The Less-than-one-month To-Do list

Okay, so I'm done with MSQ on both characters.  Check.  I have a loose plan in mind for Shadowbringers Early Access.  Good.  My quest journal should be .... not as full as it currently is.  Yikes.  Time to clean some things up...

I leveled crafting on Isa and Aluze.  Much of it was with leves, lots with beast tribe quests.  However, I neglected many of the crafting job quests.  A quick look at Aluze's jobs showed me that I was at least through ARR with every job except goldsmith, who still had the level 20 quest waiting.  Isa's probably better off, as her leveling was much slower over-all, with fewer leve turn-ins before ARR and all of her jobs raised within 2-3 levels of each other (with the exception of weaver, which I pushed to max so I could easily do scrip turn-ins).  Needless to say, I have plenty to work on for both of them, and thankfully the SB crafting jobs give you the quest mats, making it so much quicker and mostly less frustrating over-all.

Beast Tribes.
Having finally finished Ixal a few weeks ago, Isa's down to Sylphs for ARR.  Today she finished the Vanu Vanu in HW, and with a little work the Vath will soon be finished.  Stormblood tribes have been finished for months, and I'm waiting to do the final quests to ally the beast tribes once I'm done with everything so I can do all three in order.
Aluze has finished SB and HW, and I'm in no rush to kill myself by doing the ARR ones again any time soon.

I should really, really finish Isa's Scholar quests before SHB.  I don't dislike scholar as a job, I just never really spent enough time with it to get the full use out of all the tricks.  I healed a few raids and primals with Aluze before getting AST to 70, and while I did fine I'm sure I wasn't as efficient as I should've been.  The changes coming in SHB sound interesting, and I may make sch my healer for Isa to work on.

PVP misc.
Technically I have until 5.1 for this, but with the Garo collab going away, I've decided to try for the Ginga pipe on Isa, and finish working on the Raigo pipe for Aluze.  Queues are popping pretty fast right now with full, chaotic groups of 72 people, which I find more fun than the 24 man groups.  We'll see how much pvp I can stand before I throw in the towel, as sometimes it's really fun, while other times it's just too disheartening.

For the most part, all of these things are easy enough to work on in short bursts of playtime, and I'm certain I can wrap up a lot of stuff to make my list to-done.

AggroChat #254 – Accessible Class Design

Featuring:  Ammo, Belghast, Kodra, Tamrielo and Thalen

We start the show off with an explanation of what exactly happened to the end of Episode 253 and why Tam had to build a brand new server for us to record on.  From there we dig into the Shadowbringers class design tweaks and how they tend to land on the side of making things less janky and more accessible to players.  Bel also has another revelation that the expansion is right around the corner. Bel talks briefly about the weird decisions Nintendo is making surrounding Super Mario Maker 2 and stopping us from playing with our friends.  This is a continued version of a long topic that is Nintendo Still Does Not Understand the Internet. They do however understand product promotion which is part of a whole discussion about the fact that E3 is starting next week.  Lastly we wrap up with a discussion about Modern Horizons and how Magic seems to be making some really interesting decisions that are paying off for them.

Topics Discussed

  • What Happened to 253
    • Building a New Server
  • Shadowbringers Class Design
    • Removing Fiddly Bits
    • More Accessible Class Design
  • Nintendo Doesn’t Understand the Internet
    • Super Mario Maker 2 Shunning Play with Friends
  • E3 Discussion
    • Does the Show Event Need to Exist?
    • Nintendo Seems to have nailed promotional cadence
  • Modern Horizons
    • Interesting Decisions MTG has Made Lately

Bardly Adventures

With the Moogle Treasure Trove event going on in XIV, I decided it was finally time to finish the Crystal Tower series on Isalenne.  I've also been wanting to work on her bard, which has been stuck in the 52-ish range for quite some time.  Getting Irregular Tomestones along the way is a nice bonus, but I don't think I'll try to grind all the way up to 100 for the Namazu earrings.  After three days she's gotten a good three or so levels, so I'm quite happy with this.  I need to unlock World of Darkness for her yet, but I'm content with speedrunning Syrcus Tower for now.
This also led to the happy side effect of seeing Amon's hat drop, and even better yet - winning the roll on it against 2-3 other bards.  It's quite ridiculous, and I love it.  I'll have to get a good glamour outfit for it eventually, but a few dyes and a new bow certainly work for the time being.

It's been refreshing to play a non-magical job, as I'm usually red mage or summoner with a side of astrologian. I should easily hit 60+ by time the event ends, and hopefully she'll be close to 70 by the time Shadowbringers drops.

Test and Also the benchmark test

I'm back to give blogging another go and I've moved to the ol' dotcom for a fresh start. 

I've decided I'm going to attempt to chronicle some of my adventures in Final Fantasy XIV, and probably other games and so on along the way.  The coming of the Shadowbringers expansion is the perfect time to kick this off, so...

The benchmark.​
I ran both of my characters through it, and my pc handled it well.  As always, the benchmark is a nice teaser of things to come early on in the expac, and it was fun to see my characters as (high-level) dark knights.
I also played around briefly with Viera and Hrothgar creation.  After watching a few vids on Hrothgar emotes, I'm a bit surprised .. they seem to be more expressive than I was expecting.

I'm currently taking in a bunch of info from the Media Tour today, and all of it sounds pretty amazing and fun.  Just about one more month to go!