Ammo Illustrated Bels

The extremely keen eyed… or those who follow me on Twitter might have noticed that recently the site masthead has been updated once again. For some time now there has been this tradition of getting my good friend Ammo to create artwork of my characters whenever a game grabs hold of me. This all started in part due to the very first commission that I ever had her do for me years ago for the seventh anniversary of this blog. I have noticed over the years that I attempt to create pretty much the same character or as close as I possibly can in each game that I play, and it is only really through looking at a bunch of my characters stacked up next to each other that this trend is obvious. So for the Seventh Anniversary of Aggronaut I had her draw a bunch of my characters around the letters VII, and I even got this made into a t-shirt just for the fun of it. Going left to right you have my Warrior from World of Warcraft, my character from The Secret World, my Exo from Destiny 1 and beneath it my Bahmi from Rift, my Imperial from Elder Scrolls Online, and then finally my Lalafel Warrior from Final Fantasy XIV. Commemorating the release of Heavensward I decided to rebrand this blog and wanted to replace the Chibi Bel that had been adorning the site for awhile. My favorite of the above characters was her rendition of my Lalafel and I had her expand that into a full blown character that I could place beside the Tales of the Aggronaut logo.
I think the next commission that I had her do was a Twitter Avatar that I still use today of actual me as my Sunbreaker Titan from Destiny 1. Then my friend Tam did a commission of a bunch of us the way he sees us, which represents the armored version of me with bluebirds circling my head… to represent my online presence on twitter. It just sorta grew out from there with each time I got super into something… I had her craft another visage of my characters. Then over time I just kept adding them to the masthead and it began to slowly evolve over time.
So now we have the most recent rendition and going left to right we have:
  • Lalafel Bunny Warrior Belghast from Final Fantasy XIV.
  • My character from Monster Hunter World with my Palico patterned to look more like my actual cat Kenzie.
  • The Tam rendition of me that largely stands in for my time in World of Warcraft as it wears the tabard of House Stalwart the guild I founded and lead for a decade.
  • My Imperial Dragon Knight from Elder Scrolls Online in one of the glamours that I wear most often.
  • My RAcast from Phantasy Star Online 2, which is wearing the PSO1 armor set which is in honor of PSO being my very first MMORPG.
  • The newest addition my character from New World wearing the mid tier faction gear which I particularly like.
  • My Titan from the launch of Destiny 2 when I expected to spend most of my time as a void shield charging boy…. but ultimately fell back in love with Sunstriker.
  • Then a bunch of Moogles making mischief with my stuff… and I consider the one lounging in a hoodie to be pretty representative of me as the actual gamer behind all of this madness.
I am extremely happy with how this latest commission turned out. I apparently made it way more challenging than I expected to with that specific sword, shield, and the tricorn hat. This character also includes way more flowing cloth than is my normal for characters. Ammo did an awesome job of bringing to life my sword and shield character.
This is what the character looked like in game when I was rocking that appearance. We made some purposeful tweaks, namely I didn’t much like the belt and blended everything together to make it feel more cohesive. I really hope at some point that New World allows us to create skins out of pieces of gear because I have this set banked. This looks so much better than the actual Tier V set of heavy gear that you ultimately get as Syndicate.
While my level 60 armor looks considerably different, I think it is still very easily identified as the same character. I guess we will see what game captures my imagination next, and spurs me to do another commission. I have contemplated getting a refresh of my Lalafel, now that I am spending way more time as a Paladin than the other classes, and with it a slightly different glamour. I will likely wait until after I have finished the content in Endwalker to see if I am quite as enamored with that class as I am currently. Ammo does some phenomenal work, and has a very recognizable style… that you will probably notice art from other bloggers as well. If you are interested in getting your own creations done check out her web page with various contact details. The post Ammo Illustrated Bels appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Outriders Wants Us Back

Hey Folks! Sorry that a blog post never actually materialized yesterday. I have had a couple of really hellishly busy week, which means I just did not have time to deal with a blog post yesterday morning. By the time I had finally cleared my schedule enough to bang out a post… apparently my host had some significant issues and the database server associated with my blog had died horribly. When this issue was resolved I was back to being busy as hell, and as a result no post happened. What I was going to talk about actually was better delayed because yesterday the Outriders New Horizon update released and I got my hands on it.
I am going to be honest… this year has been a rough year for me and as a result mentally I assumed this game came out in 2020… and not April of this year. So when I heard there were new updates going into the game my first reaction was “wow that took awhile”. I mean it did take over six months to receive our first meaty and substantial update, which I guess makes sense given that they advertised it from the very beginning as not being a “live service” game. What Outriders New Horizon brings is a bunch of tweaks to the way that the game plays along with a few new expeditions, which are the games end game dungeons. Here is a rundown of the features that I am aware of:
  • 4 New Expeditions
  • Timers Removed as Reward Qualifier for Expeditions
  • Improved Relevance of Drops
  • Crossplay Actually Works as Intended
  • New Chase Epic Weapons hidden in each Expedition
  • New Legendary Vendor with “Random” legendary available
  • Full Transmog/Cosmetic Appearance System
  • Worldslayer Expansion coming in 2022
Of these the one that I spent the most time playing with last night was of course the Transmog system. Essentially if you bring up your menu, at any point you can hit L to go into the appearance customization system. From here you have total control over the look and feel of your character, and I say feel specifically because you can customize your weapons to sound a specific way if for some reason there is a gun that you like but cannot stand its timbre. It uses an appearance acquisition system, so as you get drops it will automagically collect its appearance for you to begin using. This means for me who has progressed through the story already… I am going to have to farm content in order to see those drops start appearing. For a new player whoever in theory just playing through the game will make sure a large number of these items are filled out, and given that this is cross account… it might make me suddenly care about playing alts.
It is time once again to break out the handy graphic that I recreated showing mission difficulty as it scales with both Expedition Challenge Tier and Story Mode World Tier. I spent most of yesterday running around on World Tier 15, which is completely manageable. However as I start going into expeditions I am realistically going to need to start doing Tier 9 if I want to start seeing improvements. One of my biggest problems with Expeditions was the timer, and with it gone I am suddenly significantly more interested in that content. Additionally now that they have hidden chase weapons in all of the expeditions, it becomes a more interesting proposition for me to take my time and crawl through the dungeon experience. For pure farming last night I returned to good ole Typhon hunt mission and at some point I will do some of my “loot cave” to see what appearances I can collect easily.
I enjoyed Outriders quite a bit, and returning last night has made me realize who much I actually did. The core problem with the game for me was that all of my immediate circle of AggroChat folks bounced heavily for thematic reasons. The story is bleak as fuck, and it is very hard to chew through. I think of us only Tam actually made it all the way through, and he isn’t the sort to repeatedly farm content for loot. However there are other communities that I am a member of that did play a bit longer, and I am hoping through those I might be able to find some groups and actually try multiplayer content. I would like to actually push my gear level up a bit higher and farm some more legendary gear, but in order to do that I think I am going to need to play with a somewhat balanced team.
For those interested in maybe returning, it seems that you can for at least a little while get a free weapon from Tiago. The weapon that he has currently is The Juggler, which is probably my favorite auto rifle in the game. It has this truly broken ability to fire a grenade at your target that does silly amounts of damage each time you reload the weapon. This means that I abuse this by reloading constantly to get another free grenade. The weapon also comes with Minefield II, which causes a bunch of bombs to drop down each time you kill an enemy. On the version I use regularly I replaced Minefield II with Minefield III which changes the grenade condition from “On Kill” to “On Crit” making it much more reliable for burning down elites with. I will need to take some time to dust off the cobwebs and relearn the basics of the game, but I figure before long I will be spending at least some of my week grinding expeditions. The post Outriders Wants Us Back appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

New World Concerns

Good Morning Friends. I had quite a bit of fun over the weekend playing an excessive amount of New World. I am greatly enjoying the rhythm of the end game and most specifically the weird camaraderie we have with the folks who regularly show up at the 6:30 pm server time zerg crowd. This is raising the hackles of some of the guilds because they view it as a massive distraction for their members against whatever their chosen activities are. However for me it is this weird blend of players from all of the factions on the server and allows us to just have some fun running amok together. It is absolutely not for everyone, and it is absolutely not a good way to get drops from Elite Bosses. However it is a fun way of spending a few hours it what amounts to be a giant “Waaagh!”. That said there are some things about the game that give me pause and serious concerns. This morning I thought I would spend some time talking about a few of these. Namely the game has some serious design problems that I hope they can address in coming patches.

2000 Player Limit / Fixed Servers

One of the truths of an MMORPG is that they have a fall off over time, especially in a game that does as bad of a job of new player on-boarding as New World. So many of the systems seem to have been designed on spreadsheets to support a maximum player count of 2000 players, but at the same time… it also seems like some of the systems are designed for a minimum player count… of 2000 players. The challenge there however is that it is going to be very hard to keep attracting new blood into a server, where there is such a fixed limit in the total number of players it can support before developing multi-hour long queues. In the very short time since launch we have gone from Six Hour long queues, to 1500 player peaks, to 1000 player peaks… to now doing good if we have 500 players during prime time.

Bad Support Structure for New Players

Which leads into the problem of not really having a good support network for new players to the game that are starting when the lions share of the population are already at the level cap. The game has a core main scenario which is gated in progress by three dungeons: Amrine Expedition, The Depths, and Dynasty Shipyard. Because of the way that gear is structured in the game, there is no benefit to a player running these dungeons once they are out of the level band for them, other than to help friends through them. I’ve run a number of these multiple times because there is a social pressure to do so in order to support the players that I have a personal connection to. However this leaves a larger problem of just not being able to find groups easily for these locations. Last night there was a conflagration in Faction chat from a player who was fed up with the game because he had been trying to get a Depths run going for an entire week and never really managed to get anything started. Granted he was a DPS player which means it was an uphill battle, but still it highlights the problem that right now… there are just not enough players in the mid levels to support running dungeons. I could have volunteered to run the dungeon with this player, but I had other things that I wanted to do and there was no social contract between me and this stranger tugging on my emotions to make me want to help them. Final Fantasy XIV steps in with this scenario and bribes the shit out of players for running things they don’t technically need, and I have a feeling that Amazon is going to need to step in with some sort of system to reward upper level players for helping lower level ones.

High End Materials are Worthless

There is a massive problem with the way that gathered materials work in this game. As it stands Iron, Hemp, Rawhide, and Green Wood are the most valuable resources you will ever get your hands on… and they can all be gathered with flint tools the moment you land on the shores of Aeternum. Essentially high end resources exist in the game in an overabundance… which I will get into shortly. To craft a single Orichalcum Bar, you need:
  • 8 Orichalcum Ore
  • 10 Starmetal Ore
  • 48 Iron Ore
  • 5 Flux of some sort
So the most liquid materials are always going to end up being the Iron Ore and the Flux, because Starmetal and Orichalcum are in an overabundance as folks mine them constantly for rare drops.

Unobtainium Problem

Each refining profession can make some sort of materials that has a daily cooldown allowing you to craft ten of that item per day. Leatherworking has Runic Leather, Smelting has Asmodeum Ingots, Woodworking has Glittering Ebony, and Weaving has Phoenix Weave. Each of these require you to gather two extremely rare legendary items per single piece of the high end crafting material, and these items are an exceptionally rare drop chance on the harvesting loot table. This means that players are consuming as much of the high end resources as they can possibly get their hands on… all in the hopes of getting the super rare drop which leaves this glut of resources that no one can actually use. This problem is essentially the Salt Candy Factory from Willy Wonka, of people unwrapping candy bars around the clock just in the hopes of maybe getting that golden ticket.
This becomes even worse of a problem for Orichalcum, because it has an even less obtainable unobtainium called Void Ore. I had a friend relay a story to me of spending the entire day farming Orichalcum at several locations right on the 30 minute respawn and getting 27,000 Orichalcum ore, 35 Cinnabar, 20 Tolvium, and a single solitary Void Ore. Voidbent Ingots are currently used in the game to craft the best gear that you can theoretically get… level 600 Voidbent Armor. I’ve been considerably luckier in my travels and have picked up 2 Ore so far and have managed to craft a single Ingot, but I will need 5 in total to craft a set of Voidbent armor. As you might realize this means that every player that has managed to get mining up to 175 is harvesting as much Orichalcum as they possibly can because getting one of these Void Ores to drop for you is a massive payday. All of this harvesting creates a massive downward pressure on the price of Orichalcum and an upwards pressure on the price of Iron Ore given that if you remember from above… you need 48 in order to craft a single Orichalcum Ingot.

One Shot Group Quests

Taking a break from crafting woes… let’s go back to New World being unfriendly to new players. During the main scenario quest there are a few exceptionally difficult story quests that in theory require players to group up. Namely “Hero’s Duty” and “Selfless Nature”, both of which require you enter into an area blocked by a wall. The only players that can pass through this barrier are folks who are actively on the quest, which means you have a single chance to help other players with these scenarios. The first one of these is solo-able if you over-level it. The second one however is only really solo-able if you glitch out the boss and are a Fire Staff or Ice Gauntlet user or are carrying a truly ridiculous number of arrows and bullets. I am currently stalled on getting this quest completed because I know that I have a single shot at tanking this and I want to get the maximum number of my guild members through out while I can. Every day there is one or two players desperately looking for these quests and t hen coming up empty. Again the fixed server size and the spread out nature of the population means that there is not really a massive influx of new players leveling up through the ranks in order to fill these groups. At a bare minimum there needs to be the ability to players who have already completed the quest to go in and help other players get through them. There also needs to be some reward for doing so in order to entice those high end players to give up mining for unobtainium long enough to run these quests.

Item Watermarking

I have ranted before about the “High Watermark” system before, but it really does feel worse than you can even imagine. My armor has leveled up pretty reasonably because Armor as a whole shares a single watermark. This means that I am pretty reliably getting drops above 575 at this point, which means I am only a few days worth of grinding away from being able to see 580s… and knocking on the door of item level 600 drops. My weapons are all over the place however because they each have a unique water mark level… so I am seeing a lot of Life and Fire Staves that I could give zero fucks about at 560 and then the weapons I do care about like Hatchet and Sword are languishing down in the 530s all because of bad luck when it came to RNGing my way into the drops that I need. Jewelry is by far the worst option because it is already super rare on the loot table, which means those are dropping back down at 505 when I see them. The biggest problem I see for the long term health of the game however is that one of the major ways that Amazon plans on expanding the game is through the addition of new weapons. It has already been verified that the Void Gauntlet is coming very soon, probably in a patch next week. So for all of those players who have ground their water mark up towards 600… are going to start back at square one when this new weapon enters the ecosystem. You are going to be seeing a lot of players either relying on crafted weapons or running around with a 600 item level main hand and a 505 Void Gauntlet in their offhand. As much as I hate to admit it… Amazon needs to switch to a blended average system like Destiny has for determining item level of drops.

Crafters Don’t Have Influence

Right now much of the game is focused on putting territories into conflict and then declaring war in order to make a bid at taking that territory over. The bulk of this influence is gained through running PVP quests in a given zone, but there is a way to do PVE quests to contribute as well. However one of the cool things about New World is that it legitimately supports being a pure crafter if you choose to do so. In theory you can level all of the way from one to sixty without doing a single quest and doing nothing but gathering resources out in the world and crafting items. There however is no way for crafters to directly influence the bid for territory without either choosing to PVP or going out and running PVE content. Anyone who has been a student of history even in the smallest bit, will know that often times trade cartels end up controlling the most influence in a feudal system.
What I personally would like to see is something similar to the Ahnqiraj War Effort quests from Vanilla World of Warcraft. In those quests you were helping to fund the war effort for trying to open up this new territory. Essentially you could get a repeatable quest that would remove an amount of crafting resources from the game in exchange for faction and gold. Imagine if you had a quest that required you to turn in 1000 Orichalcum Ore and rewarded some zone influence, faction tokens, and a little bit of coin in the process. This does a few things… firstly it removes the glut of high end resources from the game entirely effectively deleting them from the economy. Second it sets a floor for the value of materials because no one would sell items below the amount of gold you would get from completing a turn in. Lastly it limits the influence of a roaming pack of PVPers to swing a zone, when crafters can quietly be drawing upon their resources to buffer this. Crafters are ultimately the ones who are the most damaged by zone shifts, so it feels like they should have come control mechanism to stabilize the system.

Wrapping Up

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but just some of the things that have been bothering me most recently. New World is a game that is “burdened with glorious purpose”, and quite honestly there are so many aspects of the game that are extremely enjoyable. It obviously is good enough to keep me playing it right now… at least until Endwalker launches. As a result I want it to be better, and turn into something that I can reasonably come back to once the rush of leveling in the new Final Fantasy XIV expansion is over. I would love this to be my new Destiny, the game I play on the side several times a week between activities in my main game. I don’t want this instead to be the new Anthem… a game with so much potential that ultimately failed to execute on it. I complain because I care. The post New World Concerns appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

AggroChat #367 – Endgame Zerg Time

Featuring:  Ammosart, Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Tamrielo, and Thalen
Our general policy of just winging it has bit us in the butt several times in a row.  Belghast solved the fading in and fading out thing, but this apparently introduced a whole new issue.  As a result the audio levels are all over the chart for this episode from barely audible to booming loud.  This left us with the challenge of trying to determine if it was even worth releasing at all.  After some cleaning up the show is in a more manageable state but be warned…  It is not good.  As a result we are going to have to reinstitute our previous policy of doing a soundcheck before diving into the show.  Tonight Bel talks a lot about his experiences in the end game of New World.  After that we talk a bit about Sable and a pilgrimage to find which mask represents you in the world.  Thalen shares with us DIE a comic and board game about what would have happened if the Dungeon and Dragons Cartoon kids were sucked back into that world again.  Finally we talk a bit about the emotional rollercoaster that is Unpacking.

Topics Discussed

  • New World
    • Being Level 60
    • Syndicate Losing our PVPers
    • The Priest Camp
    • The Zerg
  • Sable
    • Which Mask Represents You?
  • DIE
    • Zumanji meets D&D Cartoon
    • Board Game
  • Unpacking
    • Emotional and Literal Baggage
The post AggroChat #367 – Endgame Zerg Time appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.