Explosive Arrow Balistas

Yesterday I talked about one of the two games that I spent most of my extended weekend playing, and this morning I am going to talk about the other. Of all of the things that you could have predicted about 2022… I did not think that it would be the year that I got into Path of Exile. This game is exceptionally daunting, but also as you start to ease into it… it becomes more and more engaging. Once I got over the hurdle that was the passive tree, I’ve been engaging with the almost overwhelming number of systems. At this point, I am sitting in Act Seven of Ten and it feels like many of the league mechanics are scattered through the second half of the game, specifically starting up when you revisit Lioneye’s Watch in Act Six. I’ve attempted to play this game numerous times, and I absolutely remember a season when Gwennen the Gambler factored into the league mechanic heavily for example.
I’ve switched from using Splitting Steel to the final configuration of this build which focuses on Explosive Arrow and turning it into a Balista Totem ability. My main spell link looks a little something like this:
  • Explosive Arrow
  • Balista Totem Support
  • Elemental Damage with Attacks Support
  • Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support
Balista Totem turns Explosive Arrow into an attack that drops something akin to the Demon Hunter Sentinel on the ground that fires Explosive Arrows for a period of time. Elemental Damage support makes it so that the Arrows that they fire utilize any elemental effects that I have on my gear, and Lesser Projectiles just makes them shoot more arrows at once, which is helpful for wave clear.
What took me so long to switch over to the final configuration is that I did not realize a key truth that I am going to share with you now. Guides will refer to items in shorthand as needing a GGRR or a GRR item meaning that you need those colors with linked slots. However, I was taking this as a completely literal statement, where I needed a Green gem linked to another Green gem which is linked to a Red and then linked to another Red. As a result, I had filled up a stash tab full of items that I thought would not work, but might be able to reroll the color order on at a later date. Essentially links work in both directions, and you can have support gems on either side of your main attack. Meaning that GGRR, GRRG, RGGR, or GRGR would have all worked for my purposes. Essentially as a result I had waited for some 20 levels before swapping over to the build I should have been running.
The gameplay feels much different, and admittedly nowhere near as cool as being Magneto all the time… but still enjoyable. Essentially I run around the battlefield making sure I have all four balistas up and running and bathing my enemies in explosive arrows. The build works off a specific interaction where I keep up 3 stacks of frenzy, curse the incoming packs to take more fire damage with Flammability… then each current triggers Elemental Equilibrium. Essentially EE is a keystone in the Passive Tree that makes it so that when you deal damage with one element, it debuffs the target to take more damage from the other two. Between my Skitterbots and Balistas they are applying Cold and Lightning damage, which causes them to take more fire damage… so when the secondary effect of Explosive Arrow fires… aka the explosion… it nukes everything. This can be improved when I find some six link items, but for now it is pretty badass to watch it all work.
Lastly, I am far from an expert in Path of Exile and quite honestly I am way deep in novice territory still. However, I have added a new page for Path of Exile to my Game Tools menu. Right now as I find things that I consider to be beneficial, I am going to be placing them on this page. If you are also taking this journey with me, I will be adding links to everything that I am actively using like the Loot Filter I run, build sites that I am reading, and miscellaneous tools like Path of Building. I am slowly in the process of converting all of my link lists over to individual static pages like this because I personally find it a bit more usable. It allows me to give some explanation for each tool rather than just a disconnected list of links. The post Explosive Arrow Balistas appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Death Farming Hauras

Hey Friends! I spent most of the weekend bouncing back and forth between two games. The primary of these was Outriders, which makes sense given that the new expansion dropped. I have to admit there are a lot of things about the expansion that annoy me. One of my favorite aspects of the original was the fact that after I completed the story, I could do some “choose my own adventure” type gameplay as I bounced back to previous flags on the map. There are a number of encounters that would spawn in as you moved through the world, and these were somewhat fun to play. You have to understand in Destiny 1 and 2… my all-time favorite game mode was patrol, where I could just roam aimlessly and kill things for fun and profit. The new story content does not have this functionality and the only way that you can go back to a previous area in the new zones… is to reset your story progress to that specific point.
It is very painfully clear that the studio’s intent was that we would be spending all of our time playing the Trial of Tarya Gratar, because that is the ONLY activity that is easily repeatable. Granted this is a perfectly fine game mode, but for my tastes, it takes entirely too long to do a full run. Once you sit down to play through it, you are committed to thirty minutes to an hour of dedicated attention. Granted you can checkpoint and resume a save attempt if you need to leave halfway through the event, but it will cost you an attempt in doing so. What I have instead been using the Trial for is to drop the difficulty down to apocalypse 10, and breezing through it to farm legendaries for deconstruction. This is giving me access to a good number of mods that I did not have in my repository given how stingy legendary drops were before.
Right now this is my favorite weapon in the game. I honestly do not remember what the original first slot trait was, but I replaced it with Firestorm from one of the new legendary weapons called Sunfall. Essentially Firestorm calls down a beam of fire from above that roasts anything within its radius for 8 seconds. The beam will follow your attacks, so if you get good with it you can have it slowly beam its way through a pack of mobs. This combined with Claymore which calls down an anomaly attack every 2 seconds for over 100k damage, means you can whittle things down very quickly. Firebrand Defiant is a random roll weapon, and I just happened to luck out and get something that worked extremely well for my purposes. Your mileage will absolutely vary given that I have gotten weapons named this… with completely useless perks on them. This also proves that the new purple three-perk weapons can be better than the legendaries that drop.
As far as usable gear goes, I have taken a page back from my old playbook of farming the beasts. In the base game, there are two quest chains that start out of the bar in Trench Town. Specifically for these purposes, I care about the Hauras hunter quest. If you do not have access to this because you have completed it in the past, simply finish up the rest of the hunter quests and that NPC will allow you to restart the entire chain. The reason why we care about this quest specifically, is that you can run in and kill two boss-type monsters… then let the waves of trash kill you as you hit your auto loot key to vacuum up the items. I’ve gotten pretty much all of the gear that I am currently using, as well as quite a few legendaries doing this rather mind-numbing farm.
The key to this success however is that you need to set your level to one apocalypse tier down from whatever you can currently do. Deaths at your current apocalypse tier cause you to lose experience progress, but if you have already filled the bar on a given tier… you can’t lose any progress. So when I was farming this the other day my highest tier was 14, but I was farming it at 13 and weirdly enough was still gaining pretty constant ascension XP regardless of the deaths. The only negative about this method is I have so much sustain that it sometimes takes forever for the trash mobs to kill me off. As a result, you can always go back to the lobby and come back into the game in order to reset at the checkpoint. Keep that trick in your arsenal if you also run into this problem.
I spent some time bouncing around the map trying different spots, and realistically Hauras seems to be the best option. There were a few other areas that I liked, that also gave me access to multiple boss types but the reset cycle was much more obtuse and took longer. There is a specific area in the Quarry for example that I really like, but it involved moving the truck to a new location and back to the Quarry in order to reset the spawns. As much as I hate dying over and over again to the same encounter to farm loot… it really is the most efficient method. I might record a video of the run at some point, but basically, trust the monster fights if you are just wanting to work on your gear. If you can burn through Trial of Tarya Gratar then by all means keep farming the proper endgame content. The post Death Farming Hauras appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

AggroChat #394 – Playing Our Memories

Featuring: Ammosart, Ashgar, Belghast, Kodra, Tamrielo, and Thalen
We did not record a show last week because the news of our country was a bit too fresh for most of us to talk about video games.  Now another week has passed and the wound has begun to scab over a bit.  Tonight we start down a Thalen and Grace but eventually pick up a Thalen as we go.  We talk about Summer Games Done Quick and have an aside about Wiley Wars coming to the Switch.  From there folks talk about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge and trying to play it six-player on a console that does not support that.  From there Bel talks about falling back into Diablo III and finishing out Season 26…  while also playing a horrible ideas class that is really bad at boosting friends.  From there Bel talks about his recent experience diving down the Path of Exile rabbit hole.  Guild Wars 2 made many changes that were not well received by the most hardcore players, but we largely think they are a good thing and talk about that.  Finally, we wrap up with a quick discussion about Outriders Worldslayer and how it is still a very bleak game, but also a great mechanical experience if you can get past that.

Topics Discussed

  • Summer Games Done Quick
    • Wiley Wars on Switch
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge
  • Diablo III Season 26
    • Bad Ideas Build
    • Being a Bad Carry
  • Path of Exile
    • Bel Goes Down this Rabbit Hole
  • Guild Wars 2 Massive Changes
  • Outriders Worldslayer
    • Still a Bleak Game
The post AggroChat #394 – Playing Our Memories appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Outriders Worldslayer Thoughts

Good Morning Friends! Yesterday was the official launch of the Outriders Worldslayer expansion, but I have had access to it for a while now. I did not really spend much time in it because there were some early server issues, and I had other things I wanted to be playing. Last night I pushed my way through the new story content and unlocked the new endgame area. I figured this morning I would talk a little bit about that experience. It is my goal not to really spoil anything in the story, but to be honest this is not exactly an epic fantasy tale… so I am not sure you would care if I spoiled it in the first place.
So I figure I should start out with an explanation for anyone who has not experienced Outriders before. This game is essentially a third-person run and gun looter shooter with a loot system that feels very similar to that of Diablo III. When you deconstruct an item you collect the mods that were on that item and then can modify any other gear to replace a single mod slot from one of the ones you have collected. You play as an Altered, or a character changed by the anomaly that ravages the planet. There is a class system and each class has a talent point system to build your character. I personally spend most of my time playing the more tanky close ranged earth-elemental-themed class called the Devastator and have specced down the Seismic Shifter tree that increases the damage I deal with my “earth” themed abilities. Pyromancer is medium ranged fire-focused class, Technomancer is long ranged focused on turrets and poison damage, and Trickster manipulates time and space while in close range.
The world of Outriders is extremely bleak, as humanity essentially exhausted the resources of the earth and attempted to find a new planet… and then found out when they arrived that it was also ruined in a different way. It is the sort of bleak that sees you nonchalantly climbing up a pile of corpses as you walk through a city that was quite literally a concentration camp. As such, I feel like you need to be a certain brand of desensitized to be able to look past this and see the deeply nuanced gameplay that it offers. If you can deal with the emotional barrage of the story… Outriders is quite possibly the most interesting looter shooter out there with fun and engaging gameplay and an “avoid cover at all costs to keep healing yourself” gameplay strategy. Unfortunately, most of the AggroChat crew could not look past the harsh exterior and get through the game in order to experience the “good parts”.
Unfortunately, as the story goes… Worldslayer is a tale of going from bad to much worse. You are presented with a new threat to humanity as the Anomaly keeps getting worse, this time deciding to freeze the planet in its wake. You also have to contend with a renewed focus on the civil war between the last remnants of the colony forces that you represent, and the insurgency camped just outside its gates. You also find yourself squaring off against “The Commander” of the insurgency which is an ultra-powerful Altered that seems to be able to channel some sort of hentai void tentacles nonsense. The story is still very bleak… but also maybe has a ray of hope for the future. I have to say that across the board the story does flesh out quite a few details about the world itself, and the people who lived here before. We find out that they seem to have also ruined the planet in their own way before figuring out a method for turning back the anomaly.
The new content area is rather small and consists of six story areas and a seventh are containing the new endgame activity. All told it took me around three hours to burn through the story, and I was doing so at a fairly leisurely pace. If you were moving faster there is probably only around 2 hours of solid gameplay here. If that is a thing that concerns you, then you might take that into account because this expansion is more a systems-wide upgrade than a juicy slab of story-driven content for you to explore.
Quite possibly my favorite aspect of the expansion is the unification of the challenge system. Above is a chart that I made trying to relate the two different difficulty systems to each other. Previously you had Story Mode World Tiers, which went up through 15, and that 15 related to around Challenge Tier 8, which was used for Expeditions. The problem is that if you preferred to run World content over and over, it essentially capped out at Challenge 8 and you could get no loot higher than level 42. Now Apocalypse Tiers essentially unify all of this mess. I had progressed through Expedition Challenge Tier 13 before, and the game started me at Apocalpyse Tier 13 with a maximum difficulty rating of 40 that I can unlock over time. This means stupid story mission farms like the Outhouse mission that I enjoyed doing over and over… are a completely valid want to level and get loot.
There are a few new systems that are added into the game, like Ascension points which are a direct equivalency of Paragon Points from Diablo III. You can essentially max this out and earn 200 of these, slotting 10 points into each attribute line. For example, I have already out 10 into bonus anomaly power, and now I am working on weapon damage. Given enough play time, we will end up maxing each one of these out at 10 points per attribute. This is not a terribly interesting way of gaining power, but it does help out nonetheless.
The more interesting new system is the Pax trees. These give you broad sweeping modifications to your existing builds. There are only five of these points in total and they are unlocked through completing the story, with the final point being tied to completing the Trial of Tarya Gratar end-game activity. I admit I am a bit torn here as to whether I should drop the apocalypse tier down and just burn through the activity to get my final talent point… or if I should gear up and do it at a reasonable apocalypse level for the loot rewards. I guess that ultimately is the decision always if you should grind it out… or go for the quick loot at the highest challenge you can complete.
I guess it is time that I should probably talk about the Trial of Tarya Gratar itself. Essentially this is a series of challenges that you need to complete in sequence and in a single play-through in order to reach the final boss encounter. I’ve played through two of these so far, the first being a ring-style encounter with three waves with the final wave being comprised largely of boss types. The second encounter was flagged as a “skirmish” and largely felt like playing through a normal map where there was a broad mix of enemy types and mini boss types in order to get a full clear. The absolute shortest route through the map sees you completing eleven events and you are given a limited number of attempts to get through the entire sequence. I think the fastest possible clears will take at least thirty minutes, with it taking considerably longer if you are struggling. Getting to the end apparently allows you to choose one of three apocalypse tier legendary items.
I think at this point we should probably talk about the changes to the loot. The above items are currently available as twitch drops, and if you are so inclined I would highly suggest farming them up, especially if you are a new player. Each of these new items has three mods associated with them, and specifically, these twitch drops include a Tier 3 mod that was previously only available on legendary items. So even if you are not going to these them specifically they are worth deconstructing to gain the mod for your character. Epic and Legendary loot now have the chance to drop with three stats like this, which means that a good number of the purples that you are going to be picking up will be functionally better than the original set of legendary items.
The other thing that I have noticed is that the game seems to be way more generous than it was previously. While I have only gotten a few legendary drops, the purples are raining down from the sky. All of the expansion world content seems to also provide drop pod resources, which were key to upgrading gear past a certain point. I will need to spend some time figuring out what the most lucrative solo farm areas are for me personally, and then I will of course share that knowledge at a later point. For a game that seems to want to be Looter Shooter Diablo 3, it is most definitely following that Loot 2.0 progression path and giving me a rain of shiny items to pick up.
So I guess we get down to whether or not it is worth buying the expansion. If you already have Outriders the expansion will set you back $40. If you are completely new to Outriders you can buy a combo pack for $60. Do I think the expansion is worth it for the story? No… it is a short campaign that will only get you around two hours’ worth of gameplay. Do I think the expansion is worth picking up for the other systems that it adds to the game? I am leaning towards yes because it normalizes the rewards structure, adds some long-tailed grinds, and also presents a new raid-type game mode that should be good fun with a full party of friends. I think Outriders is a mechanically better game than Destiny 2, that just does not get the love that it deserves. The challenge with Outriders however is the fact that it is not a live service game, which means future updates will be few and far between and will be largely limited to balance patches. I am hoping to gather up a group of friends to take on the new Trial and see how that game mode feels with multiple people. I also need to get more serious about my build and tweaking it to perform better. Right now I am very much abusing a one-trick pony in the form of a couple of Tier III weapon perks on the same auto rifle I have been using forever. The post Outriders Worldslayer Thoughts appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.