Reevaluating Azeroth

Good Morning Folks! Hopefully, this morning’s post is going to be what I intended to write yesterday… a general rundown of my thoughts upon returning to World of Warcraft. I’ve been back I think four days now, and in that time I pushed through enough of Shadowlands to hit 60, and then immediately swapped over to Dragonflight. First I have to say that one of the best decisions that I made was accepting the Gear Upgrade that appears to be available for all of my old characters. This did a few things… firstly it made sure I had a vaguely competent item level for the content I was about to be starting. Secondly, it whisked away everything that was not absolutely needed from my inventory… mailed those items to me… and then made sure I had a good set of bags. Now on that last step… there seems to be no logic applied to that process because it removed much larger bags than the ones that it gave me so I had to fish those out of the mailbox.
This tells me that the WoW Team has done some research in what can make a player bounce from the game. For me… it is absolutely the sorry state of my bags when I last played the game. I’ve been gone from these characters for at least three years, and I have no clue at all what half of the stuff that was rotting in my inventory is even used for. Having all of that painlessly shoved into my mailbox… where I have over a hundred days to deal with it before caring… was the right choice. This allowed me to focus on what was good and interesting about the game and not on inventory management… the part of any game that I enjoy the least. Now there are folks who said not to take the gear upgrade, so maybe the shift between Shadowlands and Dragonflight is less valuable but for me… who last played the character I decided to play in Battle for Azeroth, and even then only half-assed it… it was very much a needed step.
Another thing that I have greatly enjoyed upon returning is the Dragonflight talent system. I admit I was a Talen Point system enjoyer, or at least I was prior to the great watering down of talents to a series of three choices… one of which was almost always the correct choice. The new system feels like I can more closely tailor a character to the way that I want to play it. For example, I loved Shield Charge during the short-lived Gladiator stance days of Warlords of Draenor, so I was super happy to see that I could in fact get that back and since I love charging all over the place it essentially gave me a second charge button. I love Paladin Shield Bounce for pulling mobs and Titanic Throw turns my existing Heroic Throw into something very similar where I lob five attacks at mobs in a cluster and can pull entire packs. Both of these are purely optional things and someone who doesn’t quite have the fondness for either can easily pick around them. The best part of all of this is how easy it is to change this up, because anytime I am sitting in a town I can fiddle with my talents to get rid of the things that didn’t work out the way I wanted them and try something new.
The big feature that everyone seems to be in love with is Dragonriding, and on some level, I agree with them. Having access to a flying mount on day one of a new expansion in World of Warcraft is pretty amazing. I love the customizability of the mount itself and being able to swap up the appearance as you find new unlocks out in the world. However the mechanics of Dragonriding itself… I am sorry folks but I am going to be that guy. Dragonriding is just a universally worse version of the Skyscale from Guild Wars 2… specifically, my key complaints are that it takes about three times too long to summon your mount and similarly takes about four times too long to regenerate stamina for doing things with it. I am so used to having almost instant mounts from Guild Wars 2 and the flight pattern of a Skyscale where you take a pause on a cliff for a few seconds and are back to where all of your stamina is regenerated again. Like it is a good system, and completely revolutionary for a game like World of Warcraft… but the Skyscale is still much better.
Another system that I find interesting upon coming back is the Trading Post and the World of Warcraft loyalty currency the Traders Tender aka colloquially “Tendies”. I was surprised at how shockingly easy it was to rack up a decent number of these while doing random stuff in the game. I am sure at some point I will have collected all of the low-hanging fruit but then having the ability to choose what I want to buy from the shop is also pretty great. I can see this as being anxiety-ridden for the “gotta catch em all” players out there… but for me, there are only a handful of items that I am actually interested in. I think a lot of the stuff on the store looks not great… but I am waffling on whether or not I need this giant shield with a scarab on it.
Shocking to no one… the first things that I went for are the mounts. I am by no means a completionist, but mounts are at least something I will enjoy using on all of my characters. I went for the cute copper scarab with pink wings as my first choice. It wiggles its butt while you run, which is adorable. It also gives me a Scarab that works outside of Ahn Qiraj which is sorta cool. I also picked up the other mount which is one of those giant Pterodactyls from BFA. The contents of the store rotates every 30 days, so that seems like enough time to gather up tenders to pick up the item you want. You also have the ability to save a single item that you are trying to save up for that will not rotate when the shop inventory does. All of this seems pretty cool for a loyalty system designed to make players log in and engage with the game every day.
As far as Dragonflight goes… I really enjoy the zones. The first zone while interesting is a bit of a wet blanket, but the second zone is very Nagrand-inspired which wins some big points for me personally. Nagrand in both forms was one of my favorite zones in the game. The third zone seems to be taking notes from Grizzly Hills in Northrend, which again… is a favorite zone of mine. I’ve found myself caring about the Dragonflights way more than I have since Wrath of the Lich King. There was a moment in WoW storytelling that bothered me more than any and really soured my interest in larger themes. We did so much work with the Dragonflights in Wrath, and then interacting with Alextrasza in Twilight Highland and her treating us as someone who has not already saved her bacon more than once… annoyed the fuck out of me and made me stop caring about dragons. Shadowlands restored a bit of that faith when Lady Vashj made specific references to me having killed her… and so far that same attention to detail seems to be carrying forward with Dragonflight.
I think more than anything though I am mechanically enjoying the Warrior. I’ve had the freedom through the talent system to tweak it and create some of my favorite features on the same character. I will always be a sword and board enthusiast and being able to feel powerful as a tanky character is great. I love charging into entire packs and slowly whittling them down with my PBAOE and Cone-based attacks. The other thing that I have found interesting is just how damned fast I am leveling. At this point, I am just about to hit 69, so I will be 70 WELL before I run out of content by a relatively huge margin. WoW has done this for a while but I appreciate that they have begun to focus on clearly outlining what are the main story quests and what are filler fluff… because as I go deeper into “overtime” I can see myself probably dropping some of the side quests to focus on the MSQ entirely. Though to be fair… the quirky side quests are often the best aspects of World of Warcraft.
All in all, I am enjoying myself quite a bit. I’ve not engaged with any other players in any fashion yet… but I figure at some point once I have finished leveling I might actually do that. One minor annoyance that I am dealing with is how limited the tradeskill system is in this game. I hate that harvesting abilities are not universal… which means that leveling trades on the character I happened to choose to play is a pain in the ass. Belghast as a raid leader and as a result I chose professions for reasons other than fun… I was an Engineer because at that time it gave me access to the best tanking helms in the game. I was an Enchanter because it was really handy to have your master looter be someone who could disenchant gear and then dump the materials into the bank. This means I am an engineer with no means of harvesting the materials that I need to level that profession. So that means if I care about professions I am going to have to level one of my other Alliance characters next that can then feed resources to this character. I just greatly prefer the Guild Wars 2 methodology of timed node spawns that everyone can harvest, and the ability for EVERY character to harvest EVERY resource.
I will say though that I find myself in a scenario where I have far fewer complaints about World of Warcraft than I have at any point in the past. Like that might not sound like a resounding positive but it really is. Hell, if you are curious go back and read any of my rants about this damned game from the past… almost all of those issues have been fixed. Faction no longer matters and everything is effectively cross realm… and with the upcoming systems with War Within everything is going to largely be account-based not locked to single characters. Talent points are interesting and character respecs are free and easy to do allowing you to try out some wild ideas and then shift back to something comfy if they don’t work out. Leveling is fast and painless and so far it seems like gearing might be as well… and the story appears to be improving greatly. So my greatest hits list of complaints are being narrowed down to… Tradeskills still suck and Dragonflight doesn’t feel as good as the system it copied. That is an overwhelming net positive for this game in my eyes, and it really is in a much better state than it has been at legitimately any other period in history. It feels like the devs have listened to complaints and have pivoted really freaking hard to being far more pro-player than they used to be. I am on board. I am not sure how long I will actually play this time, but I am trying very hard to remove the bitterness that I have always had when discussing this game. I like it folks, and the team has done a really good job with it. The post Reevaluating Azeroth appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Returning to Old Haunts

This is one of the last screenshots that I took from World of Warcraft around the launch of the Shadowlands expansion. It is dated 12/9 of 2020 and represents the last time that I played World of Warcraft in either Retail or Classic varieties. It was shortly after this that I canceled my subscription and started the longest period of time I have ever not played WoW since the launch of the game. While I spent some time helping with the alpha testing of Dragonflight, I’ve been gone from the game for roughly three years and in that time a lot of things have changed. Honestly, I am not sure if it was the Shadowlands expansion, the game as a whole, or my general dissatisfaction with Blizzard as a company. So much came out to tarnish those memories I had built up over the first decade of Warcraft and I was not really certain I could ever get back to the state of joy that I found in the game in those heady days prior to the launch of Cataclysm.
When I tested Dragonflight, I remember saying that the game felt better than it had during Shadowlands and that while I never got to see it start to finish… testing was divided up into little single-zone vertical slices without any music or cutscenes… that I thought it would be a much better World of Warcraft expansion than we had seen since Legion. The thing is… as good as it seemed it just was not enough to get me over the hump of angst that I felt towards Blizzard as a whole. I never would have played Diablo IV had someone not graciously gifted me a copy of that game, and my good friend Ace has still not played the game since its launch. I had said though that if Bobby Kotick finally left the company, I would take that as a sign to lay down my pitchfork and torch and give World of Warcraft a proper revisiting. I had heard enough from friends at the company that the culture did in fact seem to be changing bit by bit… but I wanted the figurehead gone as well before I would feel like maybe things COULD change permanently.
Bobby Kotick’s last day at ActiBlizz was the 29th, and on the 30th I was firing back up World of Warcraft. I took advantage of one of the bundles that purchased The War Within expansion and included a copy of Dragonflight as a result. Since I had been gone so long… I decided to give the game a shot with fresh eyes on my BC/Wrath raid main… the original Belghast, my Human Warrior on Argent Dawn US. This is still the character that I identify with the most in Warcraft and it seemed like the best option for a comeback. I’ve grown to love The Horde, but it never felt as true for me personally as playing the Alliance did. I love my Horde family however, and now that factions really do not matter in the least I figured it didn’t really matter which side of this server I played on… since Argent Dawn and Scryers are connected and all of my Alliance characters are on AD and all of my horde on Scryers.
House Stalwart is a guild in World of Warcraft that I founded with some friends on November 23rd, 2004. I will always regret the fact that our guild charter no longer says that date because I got hacked in the middle of Wrath of the Lich King and said hacker nuked the guild before transferring me off the server. I still think it was a personal attack, to be honest, but I have no clue who it might have been. While my time in Stalwart represented some of the best times I had in this game or in gaming in general… I also suffered quite possibly from the worst depression I have ever had while trying to lead this guild. I feel like I have been running away from it for years, scared to touch it for fear that it brought me back down to those deeply negative lows. While suffering… I made decisions that I am not proud of and struggled with the need for the guild to transform and change without me. The thing is… this group of folks never forgot who I was and even have this dumb note calling me out as “The Real GM”.
I need to forgive myself and realize that my downfall was not caused by the guild or any of the people in it… and that I have grown a lot since that time. I am hoping coming back and commiserating with the same folks will help to close those wounds a bit and maybe let them scab over. I apologize to Elnore, Rylacus, and Kylana for not always supporting them fully… and in the case of Elnore outright attacking her for the decisions she felt needed to be made. I should have fully supported your decisions when I stepped down, and been less of a flake when I picked up the mantle again during Pandaria. So similarly I apologize to Rylacus for unceremoniously dumping this mess in his lap. I apologize to Kylana for never really supporting him fully or telling him how much I appreciate the way he just ran with the guild and tried his best to keep the same sort of spirit. I also apologize to House Stalwart as a whole for never really being there for them even though they have offered me nothing but support through all of the bullshit phases that I have gone through over the years. They’ve always welcomed me back… even though there are I am certain a lot of people now who have zero clue who the hell I even am. I was always so careful to keep one foot out the door so I could run away again… and that was not cool.
This blog post has somewhat developed a life of its own. This happens sometimes when I start writing and is if nothing else proof that I really don’t script these ahead of time. I was going to talk about my adventures and instead, I have devoted this post to dealing with the anxiety and depression of the past. Talking about why I am enjoying Dragonflight and why I still really did not enjoy Shadowlands is a topic for another day. I hope you all had a great holiday break if you managed to get one. Today is my first day back so I need to wrap this up and actually start with some proper work. To any Stalwart folks that might be reading this… thanks for being chill and not overwhelming me as I start trying to figure out how the hell this game works. Huge thanks to Errya and Bleddwen for trying to welcome me back and letting me know that I was more than welcome to join in the activities. I appreciate you both greatly, but I am not quite there yet to where I can even think about doing any sort of activities, I might start joining yall on voice every now and then. I also appreciate Kylana for warning folks that I might be showing up once the deed was done, because that seems to have halted a lot of the “whoa, what the heck” moments. If you’ve made it this far in the post thanks for reading, and thanks for always being here for me as well no matter what level of nonsense I am getting up to. If you are reading this and from Facepull my Horde home… I still love you all and I am certain my next character with be a Hordie. I just needed to stretch my legs this time on the original Belghast. The post Returning to Old Haunts appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.