Ten Favorite Zombie Films

Good Morning Friends! I realize that the listicle is pretty much the lowest form of internet content, but excuse me while I engage in it. It is now the official month of “spoop” and as a result, I have been involved in several conversations already about horror film suggestions. First off… I consume a lot of horror films and it honestly might be my favorite genre. All of these discussions have made me realize that I have never devoted much effort to talk about the horror films that I really enjoy. Since I consume so many, it was going to be near impossible to create a superset of “favorites” but instead, I am deciding to break it up into sub-genres. Since I’ve always been a big fan of Zombies even before the Walking Dead spawned the popularization of the genre, I figured I would start here for my first in this series. These are in no particular order and include serious films as well as more satire-based comedic horror.

Shaun of the Dead

I am not really sure what to say. This is maybe the best comedic horror film that has ever existed. Not only do you have the high art of an Edgar Wright film that is meticulously edited to the soundtrack, but also you have some of the best Simon Pegg gags. Let’s go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.

Blood Quantum

I literally just watched this for the first time this weekend and it has already made its way to the list. It is a pretty interesting spin on the Zombie film genre, as it centers around a first nations reservation in Quebec. Essentially in this version of the zombie lore, Indigenous folks are immune to turning from bites… but they are of course not immune to being eaten. I highly suggest you track down this film and watch it over this spoop season, very good.

Little Monsters

Be warned this should not be confused with the similarly named Howie Mandel nightmare-fueled children’s tale from the 80s. This film came out in 2019 and gives us another excellent comedy zombie film genre tale of a deadbeat uncle who finally shows some focus and tries to save his nephew from a zombie-filled field trip to a petting zoo. Lupita Nyong’o steals the show with her portrayal of Miss Caroline the teacher willing to do anything to protect her flock of students, while also trying desperately to keep them calm.

Train to Busan

This is quite possibly my single favorite zombie film and is in pretty heavy contention among my favorite horror films. Be warned this is a South Korean film, which will require “reading the movie” with subtitles but it is well worth it. I largely lump this and the 2020 sequel Peninsula as a combined experience, and both should absolutely be watched. One of the most fast-paced films you will watch as the action picks up almost immediately and then never really stops until the conclusion of the film. Peninsula on the other hand is a bit more pensive but still contains a lot of furious zombie-killing action.


This is a gem from the early days of Netflix when we used to have to maintain our streaming movies in one giant queue. Fido is another comedic zombie film set in a world after the zombie apocalypse where things have reverted back to an almost 1950s existence. In this world, they utilize zombies as a form of slave labor, through electronic collars that turn them docile. However, events happen that lead to this going horribly wrong in this tale about a boy and his dog… except that dog is actually a zombie.

Night of the Living Dead Animated

If we are going to talk about zombie films, we have to give some respect to the original George Romero classic Night of the Living Dead. In 2021 my favorite version was released where they used the original audio… but crafted a full cell style animation movie on top of it. This version specifically masks some of the failings of the first… like the zombies maybe not really looking great compared to modern standards. This is now my preferred method for revisiting this classic, and if you have never watched it… I consider it required viewing for understanding how the genre evolved.


This movie is just a fun ride. One could think of this as the American version of Shaun of the Dead and then get into the whole debate about which is the best version of The Office. I think Zombieland stands on its own two feet however and it will be worth the watch. I’ve always been a big Bill Murray fan, and he nails his role in this film… as himself. It is just a fun road trip film with the key differentiator from that genre being that they are trying to avoid getting eaten in the process.

Land of the Dead

There have been a lot of sequels to the original Night of the Living Dead, but my favorite of these is Land of the Dead from 2005. Romero has always been less than subtle with the political armature that he builds his stories upon. “Land” is maybe the least subtle as the wealthy continue to live a life much like they did prior to the apocalypse in a gilded tower that is serviced by the struggling masses in a shanty town that has formed at its base. It features John Leguizamo in an excellent non-comedic role and Dennis Hopper as the maniacal ruler of this haven for “the haves”. From a sheer zombie lore standpoint, it plays with the normal rules of engagement quite a bit in interesting ways.

The Girl with all the Gifts

This is one of the most interesting additions to the zombie genre. It presents a relatively unique version of a zombie, and if you have never seen the film I won’t spoil the conclusion of how it works. Basically, the story centers around a military base where they are attempting to educate and care for a number of children that have been infected. With proper precautions, they appear to be normal children… but once those precautions fail they turn into ravening zombies with superhuman agility. This protected state however does not last forever, and the fall of this base is largely the start of our tale.

28 Days Later

28 Days Later is part of an unfinished trilogy and gave us the rabid “rage zombie” archetype that dominated so many other zombie films for a decade. The first film is by far the best, but I still greatly enjoyed the follow-up 28 Weeks Later. The intro is very reminiscent of The Walking Dead where a man wakes up from a coma in a world gone very wrong and tries to figure out how to survive. Danny Boyle of Transporting fame brings us his specific spin on the zombie genre, and it is rather good. I hope at some point they finish the trilogy with I would guess 28 Years Later pending they follow the pattern set by the first two films. I am not holding my breath however because it has seemingly been in preproduction hell for years.

More to Come

I am honestly not sure how many of these I have in me, but I am pretty sure at a minimum I will do one over Vampire films, Demonic films, and Slasher films. I MIGHT have a Werewolf or Ghosts one in me as well, but we will have to see how these all come together. Hopefully, you enjoyed the list, and if there is a zombie film that you feel I overlooked please drop it down in the comments below. I could have likely filled two “top ten lists” with Zombie films however because there are so many that I have greatly enjoyed. The post Ten Favorite Zombie Films appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Drop Your Shorts

Good Morning Friends! This morning’s post is going to document a bit of a personal crusade I have been on for the last few years. In September of 2020, YouTube debuted the Shorts medium, which is a portrait mode video format that can have a maximum duration of sixty seconds. It seems that the idea was with Tik Tok eating their lunch with younger demographics… they would attempt to rebrand themselves into something that was more phone friendly. This was fine and I mostly was able to ignore it, until Google started pushing hard for existing content creators to start using the format. Overnight it seemed like many sites that I had previously followed were releasing more short content than they were long-form video, and as such, I started looking for ways to block it.
The YouTube home page has the ability to hide the shorts content for 30 days at a time, and I was mostly okay with this. However, there was seemingly no way to actually block it in my subscription feed. I am not sure how most people consume YouTube, but I tend to treat it like it was an RSS feed and much like consuming a blog roll, my default mode was to flip over to my subscriptions tab to see what was new from the various creators that I might be interested in. It has annoyed me to no end that in the middle of my 16:9 feed would appear these oddball vertical videos, breaking up the visual harmony of the screen. This isn’t that bad, but there have been days where the majority of a screen would be consumed by shorts that I could do nothing to remove.
I searched for some sort of addon to remove them for me. The closest thing I was able to find was this Mozilla Plugin that reported blocking shorts. I had a few problems, firstly I was not sure if I wanted to give a random plugin full access to my YouTube data. Additionally, as I have highlighted in green above, the plugin requires that you turn on autoplay in order for it to work. I really do not like YouTube autoplaying because I have the bad habit of just letting it run on in the background for hours. My core method of consuming youtube is as a podcast, with it either playing in the background or on another screen while I am doing something else. So while I don’t doubt the author of this plugin has pure intentions, it is also the only one they have ever published it is hard to view a track record. Basically, I decided against using it and continued my search.
Yesterday I hit a particular spot where I was frustrated by the fact that YouTube was not accepting my “hide for 30 days” on shorts from the home page. This prompted me to do some more searching and I must have varied my terms because I actually found something interesting. I found a filter list created for an addon that I have used for ages called uBlock Origin. Over on the website LetsBlock.it a user had uploaded a set of filters designed to remove shorts entirely from YouTube. Essentially you open settings for uBlock Origin and paste the script from the webpage linked into your “My Filters” tab. Upon closing out of the settings and refreshing YouTube, the changes will apply, and if working as intended… you should no longer see shorts of any kind. It seems to have some side effects of also hiding Shorts content from google searching as well. I am perfectly fine with that, but you might at least be aware of that.
Now I can consume my subscription feed without seeing those little YouTube Shorts speedbumps in the middle of it. I get that this is probably an entirely “me” thing, but just in case there were others out there eternally annoyed by this format, I would share how I removed them. I think mostly for me it is a side effect that I do not consume video content on my phone. This is combined with the fact that even when I do watch the occasional video clip on my phone… I do so without headphones and keep my phone on silent mode permanently. I really do not like my devices making noise, and since I am not a part of the orchard I never got used to wearing wireless earbuds all the time. That means my primary source of YouTube is while sitting at a 16:9 screen with headphones on, often while playing a game and it runs in the background.
Now with one dragon slain… I move my attention to Instagram. Unfortunately, this seems to be a tougher nut to crack, but I would love to find an easy way to block stories, reels, suggested content… and of course ads. Instagram is a platform for idly flipping through pictures that my friends have posted, and I use it exclusively for that. However, I seem to spend most of my time being served content that is not from any of the people I am following. Stories are easy enough to ignore, but I am never going to actually consume them regularly. Reels have the same problem as Shorts of being an attempt to turn Instagram into Tik Tok. However based on the limited research I have done, there isn’t an easy way to intercept this and filter things out as the Instagram UI is serving up ALL of the content from the same servers and largely treating it all the same. Oh well… I have to have a mission to keep me going and this will be one that I can chew on for awhile. The post Drop Your Shorts appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

The Edgerunner Life

Good Morning Friends! It is Monday and as is often the case you are about to get a rundown of the nonsense I have been up to recently. What started out as me poking my head into Cyberpunk 2077 looking for something to hold my attention, has turned into a proper replay of the game. At this point, I am starting to get closer to the endgame, and combined with the very excellent Edgerunners anime I am deeply engaged with this world right now. In theory, this will be my second full playthrough of the game, but I have started it over several times in the past without really gaining traction. I can’t say I am making all that many different choices than I did the time before apart from the inherit options that change from playing a femme V.
I am extremely happy with the wardrobe options that were patched into the game with the most recent update. Essentially now I no longer have to choose between looking cool and being functional. In my previous playthroughs, a lot of my early focus was trying to find the decent-looking gear that I could just keep upgrading. Now I basically throw on whatever item is better and ignore what the hell it looks like because I am always wearing this wardrobe outfit. I also really like that you can now go to any ripperdoc and just change your appearance on the fly. I’ve not actually done this because I am pretty happy with my current V, but having the option is nice nonetheless because I really did not love my original V appearance after a while… and mostly wore a mask as a result.
I also made a bit of progress in Diablo III Season 27 this weekend. As always I am keeping my season tracker on D3Resources updated to show where I am in the process. Basically, I am down to the stuff that is less fun to do… aka complete 3 conquests, complete a set dungeon, and extract a bunch of cube powers. I cannot believe that so far I have found six cow sticks but not a single puzzle ring, which means I have yet to get a Greed kill for that achievement. I started farming bounty caches in case I want to do the dumb and easy method for getting Avarice. I need to sort out which of the other conquests I am going to go for. I really really hate set dungeons, but at some point, I need to buckle down and get that completed so I can move on with my life. Basically, I have enough crap in my stash to do the extractions because I tend to hold onto a bunch of crap until I have finished the set dungeon given that I am never quite certain what set I will be going for.
I continue to poke my head into Path of Exile, but my stays are shorter each time I do. Playing both Diablo III and Path of Exile at the same time… I have come to realize that I enjoy the gameplay of Diablo more and the loot chase of Path of Exile more. I hate the process of getting geared in Path of Exile, but once you are geared… the loot grind remains slightly more exciting. There are so many aspects of PoE loot that could be added to D3 to spice things up a bit. Like imagine that you had a chase item, that was the equivalent of a Chaos Orb that would take any item and turn it into an Ancient version, or a similar item that was like a Divine Orb that would turn any item into a Primal version. I also think D3 could benefit from officially having an SSF mode that you could turn on and get unique rewards from. We’ve seen seasonal items like the Angelic Crucibles that come in and change the way the game works and it would be cool if more of those stuck around and continued to flesh out the loot chase.
Finally, I am still playing some New World every day. Mostly I log in and farm enough resources or craft enough items in order to get 3 gypsum bags and the gypsum you get from an aptitude chest. Then I port out to Shattered Mountain and craft two gypsum casts for whatever gear I am working on leveling. In doing this gradually I have capped sword, shield, spear, hammer, great axe, hatchet, and all armor slots to 600 expertise and am now working on void gauntlet and blunderbuss. This feels a little pointless given that my intent is still to reroll as soon as the timetable for the launch of the Brimstone update is a bit more certain. Mostly I am fine with it taking a little bit because I am hoping my friend Ace finishes their move so they can join in the reroll nonsense properly. I think my goal in the reroll is to level up Armoring and Weaponsmithing up to 200 so that I can make another set of Voidbent armor, mostly because I like the look of it. The post The Edgerunner Life appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

AggroChat #406 – Goodbye Stadia

Featuring: Ashgar, Belghast, Kodra, and Thalen
We have one of our smallest shows in a really long time as we are down an Ammosart, Grace, Tamirleo, and lose Kodra about halfway through the show.  This leads to a bit of an odd feeling show.  Tonight we burn through a bunch of small topics starting with congrats to ChainChompBraden who beat a Mario Maker 1 map they built seven years ago…  and have been grinding away on for thousands of hours.  From there we talk about the Donkey Kong Adventures DLC for Mario and Rabbids.  We talk about what appears to be the endless spoiler season of magic these days as Warhammer 40k, Dominaria United, Unfinity, and Brothers War fade into each other.  We talk a bit about Rhythm games and while not inspired by Trombone Champ we talk a bit about that game as well.  Bel talks about the early woes with Torchlight Infinite and how they appear to be buying legitimacy by hiring David Brevik as a consultant.  Finally, we talk about what appears to be the second death of G4 Television.

Topics Discussed

  • Congratz to ChainChompBraden
  • Goodbye Stadia
    • The Future of Cloud Gaming
  • Mario and Rabbids Donkey Kong Adventures
  • Endless Magic the Gathering Spoiler Season
  • Rhythm Games
    • Trombone Champ
  • Torchlight Infinite
    • Buying Legitimacy
    • David Brevik Consultancy
  • The Second Death of G4
The post AggroChat #406 – Goodbye Stadia appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.