Mythics and Desperation

Good morning friends. The last few days have been rough. Getting up has been exceptionally hard and when I do get up… it sorta feels like I have been hit by a train. I am not “sick”, just weary. I could not bring myself to make a post or upload anything to Catfriend Television. The day itself was packed full of meetings, which I dutifully attended but still found myself mostly struggling. I have no clue what is going on necessarily but I am not in a great place. It doesn’t help that Covid continues to strike close to home with my friend and mentor coming down with symptoms and one of my employees as well. I’ve not been in actual contact with anyone for awhile… apart from the fact that my wife is back in person with kids in spite that they had to come up with colors more critical than “Red” to denote the community spread.
We live in “Dark Red” and my wife teaches in “Dark Red”. For reference according to the county board of health, this denotes…
Dark Red – Stay Home. Dark Red signifies an extremely severe and uncontrolled level of COVID-19, meaning outbreaks are present and worsening and testing and contact tracing capacity is strained or exceeded. At this level, residents should take every possible action to minimize contact with anyone who does not reside in their household. Use curbside or delivery services for food and medical supplies. Work from home. Participate in religious services virtually.

Definition of Dark Red Status
I think the stress of all of this is getting to me in a way that maybe it hasn’t before now. About all I have in my control is to prepare for the eventuality that my wife feels like she needs to quit her teaching job to feel safe again. Of note… pretty much all of the districts are on distance learning right now because of the rate of community spread. The district my wife teaches in is one of the lone hold outs and quite frankly watching her go through all of this is a grind. It is taking a physical toll on her health. I realize this is nothing quite like the front line medical employees, but still wearing.
This weekend opened the first “Season” of World of Warcraft Shadowlands. Can I just state how much I hate that games are not grouped in seasons. What this means however is that Mythic+, Normal and Heroic modes of the raid, and all of the World Bosses start opening up. The above screenshot is when I rolled over to where the world boss world quest was spawned and the massive number of randoms fighting it. I got absolutely nothing of use at all from running it, apart from I think 250 anima. The whole “you will get less loot but better loot” statement before the launch of Shadowlands largely just seems to equate to getting less loot.
I am still in desperation mode for trying to find some horde healer friends for running Mythics. This desperation even lead me to PUG a Mythic Dungeon group. I was tempted by the fact that so often in the premade group finder tool there are groups sitting there just waiting on a tank. While in truth with randoms I would rather sit back and do some chill dps… I have reached the point where I am willing to tank because I feel like I am timezoned out of running with the single guild healer that seems to be around on the regular. My normal go to is twitter… but thusfar my calls for Horde healers has been met with a chorus of crickets. It does seem like there are just less healers around this expansion than there have been in others, and I wonder what that says about the state of healing currently.
In other news on a whim I decided to power level up leatherworking because the price of leather seemed to be pretty cheap. This gave me access to the 151 item level patterns, and I was able to drop some of this on my friend Grace to help with the gearing curve. Similarly when the Demon Hunter actually gets up to level it will make his transition from Normals to Heroics that much easier. My hope is that by seeding some gear it might kick the World Quest system in the ass and get it to start producing something useful faster. Right now it seems to be completely useless for picking up free upgrades.
Similarly useless is the new Adventures system… aka the commanders table gimmick that has been rebranded each expansion since Warlords. Nothing of use seems to be capable of dropping and the rewards in anima almost don’t make it work churning through these on the regular. I did finally manage to get a Soul Ash mission, and I stacked every single character I had on it… only to fail. The whole arranging pieces on the board mechanic mostly just feels for show as it is still a “wait and see” type system. I know someone spent a lot of time working on this, but quite frankly it is absolutely no different to me than the Garrison, Shipyard, Legion Hall, and War Campaign systems. You click some things and then RNG happens and maybe you get a reward.
In other other news… I started Cyberpunk 2077 last night and so far I am enjoying it quite a bit. I decided to go with the Corpo start, because really it seemed to be the one that I found the most interesting. I am not sure what ramifications each start is going to have on the game long term. It seems based on the little I have seen, you more or less end up in the same location regardless of which you choose. I will likely spend some more time tonight playing around in it. I think I am just about to exit the tutorial mission. So… Apologies for not having the oomph to push a post out yesterday. I am struggling a bit, but I will do okay as I always seem to. Occasionally there are going to be days where I just can’t conjure out a post demon and bind it to my will. Thanks for reading. If you have made it this far you are likely going to keep returning even if I miss a day here or there and I guess there is solace in that. The post Mythics and Desperation appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Mythicable Hordefriend Healbutts

Hi Friends. I am struggling a bit this morning to cobble together something resembling a post. I did not run mythics last night quite the way I would have hoped. I contemplated joining a party in the group finder, but was uncertain that I could handle that level of frustration. Ultimately I struggled finding a healer and in the “Bel School of Group Building” the first rule of business is to lock down a tank and a healer. I had the tank since I was willing to do that… but at every turn I was missing a healer. Ultimately I need to make more hordefriends that are mythicable healbutts that are not Grace.
We ultimately ended up running a heroic with the purpose of trying to get Kelion and Merrymoo some gear, but I am not sure if any of that actually happened. I know Moo walked away with a few pieces but I don’t think Kel managed to get anything other than a frustrating evening. I pinged a few friends that were playing classes that could heal, but much like me they had wisely chosen other paths. Whenever Grace manages to get to dungeon level I am going to devote myself to grinding for gear until we can once again do really fun things together. However in the meantime I need to start adding up a list of hordefriend healbutts that I can build groups around.
Other than that I spent some more time on my Demon Hunter and pushed further into the Maldraxxus storyline. Originally I had planned on just having a chill evening but really I should be helping out more in the guild to help gear people. I pugged my face off until I got Retribution geared, but that is an unpleasant proposal for most folks. I know my friend Mor has also been pugging his face off so at some point we should join forces so at least we won’t be alone in our madness. I am looking forward to reset because it should mean some additional things unlock giving me more stuff to do. The gating has been pretty extreme, but it also has meant that I was not done with the expansion in a single week.
Unfortunately there are also a lot of things that are just downright frustrating. One of these mornings I am ultimately going to end up doing a giant “airing of grievances” post. I mean Festivus is just around the corner so I might save it for then. This is one of if not “the” least polished World of Warcraft expansion, and in many ways it feels unfinished. However I will save all of that for another day. If you are hordefriend healbutts, especially if you are mythicable… let me know so we can be friends. Even if you are not mythicable I am also amicable to helping you get there. The post Mythicable Hordefriend Healbutts appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Tanking Mythics Apparently

Morning Friends! This is the weekend that Christmas finally came the rest of the way to our house. If you have watched any of the Catfriend Television channel, you will have been able to see that it arrived at our front door some time ago. However a combination of laziness and the desire to progress in Shadowlands caused me to delay a bit in the more tedious task of assembling the indoor decorations. We have a tiny RGB tree on top of our entertainment center, because that is a place that the cats can’t reach. We’ve gotten three Christmas cards so far so I am starting the menagerie on the side and working left to right. Various ornaments that we have been given that the tree can’t support on its own are sorta around the tree skirt.
As far as gaming goes I have been spending my time in Shadowlands chasing the unknown goal of the item level required for raiding. As it stands right now, even though the time slot is not stellar for me… I am planning on joining in the madness with my guild Facepull and setting forth into Castle Nathria on the opening week. Currently I am item level 170 in my tanking gear and 171 in my DPS gear… with the real sticking point slots being the lack of a decent shield and the lack of a heroic or better belt. The shield could be remedied quickly with an outlay of gold, and the price of those is in the reasonable range right now. The belt however… is just going to require me grinding my face at either heroics or mythics a bit longer.
Since the last time we talked, I did manage to finally get a serviceable two handed weapon from a heroic. Sadly it was the worst possible one, but for now I am living with it. Haste is good but versatility is the worst possible itemization for pretty much any item. If we still had the wonderful system called Reforging in the game, this would have been corrected to Crit the moment it dropped. However I said I needed a weapon and I got a weapon, so for at least this very moment I am satisfied and in theory if I keep doing mythics and start into the raid I might be able to correct that soon from one of those locations. The one BOE weapon that would be viable is going for upwards of 500k now which is so far out of the range of reasonable that I don’t even want to think about it.
Last night I tanked my first two dungeons of the expansion… and they were mythics. I have mostly been dpsing as a Ret, so that all of the heroic grinding I have done has been in that spec and towards that goal. However if I was running a dungeon that didn’t drop a two handed weapon, I would flip it over to protection spec for the loot rewards and as a result I had managed to pick up a solid weapon. Still had yet to see a shield but I did have at least a 155 since I do all of my world quests as a tank. All in all I think it went pretty well and we managed to complete De Other Side and Sanguine Depths. The last was a bit annoying on that final boss gauntlet but we managed. I felt fairly squishy but I figure that will stop being the case once I get some more gear.
Other than that I have unlocked the final of my Abominations from the Factory, and I can now ride around on the shoulders of Flytrap which is mostly a novelty at this point. The one that I seem to keep using the most is Roseboil which offers me a heal. I had kinda hoped that Flytrap which costs more to create would be a combo of multiple different abominations, but alas that was not the case. I would never not use this one if Abominations were usable in the Maw because it would give me a functional mount down there.
Lastly I have been working on my Demon Hunter, and that was my original intent for last night until Mythic groups started forming and they needed a second tank. I just finished Bastion and am starting Maldraxxus. I think the character that I am going to start next is my hunter and I am probably going to use him as a test of the Threads of Fate system to see how I like that for leveling purposes. It seems sorta like doing adventure mode from Diablo 3, and to be honest… that might be a fairly relaxing option. Just log in each day on that alt and gobble up the World Quests and then log back out and do something else. All told I am still enjoying myself in this expansion and that might be a remnant of the forced gating. I have not been allowed to run out of content because they are feeding it to us very slowly. I still miss systems that would come in really handy like the Flight Whistle and Reforging… but for now I am having fun. The post Tanking Mythics Apparently appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

AggroChat #325 – The PS5 Drought

Featuring:  Ashgar, Belghast, Kodra and Tamrielo
Tonight a sequence of scheduling conflicts happened and we wound up with what felt like a fairly classic show given we were down to the cast members from the early years of this podcast.  We start the show with a bit of a micro topic as Bel talks about the nonsense he is doing called Catfriend Television where he uploads security camera footage of the neighborhood cats to youtube.  From there we talk about the severe drought of PlayStation 5 units, the battle with the scalpers and Tam maybe finally joining the ranks of those who managed to snag one.  Bel talks about the problem happening right now with the Shadowlands expansion in WoW with folks mass abandoning heroics because they didn’t get the thing they were chasing to drop.  Finally we talk a bit about Lancer a pen and paper RPG that Ashgar has wanted to play for quite some time and finally managed to run a game.

Topics Discussed

  • Catfriend Television
  • PS5 Stock Misery
  • World of Warcraft Shadowlands
    • A Heroic Problem
  • Lancer RPG Session
    • Bad Idea Mechs
The post AggroChat #325 – The PS5 Drought appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.