Revisiting Folks and Stuff

The other day I posted a New Years resolutions post of a sort, and one of the topics addressed is how I really miss the existence of a thing that I once did called “Bel Folks Stuff”. The idea was simple, that I get together with some people that I interested in and have a sit down to talk about various topics. There really wasn’t much of a format other than that, and this idea of starting it up again has been something rolling around in my brain for the last year. The original series run released starting in October of 2014 and the last episode ever produced was released in May of 2015 with a new episode releasing almost every month during that time. I really enjoyed the series but I allowed myself to get hung up on the fact that it seemed like no one was actually listening to them. They were in theory a labor of love, with me talking to a bunch of my friends rather than seeking out industry names and trying to wrangle them for a conversation that would ultimately feel more interview that honest discourse. In theory I have reached the point where I am just not watching stats in the way I once was, and if this ends up being listened to only by a handful of people then honestly I am fine with this. I went back and listened to a few of the episodes yesterday and it was a fun trip down memory lane with me talking to some of my friends for an hour and some change each time. In the years since 2014 I have maybe figured out how I want to proceed in this whole podcasting thing. This past weekend we recorded our 282nd episode of AggroChat and that show has shifted a bunch since the super cringe-worthy first episodes. Weirdly however I think that Bel Folks Stuff more or less still holds up so I have decided to start re-releasing them. The show is going to live as part of this blog and I will configure a section for it. The goal is going to be to start re-releasing them on Saturday since I don’t generally make a post then. I will be doing the whole show card treatment like I do with AggroChat as well as starting to upload them to YouTube. I am going to kick the process off by recording an episode zero, that is just me talking about the goals of the show. While the early episodes didn’t have much of a structure they did have several questions that I asked pretty much all of my guests, and in similar fashion I am going to be setting up a new set of questions going forward for episodes past what has been recorded to date. In episode zero I will be essentially laying out the sales pitch for the show and answering the questions about myself. Moving forward I am going to be sitting down and having an hour long conversation with people as often as I can seem to manage it. Then I will file these recordings away and release them as I need fresh content. I’ve cobbled together a list of about thirty people that I am going to seek out and I am sure I will be adding more people to that list as I go forward. I’m being all responsible like and using Trello for this much like how we use Trello to keep track of topics for AggroChat so I guess I legitimately mean business now about this nonsense. As I see it I have a few months before I run out of the original show run and have to start producing real content. The first series of interviews are likely going to be me sitting down with the folks from AggroChat and using them as guinea pigs before branching out into a new batch of folks. At the end of the day this talk show of sorts was a labor of love, and as I post the old episodes I am going to try my best to do a sort of “where are they now” update in the post as to what they are up to these days. The challenge as always is going to be finding the time to sit down and talk to all of the people who are in time zones diametrically opposed to my own. I am trying to focus on doing things this year that bring me joy and this show absolutely did. I mean 2014/2015 was a better time over all in our gaming community, and maybe naively I can think I will recapture some of that magic by travelling back down this path. The other secret hope is this will be a sort of long form method of introducing the consumers of my nonsense a whole list of new people to care about.

Friendtime Storything

Bel Folks Stuff

Once upon a time I recorded a podcast called “Bel Folks Stuff”.  I am extremely talented at giving things super specific names.  The idea was pretty simple, AggroChat in a smaller setting allowing me to branch out and record shows with individual friends.  The central conceit of the show was that it was going to be somewhat of an interview show, where in theory I asked all of the participants the same questions each time.  There were things that worked about the show, and there were things that didn’t really.  It never gained much traction which was a bit of a bummer, but it is extremely to gain momentum when you are only releasing a show each month.  In the grand scheme of things I am still fairly proud of the shows, and every so often someone asks me when exactly I am going to record some more of them.

In truth…  while I want to do something similar, it feels weird to consider just starting up three years later and recording new episodes for the same show.  I cancelled the show in June of 2015, largely because I was going through a bit of a rough patch in my life and something needed to change.  At that point I was publishing Tales of the Aggronaut each morning seven days a week, recording AggroChat each Saturday, writing two weekly columns for, and trying to squeeze in time to figure out when I can record with someone and get a Bel Folks Stuff episode in each month.  Additionally work was a little insane with me stepping up to more of a managerial role, and then also attempting to raid in two different games at the same time.  The show didn’t have a whole lot of listeners in the grand scheme of things, so it felt like it was the obvious thing to drop.  Ultimately in the long run I wound up cutting back more severely in that I am no longer really associated with at all… and I have dropped this blog down to a weekday morning only thing.

The show had a good run however of seven episodes where I got to hang out and talk with eight different friends.  There was in fact a bonus episode where I got both Rowan and Scooter together to talk about gaming as a couple.  For those who didn’t even know the show existed…  here is a full list of the episodes that I now keep on the page.

  1. An Evening With Syl
  2. Rowan and Scooter
  3. An Evening with Alternative Chat
  4. Evening with Petter
  5. Evening with Qelric
  6. A Good Friday with Liore
  7. Late Night With Jaedia

Huge thanks as always to @Gypsy_Syl, @RowanBlaze, @Sctrz, @Petterm, @QelricDK, @HeyItsLiore, and @Jaedia for making the show awesome and interesting to listen to.  The biggest problem that I ran into as a whole with the show is the fact that out of the eight folks I had to schedule time with…  only three were in anything even vaguely close to a drift compatible time zone.  That meant the whole process of finding a time that they were conscious and I could record was a challenge.  Unfortunately that is not really ever going away since a lot of the people I really want to sit down and have a chat with are European.  However trying to juggle that along with everything else on my plate was a bit much.  The problem is that I still have the desire to record something along these lines, but like I said before it felt weird just to start up doing the same thing again.

Friendtime Storything

For awhile I have been trying to sort out how I wanted to functionally reboot “Bel Folks Stuff” and what changes if any I wanted to make to it.  I got completely hung up on the concept of having a friend on the podcast and having them tell me… and our listeners a story.  One of the constant threads among gamers is that we file away these experiences to recall at a later date as we tell tales to our friends and guildies.  I mean I have spun a yarn about the “Bunny Incident” numerous times in the past, enough that you can just say those words and most of the people I play with know exactly what I am talking about.  As I mulled over the concept a bit more I decided that I didn’t necessarily limit it to gaming stories only.  Sure that solidifies the niche of listeners I had for the show…  but in truth I am just not that super concerned about soliciting a huge number of listeners.  There was a period of time I thought maybe this would be an alternate career path, but after attempting to do the writing for pay thing…  I’ve come to realize how not compatible I am with that idea.

I name things oddly… and that is pretty much a given.  The name “Friendtime Storything” came from a lot of mulling things over and some brainstorming with my friend Neph who is going to ultimately be a victim of this process.  Now I simply need to figure out the list of people that I want to talk to and start scheduling times.  In truth this mornings post is intended to be somewhat of a recruitment vehicle.  What I am wanting to do is hard to explain without understanding what I was trying to do with Bel Folks Stuff in the first place.  Mostly it will be me sitting down with a friend and having a good chat, with as the tag line states…  a thinly veined excuse to make folks tell me a story.  I feel like I need a show like this to pull in the people that I don’t have time to talk with on AggroChat.  Right now we have a fairly fixed and reliable crew on that show with myself, Ashgar, Grace, Kodra, Tamrielo and Thalen.  That has been “the crew” for a few years now and apart from missing an episode here or there, or bringing in some additional folks for a big show…  that mix feels good the way it is.  This show is going to let me snag people and do something different.  The main plan is to release these episodes as sort of bonus material in the already existing AggroChat podcast feed.  In theory I SHOULD have enough free bandwidth on Libsyn to sneak one of these shows in each month.  There are a lot of things I would do differently had I a second chance… and one of them is to quit spawning secondary sites each time I had an idea to do something.

I am not entirely certain when this process is going to start, but I have a feeling that within the next few weeks an episode should appear.