Immortality Ends – HSR 1.2

This week a new content patch dropped for Honkai Star Rail that finishes and I believe more or less concludes the main storyline on the Xianzhou Luofu aka “Space China”. This patch specifically adds two big new overworld areas and a new boss fight. The story content itself was enjoyable but felt a bit on the short side. I guess I was not sure what to expect, but I thought I remembered story patches in Genshin Impact being a little bit beefier. I mostly wrapped this up in a few hours on a single evening, and largely involved a few short quests leading up to the big boss encounter.
The new boss was pretty fun, but what I was really hoping for was a great new theme. It is good… but nowhere near as memorable or epic as Wildfire. In fact, while the fight was going on… I caught precisely zero percent of the theme really and it was only when I came back later that I was able to give it a proper listen. While doing the fight it mostly felt like background noise, instead of Wildfire or even the Doomsday Beast fight where the theme itself felt like a strong part of the experience. Maybe this one just isn’t my jam. It is well orchestrated but won’t likely be something I ever play on the Astral Express, whereas I generally have Wildfire on a constant loop.
The underwater zone specifically is gorgeous. This also gives me a new area to farm Luofu zone currency so I can maybe buy the remaining Eidolon upgrades for Fire Main Character. Actually, now that I think about it… this does make me wonder a bit if we are actually done with this area. If you follow the Genshin model, when you finish with an area you often end up unlocking a new elemental power. Then again maybe those are going to happen here every two planets since Physical form spanned the first two areas, and the Luofu sells up Eidolon tokens for Fire mode. Mostly I think I am mentally done with Space China and am ready to move on to more planetary shenanigans.
The banner this time around is for Blade… which is a character I have zero interest in. I already have Dan Heng that I use as my heavy melee character and I am fine with that. I am in currency hoarding mode for when the Kafka banner starts which I am guessing will be the tail end of August. The only sad thing about this banner is that I like the 4 stars… and would not mind picking more Eidolons up for them. I also do not have Arlan and he is a pretty solid character overall for lightning. I also really like Arlan personality-wise.
One of the really nice things that was added in with the patch is trials for all of the 5-star characters that are on the normal banner. I believe these are also all of the ones that can be chosen from on the 300 pull choose-a-5-star reward. If nothing else… they are a pretty easy way to get 140 free pull currency. It always seems like it is worth taking the time to do trials when they are available because it is essentially free currency and materials.
All told I think it has been a pretty solid patch, but I am looking forward to some of the events starting. Right now the only event available is the login reward bonus that essentially gives you a 10 pull on the Blade banner. There is a new mini-game that was introduced that involves flying around a Cycrane and identifying targets. It isn’t exactly my jam, but it also isn’t annoying. I am hoping we get at least one event during this patch cycle that is even vaguely close to as good as the Museum event was in Belebog. What are your thoughts so far? Have you finished the story content? Drop me a line below. The post Immortality Ends – HSR 1.2 appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Seasonal Stinker

I’ve been done with Diablo IV for a few weeks now and I reached that point when I finally entered World Tier IV… and nothing really changed for me. I kept waiting for the game to get fun, and really without a significant investment of more time I was uncertain I would ever arrive at that point. I put around 200 hours into the game over the course of leveling and gearing, and never really landed on an end-game activity that I truly enjoyed. Barbarian never felt the way I expected it to feel and my survivability always ended when I got crowd controlled, and given my CC break was part of my rage generation mechanism that made playing feel worthwhile… it was always on cooldown. For the last few weeks of playing the game, I had fallen into a pattern where the only time I actually played was when my friend Cyl happened to be on and a world boss was just about to spawn. Essentially I was playing the game in daily quest mode.
I held out a glimmer of hope that maybe Season 1 would bring some significant changes to the game that would improve my enjoyment. However that is absolutely not the case, and in fact, the patch notes nerfed essentially everything that was working without really replacing them with significant changes to any other abilities to bring them up to par. So this tells me that the gameplay loop that the devs working on this game are going for… is a slow slog of a game where you die a lot. While the outrage has been almost universal even from folks who were able to suffer through Diablo Immortal… and there is an emergency Fireside Chat scheduled for Friday… I feel like any backpedaling is only going to serve to delay the end goal of slowing down the players. I already considered Diablo IV to be a bit of a slog… so anything slower is going in the wrong direction for me personally.
I still feel like Diablo IV is a game designed for folks who only casually interact with ARPGs… but with way more hardcore vibes designed for someone playing Path of Exile Ruthless mode for thousands of hours to accomplish anything. There is no real solid core endgame loop, and Nightmare Dungeons feel miserable. The only really fun activities are the World Bosses and Helltides, but they are gated by lengthy timers… and the last patch nerfed Mystery Chests so that Helltides now feel like a waste of your time as well. There is nothing like Path of Exile Maps, Last Epoch Monolith, or even Diablo III Greater Rifts that provides an efficient and fun way to grind out experience and gear. At level 70 I unliked the highest tier of gear in the game and was able to gear myself relatively quickly… which left only fruitless grinding for Paragon points and trying to hit level 100 as my remaining goals. There was nothing really aspirational to chase at that point, and Season 1 does nothing to really fix that.
Even more so… Season 1 does nothing to really fix some of the core problems with the game. The UI for the stash is awful. The manner in which you build a character requires you to be holding onto legendary items in either raw item form or very limited legendary aspect storage. This means every time you get an item that is numerically an upgrade, you have to extract and imprint the correct aspect on it… which effectively forces you to mouse over every single item in your inventory looking for the right one. None of the game’s systems have search functionality. This is even more important than the fact that you have a measly 200 slots of stash storage that rapidly gets used by your very first character. All of this seemed like low-hanging fruit for them to implement some rapid improvements, but we are seeing nothing of the sort in Season 1. In fact critical problems with the game like the fact that resistances are meaningless… are being kicked down the road to Season 2 before addressing.
I’ve uninstalled Diablo IV and now only have Diablo III remaining on my system. Largely I did this so that I did not for some reason accidentally use my Battle Pass entitlement that came with the game. I have no interest in playing Season 1, and quite honestly… it is probably going to be a few seasons before I dip my toes back into the game. Right now the team has designed and is trying to reinforce a game different from the sort of game that I want to play. I think the game as a whole is going to have to fall on its face like Diablo III did before we can get a Reaper of Souls update that brings the game back in line with what a fun gameplay experience looks like. Maybe in a year’s time, they will have been forced to reconcile where they went wrong… and begin to bring the game back in line with what an ARPG experience should feel like. I’ve been done for a while… it wasn’t until the seasonal patch drop that I decided to just uninstall and free up the drive space.
Unfortunately for Blizzard, they have also somewhat run out of time to get their shit together. Next week is ExileCon in Auckland New Zealand and with it will come a deluge of new information about the 3.22 Patch and the new league that will be dropping on August 18th. Additionally, there will be more news about Path of Exile 2… which means all of the POE Streamers and YouTubers who have been giving Diablo IV airtime due to the Crucible league being a bit lacking… will suddenly disappear from the community. Additionally, there is a slew of Destiny 2 content creators that came over to play Diablo IV, and they have already filtered back into their own community. So the Diablo IV “community” is about to get much smaller and I am just not sure who is going to be left as a dedicated player.
There is no doubt for me personally, that Path of Exile continues to be the best Action RPG on the market. You just cannot compete with the sheer amount of detailed content that is available in that game, and when POE2 adds an entirely new alternate leveling path with some massive core system changes… I am not sure if anyone can really compete. Please note… I LOVE Last Epoch but it is nowhere near ready to really be mainlined as a primary game because there just isn’t enough breadth of content available. It is fun for a while but the repetition of the limited amount of content available wears thin really quickly. With Path of Exile, you can focus on one small niche of that community and carve out enough gameplay to keep you busy the entire league. There are folks who will spend an entire league doing almost nothing but Heist, Delve, or even specific mapping mechanics like Legion or Blight.
The core problem with Path of Exile will always be one of accessibility. The tyranny of the tree is real… and it is purposefully there a few minutes into the gameplay as a way of warning players that they are in for a very specific type of gameplay experience. However, having played a lot of this game… I feel like it is nowhere near as daunting as someone just starting out might think it is. There are a lot of guide makers out there, but most of them have forgotten how fucked up the game seems when you first start out. I am contemplating trying to create some content targeted at trying to ease players into some of the critical steps in building a character, to at least give them enough of a foundation to be able to follow most build guides. It is going to take way more time than I have this week, so view that as a future project of mine. The post Seasonal Stinker appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

What Zelda Was Actually Like

Hey Folks! I’ve mentioned a few times that I have been playing around with Yuzu and while I purchased Tears of the Kingdom on my Switch… I didn’t really get into it until I dumped the game and started playing it on PC. Essentially “Breath of the Zelda” series has one fatal flaw as far as I am concerned… weapon durability. I hates it… I hates it so much… and it ultimately destroys my enjoyment of the game. So on the emulator, I can apply a “patch” of sorts to simply remove that problem. I did not make it all the way through Breath of the Wild until I played it on Cemu, so it isn’t shocking that the same seems to be playing out with Tears of the Kingdom. You also have the side effect of playing at a higher frame rate and with slightly improved graphics.
All told I think I like this entry a lot better than I liked Breath of the Wild. Both games started you out in a sort of “starter island” experience, with Breath of the Wild being a plateau that you could not leave without access to the Glider and Tears of the Kingdom being a literal island in the sky. You are set forth with only the vaguest of directions and left to sort of bumblefuck your way around the island and figure out exactly how you should go about traversing it. At first, this felt grossly inefficient, especially given that you only end up with one shrine marked on your map and you sorta have to guess at the location of the other two. Each shrine is effectively unlocked by the power you’ve learned from the previous one, so by the time you leave the first island you get a feel of how to use the new combining powers to their fullest.
A few months ago Kodra set forth to play some Tears of the Kingdom and found the experience disappointing which led to a discussion on the podcast with me relating my feelings about Diablo IV to his feelings about the latest Zelda entry. The end result is that we thought maybe Breath of the Wild was a good game but not necessarily a good Zelda game. I think the challenge is that we are looking at the game through the lens of multiple decades of living with this series. I personally consider A Link to the Past as my favorite Zelda game in the entire series and I think for Kodra it is Majora’s Mask. As I have been playing Tears of the Kingdom I have begun to re-evaluate that conversation in my head. I think maybe I was misinterpreting my modern view of the series with what the series originally was at its core.
Thinking back about the very first game… I similarly was left to bumblefuck my way around it and failed to make much progress until I got my hands on the above image. Nintendo of America released this magical tome called the “Official Nintendo Player’s Guide” and it contained detailed maps and boss strategies to take down almost every game in the arsenal at the time of publication in 1987. In the original Legend of Zelda, that first dungeon is super easy to find and then the second dungeon requires you to just roam around aimlessly around a ton of territory to actually find it. I am pretty sure originally I had fought these dungeons out of order and did three long before I finished two. So when I got ahold of the maps… I was finally able to strategically knock out the dungeons in order. Similar to Breath of the Wild, I only had the vaguest of directions to go on… that I know Dungeons exist and that I should clear them.
The outrageous options that you have with Tears of the Kingdom and building took a bit of getting used to. Last night before I logged I was held up in a shrine that required me to make hot air balloons to do “something” but that objective was not entirely clear. It was fun as hell though to slap a fan to a minecart and watch it zoom along a track out over a chasm. I’ve built several different boats to varying degrees of success and can see the potential to make gliders that are powered by a fan and can let me cross great distances. Last night I helped repair a cart and tame a horse to drive it. The objectives are what you make of them, and there is often a simple solution… and then a way more convoluted one that you could take if you are so inclined.
I also now get why folks were telling me that weapon durability was not as much of a problem in this game as it is in Breath of the Wild. One of your powers amounts to the ability to take shitty weapons and glue strong components to them… to make less shitty weapons. For example, I glued a fire emitter to a shield and now have a fire-breathing shield. Similarly, I have a Boss Boko horn that is curiously sword blade shaped… glued to a random tarnished sword that I picked up and have turned into a rather effective piece of gear. Per the lore… every weapon in Hyrule has decayed as a result of the opening moments of the game and the only way to make them viable… is by crafting something with them. I still greatly prefer not to have durability turned on however so that when I land upon a weapon I like… I can just keep it indefinitely.
I’m in no real rush to get through this game, but I do find it rather relaxing to play. I’m trying not to let it bother me how general or vague the objectives are. If I see a shrine along my path… I go attempt it. If I see something off in the distance that catches my eye… I go explore it. I am however mostly going in the direction of my next objective marked on my map. However, I was given four equal objectives… and I just happened to choose the one that seemed like it was the correct one. All in all, I think Tears of the Kingdom is probably a more compelling game than Breath of the Wild. The world already feels more vibrant and alive. It also feels like less of a retread of the rote Zelda story we have experienced in one form or another before. There are more new elements being woven into this tale.
I am honestly surprised by how much I am enjoying the game. After the conversation on the podcast, I sort of thought that it would not be for me. I am pleasantly surprised that has not been the case. It is also shocking how much more I enjoy playing Nintendo Switch games on a PC than I ever did on the console. That is entirely my problem, and I wish there was a way to pass saved data back and forth between the two. I might look into this… or I might just get Yuzu up and running on my Steam Deck as that might be simpler. Hopefully, you are having a great week. At this point, I have gotten three certifications this week and will be wrapping up the fourth today. Then by Friday I should have my fifth and be done for a while. I am so ready to return to being alone in my office plugging away in lieu of being in person. The experience has been fine, but by yesterday at lunch, I was done with human interaction. The post What Zelda Was Actually Like appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Coffin Dude Get

Good Morning Friends! Whelp I took a bit of a gamble and it paid off. I was running out of time to get Luocha with the new banner arriving soon. To be honest… I don’t really love this character but after playing with him… he is freaking broken as far as healers go and I needed a second healer. So I spent $30 in additional pulls and managed to luck out and get him. I had hit pity off free pulls at the beginning of his banner only to get a different 5-Star champion, so I was hoping that would not happen again. Now I can rest on my laurels and gather up pull currency because Blade is next up, and I don’t need him at all. My hope is to be able to gather up a stockpile and take a run at Kafka when her banner opens.
I’m really looking forward to the next patch dropping because it looks like we might be finishing up the Luofu story arc with another big boss fight. I am not super enthralled with “Space China”, and am very happy to be leaving it behind. What I am probably looking forward to the most… is a new boss theme because both the Herta Station and Jarillo-VI boss fights are absolute bangers. It will be interesting to see what themes they choose to go with for this boss theme. I’m also looking forward to some of the events that are going to be happening. The museum event essentially proved to me that this team can do some really interesting stuff with mini-events. If my information is correct, this should drop tomorrow, which may or may not actually be “tonight” my time.
In Blaugust news, the other day I did this dumb image showing off the ten different logos we’ve had over the years. So far the whole Vaporwave/Arcade/Yearbook thing I have going on this year seems to generally be better received than my Stranger-Things-inspired look last year. Truth be told… I don’t really consult anyone when I start crafting the yearly nonsense. Maybe I should, but honestly… this has always sorta been my thing and I am shocked as fuck that anyone follows along. One thing that is a bit different this year from previous years is that I have taken over the generation of the OPML file to make importing into an RSS reader a bit easier. My long-term goal is to automate this, but for the time being I am doing some dumb stuff with Google Sheets and =CONCATENATE().
We still have fourteen days until the official beginning of Blaugust, and each day more sign-ups are flowing in. I sorta regret the way the event is falling with me being in training all day every day this week. Normally speaking I would be a bit more active on social media to keep the interest levels high. However I just can’t really do that, and after not “peopling” for the last three years… by the time I get out of training, I am just drained. I didn’t even do anything resembling coherent gameplay last night as I bounced from one game to another. I am pumped however that regardless of my lack of support this week we are already sitting at 38 sign-ups as of the time of this posting. Given that we always have a number of “buzzer beaters”, and even some folks who decide to start after it is already in progress… I have a feeling this is going to be a rather “lorge” year.
There is still plenty of time to sign-up and add your blog, and no shade at “buzzer beaters”… because I habitually am one. I’ve seen a lot of new traction on Discord which is really nice as well. I feel bad that I am not active this week, but I hope to make up for it next week when my life begins to shift back to normal. I’m really looking forward to this Blaugust because even if no one else signed up… we already have an interesting mix of new people interested in our yearly nonsense. Still not sure how many of these morning posts I will be able to knock out this week, but I am going to try and get as many of them as I can before exhaustion claims me. It does not help that Gracie was an asshole and started screaming at the top of her lungs at around 10 pm… and finally got locked out of the bedroom around 1 am. I hope yall are having a most excellent week though! Unfortunately, since I have to pass three certification exams by the end of the week… it isn’t like I can do my trick of just disassociating until I am on the other side of the frustrating thing that I don’t want to deal with. I need to soak up knowledge so I can regurgitate it back on an exam. The post Coffin Dude Get appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.