Ghosts of Leagues Past

Good Morning Friends! Yesterday I got to thinking about my past experience with Path of Exile and the assorted leagues that I played in and then the ones that I actually took seriously. Largely this was spawned by the comfortable spot that I have arrived at in this league having two extremely strong characters, which led me down a path of exploring some of my past mistakes with this game. There is something about the complexity of Path of Exile that makes you forget entirely what it was like to play the game when you were first starting out. As a result, there are a lot of build makers that assume everyone will be engaging with the trade league and that low investment is anything under 10 Divine Orbs. Granted I am starting to reach that point myself in my journey as this league I have spent probably at least 10 Divines gearing out two characters.
The overwhelming success that I have had with Toxic Rain Pathfinder, has led me to start questioning some things. Namely, whether or not the state of the league is just exceptionally good, Toxic Rain is simply a great build, or I am just much better at the game now than in the past. It could be all of the three but the Toxic Rain build specifically has led me down this path because mechanically it is not that mechanically different from the Explosive Arrow Champion build that I tried back in Sentinel League and did not really enjoy. I’ve seriously played Path of Exile for the last four leagues and for both Sentinel and Kalandra, I had some significant issues with the game, which has now led me to objectively evaluate the state of those characters when I left them. Of note, I do not really play Standard, so any character from a past league is effectively in exactly the same condition I stopped playing when the league ended.
Before that, we are going to talk a little bit about the early murky time spent playing Path of Exile with no clue what was going on. One of the things I never really could figure out is why exactly I did not play Path of Exile before 2016. Sure the passive tree was daunting, but I figured that there had to be another reason. Yesterday I watched the original trailer and then immediately understood why I turned my nose up at this game. The prominent placement of Player Vs Player combat in the game’s features would have been enough for me to chuck the game in the bin. So it wasn’t really until April of 2016 that I gave the game a chance, and only then because I was really coming into a grove of playing Diablo III which made me want to branch out and try other prominent ARPGs. I’ve always loved this style of game but prior to Diablo III, the MMORPG had always been my primary game type, and like so many people I got trapped in the orbit of World of Warcraft for over a decade.
Sadly I have none of my original characters because, during the Sanctum league, I decided to purge them to free up their names. However, none of them were even vaguely close to playable or had anything resembling a “build”. I technically started playing during the Perandus League and I know Breach was active at the same time as I remember doing one of those and dying horribly to it. They used to do this weird cycle of challenge leagues where two events were happening at the same time. I did not manage to make it terribly far on my first attempt and I think I ended up stopping somewhere in Act II. It was not until 2018 and the “Don’t You Guys Have Phones” debacle that I really revisited the game, and at that point, it was during the Delve League. Basically, it was at that point that I started seriously diving into other ARPGs because I felt like Diablo IV was not actually going to happen. From that point forward I sort of picked at the game, never really making serious traction. I remember specifically playing during the Heist League, Expedition League, and Scourge League before finally taking the advice of following a build guide for Sentinel League.
For Sentinel League, I decided to follow a build guide from Zizaran as he was and still is probably one of the most “noob-friendly” guide creators. That said… there is still a huge gulf between his understanding of the game and what he takes for common knowledge and what a brand-new player understands about the game. So I legitimately thought I was playing along as expected and when I hit maps… I ground to a halt and struggled significantly. I think I made it to yellow maps before giving up on the league and trying another character for a while… getting both to 73 and thinking I had “made it to the end game”. However rough it was, it was enough to get this game into my bloodstream and make me want to take a much more serious look at it with the Lake of Kalandra league, when most of AggroChat tried the game out. However, after four leagues of playing Path of Exile, I look at this character and cringe. Firstly notice that I didn’t have anything higher than a four-link on any of my gear. Like today I wouldn’t even begin mapping without at least a five-link… and out of sheer lack of understanding I was throwing myself into the gristmill with not having anything better than a four-link. Additionally, there was a massive problem with my resists… not a single one of them was at the natural level cap of 75% and my Chaos Resistance was negative 52%. Then defensively I am sort of all over the place with relatively low evasion, armor, and no life recovery to speak of. No wonder I struggled with this build. Yesterday I grabbed a 3.21 equivalent to Explosive Arrow Ballista and tried mapping… and shockingly I did okay. I had to ride my health potion a bit more than I would have liked, but there is a certain layer of muscle memory that has built up now where I am actively dodging attacks before I even register that I am doing it.
After moving away from Explosive Arrow I had dinked around with what started out as a Righteous Fire Inquisitor and then got stuck playing Wintertide Brand because I enjoyed that gameplay so much. So with Lake of Kalandra, I wanted to play something Brand based and it seemed like Stormbrand was going to be a good option. So I followed a guide from Velyna and again… something got lost in translation. At this point when I look back on this character, I am shocked that I managed to make it all of the way through unlocking the Atlas. I remember a number of the red maps being exceptionally painful to complete but just assumed that Stormbrand was a far weaker build than the comfy gameplay that I would eventually find with Righteous Fire Juggernaut in the Forbidden Sanctum League. Once again however looking back at this character makes me cringe in ways that I find hard to explain fully. I thought I knew what I was doing during the Kalandra League, and I very clearly did not. First of all, once again I was not even close to sitting at the natural resistance cap of 75% in each elemental resistance and still had a negative Chaos Resistance. For Crucible League this was “day one” stuff, or at least day one from when I reached the end of the Acts. Then again I didn’t have anything resembling a plan when it came to defenses. I had too little Armor to be an armor build, too little Energy Shield to be an Energy Shield build… and a completely insignificant amount of Evasion and Life Recovery. Once again I thought I was doing what the guide told me to do, but clearly missing something in translation. Last night I pulled out the most recent copy of this build and reset my passive tree. I was able to do several maps relatively comfortably and was amazed at just how good this did at the clearing. It even did a reasonable job at killing bosses, but once again struggled to stay alive and it was only through constantly dodging attacks that I reached anything resembling comfortable gameplay. If I got hit… I had to ride the flask. I also noticed that NONE of these characters have anything resembling a flask strategy… but I guess that was a lesson I did not fully learn until playing the Juggernaut, last league.
One of the problems with Path of Exile that really plagues new players is the extreme level of complexity. For a while, I legitimately thought maybe that Zizaran and Velyna were just bad guide creators, but looking back I realize that no… they did a relatively good job but just simply were missing steps that they assumed everyone understood. They are creating guides for folks who are already engaged with Path of Exile and understand the concepts. However, no one really understands Path of Exile until they have lived with it for a while and failed miserably enough to fully understand why they were failing. Knowing what I know today, I could go back and fix my Sentinel and Kalandra characters and could have had a much better time in both Leagues had I understood what I do now. However I have only arrived at that knowledge through almost a thousand hours of gameplay, and multiple hundreds of hours of regularly consuming content about the game. Almost every single day I learn something new about Path of Exile, and there are still game mechanics that I have not really engaged with at all. The cliff of knowledge is so brutal to climb that it makes sense that after ascending to a plateau… these creators forget what the climb felt like because they know they still have another sheer face to ascend in front of them. For example… Subtractem has an hour-and-a-half-long guide on the Betrayal League mechanic… and it only covers “the basics”. Grasping anything more than the most basic understanding of many of the league mechanics requires a similar dive into the abyss of Path of Exile knowledge.
So we arrive at where I am today. I deeply love the game and wish more people did. However, I also know what a brutal climb it is to get to at least where I am today, knowing that I am but a “babe in the woods” before some of the folks who have been actively playing the game since launch. The problem with Path of Exile is a problem that I have seen in so many MMORPGs as well, in that the level of complexity required to really be efficient and good at the game… requires so much of the player and as a result most folks never really reach that point. I could ramble on about the madness of what group construction looks like in Guild Wars 2 for example, and how nothing in the game would ever lead you to a point of understanding it. This is also why I appreciate games like Last Epoch so much because you don’t need to have played 300 hours of the game to be able to grasp the concepts, and there is an in-game guide that legitimately tells you everything you really need to know. Knowing that however… doesn’t really make me love Path of Exile any less for its beautiful madness and complexity. The post Ghosts of Leagues Past appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Automatic Screenshots

Good Morning Friends! Yesterday I talked about how I wished there was a tool out there that would just take screenshots at key moments for me. I get deeply engaged and in a focused state… and forget to mash the screenshot key. Then there are moments where I am actively fighting and think a screenshot might be cool… but it is inconvenient to break the action and try and capture it. So instead what I posited is something sitting there in the background snapping a screenshot every minute or so, and then later I could review these and cull the dross. I think largely I landed on something that works for me in this fashion and while I hinted at it yesterday, I am going to talk a bit more about it today after having played with it.
I’ve been using an open-source program called ShareX since 2020 to record my screenshots. I like its default structure of naming the files based on the program that is actively in use and then dumping them into monthly directories. This works well for me other than on the first of the next month… when I seem to forget that I will need to start looking in a new directory. It is extremely flexible and even offers the ability to upload screenshots as part of the capture process. I’ve turned all of that off and I largely just use the “Capture Active Window” task hotkey. However, I noticed that I had available to me a “Start Auto Capture Using Last Region” option which will turn on the auto capture dialog to the left and minimize it. In order to turn it off you have to click through to your system tray pop up that window and hit stop. However what it does amazingly well… is just start working and do so seamlessly in the background until I am ready for it to stop working.
I did have to configure some overrides specific to that hotkey, and you can access those by clicking on the gear next to the hotkey that I configured. Namely, I needed to change the file naming structure because the default option was simply not granular enough for my needs naming the files a sequence of letters: A, B, C, etc. The other thing that I needed to do was manually kick off the auto-capture functionality and set it to full screen. The default seemed to be “region capture” which was capturing both of my monitors at the same time which is not useful at all. I removed the %pn from the beginning of the file name because for fullscreen captures it is not able to determine what program it is capturing. I wish there was an option to have it capture the active window, but it works well enough for what it does do.
So last night while I was running maps and done delve, I had it sitting in the background quietly snapping a screenshot every minute. This allowed me to capture some really interesting screenshots of skill effects firing off. For example, I was getting attacked by some sort of lightning attack it seems like and you can see my Toxic Rain falling as well as I was clearing my way through a Crimson Temple map. I never could have captured a moment in time with quite so much clarity as I would have effectively had to stop what I was doing, hit the print screen key, and then go back to attempting combat.
It also captured a good number of completely useless screenshots of me futzing with my inventory. The normal process of me running content is to fill up my inventory, then port to my hideout and dump said inventory before diving back in again. This means that I have a fair number of photos of me showing my inventory in various states of being unloaded.
There were enough cool screenshots though that I think this is going to be how I handle this going forward. For example, it caught a pack in mid-explosion down in delve which looks freaking sweet. Really at the end of the day, this gave me what I really wanted. While it would be cool if it actively triggered specific events going on in the game, I am more than happy to just have random shots at regular intervals.
As far as gaming goes… I spent a good chunk of last night clearing out this massive Vaal City Complex with about a dozen city nodes and a Vaal boss. Then down to the left I found another smaller Abyssal City complex with five nodes and a Lich Boss encounter. I also ran a lot of maps on the Toxic Rain Pathfinder to fuel delve and while doing so I was swapping out at the end of each map to run Crucible with Righteous Fire which is just better at dealing with massive amounts of damage. This provided a truly ridiculous number of Heist missions which I burned through to get the quest items out of my inventory. It legitimately was an almost perfect night of hanging out on the sofa, playing Path of Exile, and snuggling with Josie and Gracie. Josie was curled up beside me and Gracie laying on my legs. I am legitimately not sure if this auto-screenshot thing is going to be of use to anyone else, but I certainly think it works well for my purposes. If you go down this path I would certainly be interested in hearing about your exploits. The post Automatic Screenshots appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Uber Atziri Down

Good Morning Friends! Last night was a pretty chill night of mucking around in Path of Exile. The problem is like many nights, I don’t have a ton of screenshots to show for the evening, which makes it hard to craft a morning post. There are times when I am absolutely bopping along and vibing and just forget to press the hotkey. There have been a number of tools over the years that have sought to solve this problem. I vaguely remember a tool called Forge that attempted to fill this niche, and now there is but the problem with both of those was the fact that they were focused on recording video. I have no interest in posting video clips of my gameplay to use to dunk on people… instead, I just want nice clean screenshots that I can use to break up the large blocks of text on this here blog.
This led me down a bit of a rabbit hole this morning, and it seems like within ShareX the screenshot software that I use there is the option to start an Auto Capture session. Essentially at a fixed interval, the tool is going to take a screenshot. Now I would assume that most of these screenshots are going to be boring as heck, but there is also the chance that it is going to capture something cool in the process. So this morning I set up a truly obtuse hotkey to turn it on and off, and I think tonight I might give it a spin when I start up my gaming session. This is going to force me to be a bit more proactive in my screenshot maintenance however as I could see this easily filling up a hard drive.
I recently dinged a level on my Righteous Fire Juggernaut, which means I am experimenting a bit with content before I get too awfully far into the progression toward the next level. After about 95… leveling goes painfully slow and a single death can set you back literal days of progress. So last night I noticed I had collected enough fragments to open up a portal to Uber Atziri aka the Alluring Abyss and the normal mode of The Elder aka Absence of Value and Meaning. I’m one fragment away from doing The Shaper and Sirius, but I hope to maybe get those soonish and give them a shot. I didn’t get much for killing Uber Atziri but I did notice I got an achievement in Steam for doing it. I had hoped that maybe it would unlock at least another map favorite slot.
I one-shotted The Elder but it took me three attempts to chew through the Uber Atziri fight. Essentially I was just bad at dodging some of the mechanics when you go into the phase where she splits into four clones. From The Elder I did manage to pull a Watcher’s Eye that I currently have up on the market. I’ve been torn as to whether or not I want to actually use it for myself. I am running Grace and Malevolence on my Toxic Rain Pathfinder, so it would be an ideal fit. However, I also don’t have a free basic jewel slot that I can put it in without either some levels or dropping something else. I have one slot currently but it is being used to help fix some of my resists while also adding damage over time multiplier. Essentially if I sell it before I figure out how to use it, I will be fine with that given it seems that I could relatively easily farm The Elder if I wanted to.
As far as the majority of my evening, I spent it down in Delve chasing cities. I found this gigantic Vaal city that I was working through when I decided it was bedtime. I still have the Grand Architect up, so tonight I will take down that boss and see if it drops anything interesting. Mostly Delve cities are a phenomenal source of currency, maps, and other assorted bits and bobs. I pulled two raw Divine Orbs out of this city so far. Delve more than anything is a currency generation machine for me because yesterday I cashed out my stockpile of resonators and made somewhere in the neighborhood of 1200 Chaos Orbs within thirty minutes of sales. I will likely use this to fund the gear for my Explosive SRS Necromancer I am working on.
I am starting to stockpile fossils and the four slot resonators however because at some point I am going to try and craft a +2 wand for the Necromancer. Essentially the most effective way to craft this is using a Corroded, Jagged, Metallic, and Shuddering fossil on a Minion Wand base. I guess I should probably spend some time running crucible first to see if I can find a base with a good tree before I go down the path of crafting on it. I have twenty stacks of each of the fossils sitting on my builds tab for SRS, so it will take me a while to gather up a fresh stock of the four slot resonators to use them with. The bread and butter for selling resonators will likely always be one slot and there are a handful of high-value fossils that I get cleaned out of every time I gather up some. While the overall price of resonators is a bit lower than the last league, it is still an extremely fluid market, and easy to flip whatever I earn down in the darkness. Tonight I am going to try out the auto screenshot thingy, and if it goes smoothly I might write about it tomorrow. The post Uber Atziri Down appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Playing it Wrong

Good Morning Friends! Yesterday I made a post stating that I thought I was done screwing around with gear on BelToxica my Toxic Rain Pathfinder. So immediately after finishing the post… I started screwing around with her gear again. However, before I dive into that madness I thought I would talk about getting my fourth Delve boss of the league. I’ve yet to find a Crystal King, but I am starting to roam around in the appropriate level bracket to find him. I did find a Primeval Ruins last night so it is only a matter of time before I find a boss. Last night I found another Abyss boss which makes two, and I’ve also found a couple of Vaal bosses and have my sights on a third. Admittedly they are nowhere near as rewarding as the Crystal King, but they are still well worth taking the time to clear. Delve is still very clearly my favorite game mode, but I am also spending quite a bit of time in Heist and unlocked my trinket slot yesterday.
So the biggest change that I immediately made was to spend 2 Divine Orbs buying a Devouring Diadem. The piece of this item that I cared the most about was the fact that it gives me the Eldritch Battery notable because this allowed me to reclaim three passive choices, which I immediately poured into additional survival nodes. I also made the swap from the found chest piece that I had been using to go back to The Restless Ward where I spent a stupid amount of currency getting to six sockets and six links. The big benefit to this swap was that it gives me way more Energy Shield… which effectively gives me a larger pool of mana to cast spells with… allowing me to actually start casting the Divine Blessing version of Malevolence that I have in my build. This alone was a pretty massive damage increase to be rocking temporary damage over time aura. The Diadem also now allows me to run 4 auras at all times… which currently are Grace, Determination, Defiance Banner, and Skitterbots.
Then of course I did not leave well enough alone and dropped the Ming’s Heart I had been using for some extra Chaos Damage and went back to the earlier resist ring that I had equipped and then swapped out my amulet to balance out the missing resistances. This allowed me to drop my resistance quiver and pick up one with some damage stats on it. This then caused me to not have enough strength… so I temporarily have a bench-crafted suffix on the item but my goal is to figure out a way to solve that either by giving up a single passive node on the tree or finding another way to shuffle my gear. Either way, once the strength problem is solved I will swap that out for something that adds damage like attack speed.
The biggest change that I made yesterday thought has absolutely nothing to do with gearing. It seems that I was honestly just playing the build wrong. So up until this point I had been periodically dropping ballista totems and then tapping Toxic Rain every now and then to make sure that my Mirage Archer was casting it constantly. This is great when it comes to mapping clear and lets you zoom through the content with things constantly dying in your wake. However, I was doing the same with bosses… and they were taking forever. It suddenly dawned on me… that I can probably cast Toxic Rain much faster than my Mirage Archer can, and as a test, I started channeling from a safe spot during boss fights… and sure enough that caused the bosses to just evaporate. So my build was always way stronger than I gave it credit for. At some point, I am going to try some bigger bosses on the character to see how quickly I can destroy them.
In other news, I’m just about to kill Kitava for the first time on the Explosive Summon Raging Spirits Necromancer build. I decided to lean into the fire nature of the build and threw on a cosmetic set that I had never wore before on a character. At this point, this is mostly a side project but it is kinda silly how much damage SRS with Minion Instability does for damage. I am looking forward to seeing what I can do with this build once I hit mapping. I’m in a really great place in this league honestly between Righteous Fire Juggernaut which feels indestructible, and Toxic Rain which feels pretty comfy as well. I’m mostly only leveling the Necro because I enjoyed the heck out of SRS last league and I am curious about how it will feel with a pseudo-eight-link helm. It took me four leagues, but I’ve reached this place of zen with Path of Exile. Again I am sorta sad that I don’t feel like I could really recommend it to new players because the journey I had to make to get to where I am today was pretty daunting. Even then there is so much of the game that I have never even touched. I still only have two of my four void stones for example. I’ve never seen a pinnacle boss really, other than the two easy mode ones you get to quickly in Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds. There are so many league mechanics that I have not really spent any time exploring like Breach, Legion, and Delerium. For the moment though I am very happy with the state of all of my characters. The post Playing it Wrong appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.