Regularly Playing: July 2019 Edition

For those who have been reading this blog for some time you will know that I have a semi-monthly series that I call “regularly playing” where I attempt to update the sidebar on my blog.  This is the second month where I am trying to do this at the beginning of the month rather than remembering to do it towards the end of a month. June was a pretty stable month as far as game playing, and effectively there is really nothing much changing in the mix. However I am still going to go through the actions of this post to keep myself in the habit.

To Those Remaining

Bloodstained – PC and Switch
I am completely in love with this game. I’ve written so much about it recently, but effectively this is as thought you had sat down immediately after creating Symphony of the Night and just kept going on and adding in all of the features you ever wanted in the game. The experience is flawless, and while I am hearing there are issues with the Switch port, I am too busy making my way through the PC experience to care. They have all the time in the world to fix that. I have gotten the “bad” ending, and now am trying to work on better endings.
Destiny 2 – PC
I went on a brief binge of playing this game and then once again got distracted by something else. I want to return to playing on a more regular basis, but I am going to have to burn down some of the other games I am working on to free up the mental bandwidth. Bungie is doing a great job of stewarding the game into this new era and I am looking forward to some of the changes that are coming with the new expansion. The game is in a great place, so well worth checking out.
Diablo 3 – PC and Switch
This is still very much in the rotation because I have more objectives to accomplish during this season. I’ve completed one conquest which can be seen in the above screenshot, involving collecting a 50 million gold streak. The next up is going to be doing a bunch of GR55s as multiple classes. I still have yet to master any set dungeons so I should probably knock that out soon as well. Essentially I got distracted but I still very much want the penultimate reward this season.
Dragalia Lost – Android
This game is effectively my night cap. I crawl into bed and spend 10-15 minutes playing this on my tablet before eventually closing the lid and going to sleep. Dragalia Lost lives in this weird place where it is just engaging enough to keep me playing on a regular basis… and not engaging enough to keep me playing it constantly to the point of burning out. In part the later part is in thanks to its mobile mechanics which favor short bursts of play rather than extended play cycles. Whatever the case going on two years I am still doing this thing.
Elder Scrolls Online – PC
I am playing nowhere near as much as this game deserves but I am still periodically logging in to move the needle forward. Right now I am deeply distracted by all of the other games that are on the market and calling my attention. I will return to you at some point when a lull happens to continue adventures in Morrowind proper.
Final Fantasy XIV – PC
I am completely back on my bullshit folks… and loving it. Just prior to the launch of Shadowbringers I found a way to get re-engaged and as a result I think the expansion thus far has been all the more meaningful. I am not sure what else I can really say about this that I have not already said in a bunch of recent blog posts. Final Fantasy XIV is a lovingly curated game experience, and I am enjoying the hell out of the ride.
Magic the Gathering Arena – PC
This month I have not spent an awful lot of time playing, but it is still on the list of things that I dive into when I want something more quiet and contemplative. I am not entirely certain this one is ever really going to leave the proper rotation, at least not for the time being. The pace of magic sets being released really reinforces the need to keep popping ones head back into the game every so often. Yesterday Core 20 was released, so I need to pop in and check it out.

To the New and Returning

For the very first time in the history of this column of sorts… I don’t have any new games being added to the mix. I reached a point of stasis this month and for the time being it is a pretty great mix of titles to be engaged in.

To Those Departing

Once again… nothing to see here. I didn’t out and out stop playing anything this month but continued largely playing the same things.

Honorable Mentions

Wizards Unite – Android
This one is sliding in as an honorable mention and not something new… because quite frankly I don’t think I will be spending any more time with the game. Wizards Unite released for mobile platforms and represents an attempt to capture the same magic as Pokemon Go… but with the Harry Potter IP. I feel like they have failed to do that, and as a result have created a fairly cumbersome and often times unfun experience. It is worth mentioning, but only just.
E3 As a Whole
A lot of my bandwidth was taken up by watching the E3 coverage unfurl, and as a result I am giving it an honorable mention as well. It was not a great show, but there were several gems. The new Commander Keen game is not really ones of them, but I am just in part happy see ANYTHING to do with that IP. It was probably a toss up between Microsoft and Square for who had the best showing, and then everything else falls down significantly after that.

Excellent Messaging

I am rapidly getting to the point where I do not have much in the way of screenshots to share that are also not massive spoilers. Last night I took down my very first Trial of the expansions, and I was very pleasantly surprised with how that went down. I had done a little bit of reading up on the mechanics since I would be queuing as a tank, and they warned me about several tricky spots to watch out for that tripped groups up. However went it came time to actually doing the Trial I queued in… and everyone did the mechanics as necessary and we largely one-shot the encounter. I have to think this is in part because Final Fantasy XIV does an exceptional job of messaging what the player should be doing. As we have arrived at this point in the third expansion, or fourth if you consider A Realm Reborn as an expansion… they have differentiated each type of effect so that it has a very unique visual signature. When you need to stack up there is a giant pictograph showing arrows pulsing in towards a center location. When the boss is about to do a mechanic that will have a rotational effect… there is a spinning wheel graphic around the outside of the boss indicating the rotation direction. Final Fantasy XIV is a game that gives the player very clear advisement on what they should be doing at any given time and all they have to do is effectively pay attention to these. The first dungeon of this expansion was a bit of a wake up call and refresher course, and having done that it largely set the tone for the expansion and the expectations of the players. You will be doing mechanics, you already know how to do this… you just need to follow the directions. Doing this up front seems to have bore fruit in how generally smoothly that Trial went. Now we did have some struggles in the 2nd dungeon with a Dragoon that did not want to mechanic… but whatever the case we pulled through it and adapted quickly. Last night I pushed into 74 and have started the forth and I believe final new area of the expansion. I’ve reunited with more friends… but I am still absolutely confused to some details of that reuniting. I am also deeply confused by other things going on, which sorta gives me an idea about what events have transpired since we were last with them. Final Fantasy is really good at making a deep cut that calls back a couple of expansions, and I think one of these is happening and will eventually unfold. I’ve also made a handful of predictions about what is to come. I think a major character that we keep running into is a Light Warden for example, but I won’t go into any level of detail on that one yet.
As far as the launch contest, I had some entries… actually way less than I would have expected. Regardless there were a bunch of good comments, which was in theory the point of this. I had a spare time card and since I pay on the maximum cycle I never can use them as square only allows you to accrue so much play time credit at once. It seems that google now has a random number generator if you search for “random number generator” and I used it to draw the result. So Congratz to Blu3 who is winning the time card. I will be reaching out to you today to send you the code. I hope everyone is still enjoying the expansion, and honestly I am in that point of looking forward to getting home every night to see more story unfold.

The World of Ruin

I’ve been trying to figure out how to even begin to talk about Shadowbringers, especially with the limitation of not wanting to spoil anything for anyone who isn’t joining until Tuesday. I have to think at this point that is probably a very small group, given that if you are going to play a MMORPG expansion there really is no reason not to pre-order it. Regardless Shadowbringers head start began on Friday and I didn’t get in to play at all until that evening. I am woefully behind the pack in leveling because life happened this weekend in a way that pulled me off the computer.
For lack of a better term… Shadowbringers is to Final Fantasy XIV what The Burning Crusade was to World of Warcraft. This is the first time we are leaving the normal flow of the game and going somewhere that exists on another world. Both are games about broken worlds and a populace that is hanging on by a thread. However Burning Crusade represented a bombastic and comic book style version of that setting with literal fields of Hellscape or entire zones turned green from Fel energies. Instead Shadowbringers represents a much more subtle and adult version of peril… where the thing we all thought was a good thing ran amok and swept away most of the planet in a giant flood of flight energies… plunging the world into eternal daylight.
The story weaves around attempting to save this shard known as the first so it doesn’t end up triggering a cataclysm on our world known as the source. What you see is a world gone wrong… with lots of areas that will remind you so much of areas in Eorzea. Amh Araeng for example reminds me of the deserts of Southern Thanalan and parts of Ala Mhigo, just with the races and their characteristics all jumbled. Similarly Kholusia feels very much like La Noscea and with that Eulmore like a twisted version of Limsa Lominsa. I make the reference in the title but in many ways it reminds me of the subtle changes that were made to the world in Final Fantasy VI as you roam the World of Ruin.
On the Source we are well known as the Warrior of Light, and there is rarely a situation we are going into where the other party does not recognize us. In the First we are a stranger in a strange land and learn early on that we should not go about talking about our powers. This is a realm that had its own Warriors of Light, that ultimately unleashed the flood. As such it is a world that is resigned to its calamities and untrusting of any would be heroes that happen across their path wanting to lend a hand. Essentially this is the perfect version of the Outland… and the one that only Final Fantasy XIV could deliver to us. It is a setting rich in its own lore that is curiously divergent from our own, but also a setting that is going to feel eerily familiar at every turn.
As far as the class changes… I am loving Warrior and I have apparently abandoned all sense of trying to level in a measured manor. It took me some time to figure out some of the changes and I had to lean on Ashgar to tell me where my active mitigation went. Now that I am used to it however I am really enjoying myself, and loving the absence of TP. I’ve also spent some time playing Samurai and Bard but they both seem to largely be unchanged in real meaningful ways. On the other side I have heard of lots of classes that got massive reworks, and so far people seem to be enjoying them. I’ve spent some time playing as a Gunblade, which is a really weird tank but Tam seems to love it. I am sure I will play more of it as time goes on. Right now there is so much I want to do… but I am largely trying to keep myself focused on leveling and moving the MSQ forward so I don’t get left completely behind.
I am greatly enjoying myself and wish I could take the entire week to sit at home and play. I didn’t really get anywhere near as much time as I would have liked to play this weekend. Saturday was taken up by a string of horrible things going wrong… that started with an outdoor wedding on an Oklahoma summer day with a heat index of 111 degrees. I’m a little sun burned after that and the rest of the day sorta went downhill. On Sunday I had to catch up on all of the things that didn’t happen Saturday which put me feeling like I am 2 to 3 levels behind the pack. Thankfully Grace has been willing to healbutts whenever I finally unlock a dungeon, so I am at least able to progress through. However once again we are suffering from the too many tanks problem, but unfortunately… I just don’t feel comfortable playing any other role.
Also another reminder. There is a contest going on where I am giving away a 60 day time card. You can view the full contest rules over on this post, but essentially go there and leave a comment of at least two sentences telling me what you are looking forward to the most in the game. Tuesday morning I will collect the comments and decide a winner, since the cut off for the contest is the official launch day. Hopefully you too are enjoying Shadowbringers, and I was super careful not to give too much of the plot away for those who might not yet be to that point in the story.