Heroics and Xinyan and Catfriends

Good morning friends! This morning I am riding the struggle bus to catch the fail boat chartered to the island state of confusion. I have no clue why I am so tired, but my wife would tell you it is because I periodically sleep sitting up during the night. I have no memory of doing this thing at all. She claims that she will wake up and just find me sitting there on the edge of the bed snoring… at which point she convinces me to lay back down. Like last night I do remember getting up to turn on the ceiling fan, but that is all I have in my head. I mostly had nightmares about my folks and needing me to do a million different disconnected things for them.
I had originally intended to spend the evening getting Soul Ash in Torghast, but instead I queued for a bunch of dungeons. There are some significant deficits in my gearing… namely I don’t have a reasonable weapon. Sadly the only Auction House version is around 300-400k which I do not have especially after dumping money into leveling professions. Effectively there are three dungeons I can be running: The Necrotic Wake, Mists of Tirna Scithe, and De Other Side. They each drop a weapon but for some reason the queue times for each of them is completely nonsense. Mists of Tirna Scithe for whatever reason involves people dropping after the first boss… because I guess folks are farming it for a specific drop. All told though the heroics I did run gave me quite a few decent upgrades even though they were not a weapon.
Another day passed netting me another pull in Genshin Impact and I lucked out and grabbed Xinyan one of the new characters on this banner. I am not certain what I thought she was going to be, but I did not expect another greatsword user. She sorta seems like a fire version of Beidou, but I have not spent much time playing her. Since I do not have a Diluc she is absolutely a good pull. I am wondering about trying to level her up as a replacement for Xiangling in my main party. I also wonder how well she would work backed up by Bennet as a main damage dealer.
Something that I meant to talk about yesterday morning but did not… is did some nonsense. A few years back I installed a security cam on the front porch. It was shortly after doing this that we realized we had quite a few cats in the neighborhood. We have been feeding these catfriends and then enjoying watching their lives via the camera. I have been sharing some of these clips with my close friends, and on a whim I decided to create a YouTube channel called Catfriend Television where I upload various clips and write about the babies that were captured in the footage. If you are so inclined for this brand of nonsense then feel free to follow. The post Heroics and Xinyan and Catfriends appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Fun with Abominations

Yesterday did not really go as planned in so many different ways. It was of course the reset day for World of Warcraft which meant that we would be able to once again make progress in our covenant and also on the trail of crafting the first legendary. My plan was to get home and clear some Torghast to get the soul ash required to craft a rank 1 ilvl 190 legendary. Instead I had a fairly horrific run that mostly soured me on Torghast for the rest of the night. It is a very RNG based game mode like most Rogue-Lite games and the luck was not with me. I got to the final boss and had barely found anything that would give me significant power in order to defeat it. So I will make another attempt tonight once some time has passed.
Instead I spent a good chunk of the night messing around with the new systems that were unlocked. Namely I made some abominations! Right now I have the default one you get Chordy, which has an ability that runs off and finds something shiny for you to loot. Through additional questing I got the parts to build the abomination of my choosing and I went with Roseboil, which has the ability to throw out a seemingly decent heal. I am a little disappointed that I can’t mix and match parts, because that is ultimately what I envisioned in my head. However having a little undead pet friend seems pretty great nonetheless and right now it seems like you can choose between shiny finding, healing, tanking, one that is a vendor and one that is potentially a mount. The only customization seems to be in giving them items to hold… like mine has a Horde faction flag.
Another thing that happened yesterday is that I spend copious amounts of gold and resources to grind up my blacksmithing. This was prompted by the fact that the precursors required for the legendary plate items are complete nonsense right now, going for between 300k and 400k on the auction house. I wondered what it would take to power level my blacksmithing instead of paying that premium, and it turns out for about 150k I could purchase the materials to level all of the way to 100 as well as the enchanted materials that I could not craft that were required for the legendary item I was seeking. Since I have a lot of plate wearers this seemed like a reasonable choice because as soon as one of my enchanter friends can make the metal required I should be able to knock out precursors fairly reasonably.
In other news… Genshin Impact got a new character banner, this time for Zhongli. I had a few single pulls saved up and managed to luck out and get him. I had originally hoped to get another Razor which also has higher rates during this banner, but I will settle for a five star. I was not a huge fan of Childe so I wasn’t super pumped to keep making attempts to get him. Zhongli however seems like a pretty reasonable option given he does a lot of AOE Geo Damage and is I think only my second spear wielder total. I need to figure out a way to work this game back in my rotation because I would like to at least get far enough in the Battle Pass to unlock another weapon. Hopefully tonight I have some better luck in Torghast and can finish off crafting my legendary. Right now I am leaning towards one that is beneficial to all three specs even though it is technically flagged as “Retribution”. I need to start setting foot into heroics so I can push up my item level a bit more. The raid opens in a few weeks and I am not sure if Facepull plans on going in… but I would like to at least have the option to join them. More than likely I would be focusing on Retribution given that it is easy to have a DPS show up than the commitment to always being there as a tank. They raid at a not great time slot for me so it would be really hard for me to lock down to always being there every week. The post Fun with Abominations appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Thinking about Legendaries

Morning Friends! Last night had a relatively simple mission. Up until that point I had managed to clear all three layers of Soulforges in Torghast and the first and second layers of Upper Reaches. As you might be able to guess the goal was to get through the third layer of Upper Reaches so that I could go into this next reset period knowing I had achieved as much Soul Ash as was possible for the content available. This will put me 440 Soul Ash away from crafting my first Legendary, which I will have to spend copious amounts of gold on the Auction House in order to craft next week. I am nowhere near the point with my blacksmithing as to be able to craft the precursor items needed.
Ultimately the question then is what the hell legendary should I go after? Right now I am leaning towards Relentless Inquisitor on my legs because in theory that benefits both Protection and Retribution given that I am spending time in both specs. I also managed to get the associated Memory last night for clearing layer 3 of Upper Reaches. Unfortunately Shadowghast legs are currently going for 250k gold on my server and I am hoping that maybe once Legendaries are actually a thing folks will be crafting enough of these to start some downwards pressure on that price tag. If not I guess there is always the route of me grinding my blacksmithing up… I should really do the calculation of the cost of just buying ore in order to finish leveling versus buying a finished item.
I’ve been spending a surprising amount of time pugging dungeon runs as Retribution, which is in part why I want to protect my viability with that spec. I enjoy tanking for friends, but I just haven’t had the energy to put myself out there as a pug tank as late. I spent almost ALL of my time in overworld zones in prot spec, just because it is easier to gather up all of the things and slowly burn them down rather than play the game of kill it before it kills me. I’ve largely been doing normals but I really should transition over to heroics at some point soon. There are a bunch of slots that I have failed to get any upgrades for, but across the board I have pushed my level across the threshold for heroics and had quite a bit of fun doing so.
Since I had essentially reached the point where I couldn’t make much in the way of progress on my main… I opted to start working on my Demon Hunter last night. I’ve gotten through the Maw intro quest and am now starting Bastion. The positive there however is that there are a lot of animals in bastion and I can grind up some leatherworking as I take a much more casual pace on this character. I opted to just go for the Main Story Quest route as opposed to the Threads of Fate route because I am seeing folks report that it is still a faster option. In theory once you get close to 60, you can just turn on threads of fate to complete the storyline and then grind out the last little bit to ding. That might be the best of both worlds and pattern the sort of leveling style that took place in previous expansions with alts. In spite of everything I wrote yesterday, I am still more or less enjoying myself. The jury is still out where this expansion ranks in the hierarchy of expansions but for now I am interested to see what week two brings us. The post Thinking about Legendaries appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.