeah…. you are going to want to farm some cash

I have not really done anything serious with this weapon…  but in theory were I to use it regularly I would wear my fire longsword set of gear…  make sure I have some Handicraft and figure out a decent item to wear that gives me the hidden elemental damage.  510 is a lot of fire damage to leave sitting on the table with this weapon, so I need to sort out a decent item to slot to give me that back since I am no longer regularly wearing the Zorah Magdaros gloves.  I did a few minor quests last night with the weapon and really dig it…  even though it is just about the slowest thing in the world.  I had already started getting into the practice of sheathing my longsword anytime I was going to be moving for awhile just because the draw attack is really nice.  This training has served me pretty well for the greatsword given that you cannot move at more than a snails pace with it drawn.

If you are interested in the timing of everything going on you can check out the official Capcom PDF of events…  or better yet check out this site called 28 Games Later that has a really nice full breakout of everything.

Legion Bucket List

The big news today is that WoW’s Battle for Azeroth expansion will be released on August 14. That’s a bit sooner than I expected, given the September deadline they gave themselves in the preorder fine print. I’m always excited to have new things to see and do in game, even if the concept of this expansion is not one that thrills me. But what is still left to do in Legion and can I finish it before the expansion gets here?

Honestly, there’s not much left in Legion that I care about. Or at least, there’s not much that won’t still be here during content lulls next expansion. Maybe I will regret not chasing after things like the mage tower artifact appearance, but I doubt it. I like collecting armor sets much more than weapon skins. I’ve at least seen all the dungeons in some form, and all the raids in LFR at minimum. I have a vague hope that I can snag the equivalent of a friendship moose from Antorus, but if not I won’t be too crushed. I’m just starting to work toward some M+ progress, but that’s mostly for entertainment value rather than any specific goal. Some of the things I want, like a few achievements or transmog sets, are actually better off done with the extra levels and gear another expansion will give me.

So what goals do I have left before August 14?

  • Get the mount from new Karazhan
  • Do a mythic +15
  • Get at least one artifact maxed out in the netherlight crucible
  • Cap my professions
  • Get all the First Aid achievements before it disappears
  • Save up some gold
  • Level at least one of my allied race alts to 110

It’s a pretty modest list, and every single thing on it is perfectly achievable if I keep playing WoW between now and August. I’ll be curious to see if I actually do all of them or if I end up taking a break!

Do you have anything you’re eager to do before Legion is over?