Another D3 season

Blaugust took a bit more out of me than I had realized, and I’ve been pretty scarce around here this month. Whoops. I have been busy gaming, mostly focusing on stress reduction and occasionally doing random dumb things with my friends. That includes old raids for transmog and mounts/pets, running LFR and snarking about how terrible it is, and my main focus in the past week – killing demons in D3. Season 15 is about a week old, and I’m much more engaged than I expected to be. It is hard for me to tell whether I’m going to bounce or not in any given season lately. Sometimes I just do the minimum to get the cosmetic rewards, other times I’m pushing all the way through the season journey ranks. I think this time around the combination of the luster fading from WoW’s new expansion and growing Diablo hype surrounding Blizzcon have made me much more excited to play than usual. I am really hoping for a big announcement this year, either a major new expansion or an entirely new D4 would make my Blizzcon. As for this season, I think the fact that I arbitrarily chose to level a necromancer instead of a demon hunter is also helping keep me more entertained than usual. I don’t know the class as well so I have to focus a little more, and I don’t have all the builds and gear memorized so getting legendaries feels more exciting because I’m seeing new things. I’m also more motivated to farm good gear because I don’t have a completely ancient, augmented necromancer waiting for me in non-seasonal like I do with DH. The things I get this season might actually not get broken down for parts when the season ends. I went with the Rathma + Jesseth build since Rathma’s was the free set this season, and it’s quite powerful. Once I finally got all the pieces for the build I rocketed through greater rifts and pushed up to 70 with no problems. Well, I died a lot, but I killed things so fast that I still had no trouble beating the timer. It did take me an unusually long time to get all the key legendaries I needed for my build this season. The two necromancer-only rings were the most elusive, which was frustrating because the circle of buy-one-get-one-free skeletal mages is really crucial. I finally had to resort to some degenerate behavior to force it to drop. Specifically, that ring has a minimum level requirement of only 11, which allows a nice trick to work. Instead of gambling at Kadala at level 70 and having a chance of every ring in the game, I leveled a new baby necromancer to 11 and gambled with her instead. That meant I was drawing from a pool of around 3 possible rings, instead of whole endgame loot table. This technique works best for items that can drop at very low levels, but if you find yourself in the situation where that one thing you need just won’t drop, it might be worth it to try. Now that I’m all decked out (and have unlocked the possibility of primal ancients) I’m working my way through the season journey. I’ve cleared through Champion and just need one conquest to finish Destroyer. I definitely plan to get through Conqueror, and hopefully drag my buddy Belghast through with me since he still has a few stash tabs to unlock. The conquest choices this season are not some of my favorites. I plan on grabbing avarice first, since with the double bounty box event this season it will be very easy to cheese that one. The next easiest is probably the thrill, since I’ll have lots of paragon levels and high level gems to make GR45 less painful with or without a set. After that the realistic options are either masters of the universe, which requires leveling and farming gear with a second class, or boss mode, which will be very hard with only one or two people. We’ll see if I keep my momentum this season or fizzle out before finishing. For now I’m still having lots of fun!

September 2018 Gaming Goals

Welcome to Blogtember, when we’re all coming down off of the high of Blaugust. It’s time for my monthly look at how badly I failed my goals, and the cheerful setting of yet more goals anyway.

August Goals in Review:

WoW: Complete at least one more WoD transmog set. Done! It helps that the legacy loot updates mean that gear just pours out of the WoD raids now, and having another 10 levels means they’re way easier to solo.

Complete “Raiding with leashes IV”. Nope. But not for lack of trying. I mean I guess I could have been running ICC on 20 characters every week, and I didn’t do that. I did run it at least once a week though, and still no pet.

Level my druid through BfA. Nope! This was a surprise! I give myself half points – I did level something through BfA, just not my druid. At the last second I fell back in love with being a disc priest, so that is who I leveled first.

D3: Unlock adventure mode on a HC character. Nope. I got into act V but then BfA arrived and all thoughts of Diablo got set aside for a while.

September Goals:

WoW: Level an alliance-side character to 120. I always want to see the story on both sides, and doubly so this expansion when the two stories are so different.

Run each available dungeon on mythic difficulty at least once. I got a surprise bonus this expansion, a few friends I thought were done with WoW decided to give it a try. I want to take advantage of this bounty and try to run all the mythics before everyone wanders away again.

Run available LFR. I don’t actually know if all of the LFR wings will be available in September. I want to see as much of the raid as I can. Bonus points if I can sneak into an actual raid instead.

Complete “Raiding with leashes IV”. I’m going to keep trying this at least once a week until I get the stupid pet.

D3: Unlock adventure mode on a HC character. This is a leftover from August. I still really want to get this done, maybe once things have finally settled down in WoW I can make time.

No big crazy goals this month, just (hopefully) steady progress on things I’ve been working toward anyway.

August 2018 Gaming Goals

Happy Blaugust everyone! Before I dig into this week’s theme, I wanted to keep up my monthly tradition of evaluating my goals, seeing how badly I failed at meeting them, and then steadfastly creating new ones anyway. Note: I wrote most of these goals before seeing the new quest content in WoW yesterday. I’m not sure if I really want to follow through with them anymore but I’m putting them here anyway because I don’t have any other goals in mind right now.

July Goals:

WoW: Finish one priest transmog set from WoD and the last one I need from MoP. Done! I’ve completed all the variants from MoP and the LFR set from Blackrock/Highmaul. It feels like cheating since I had most of it already from garrison missions but I’m still counting it as a win.

Level one allied alt to 50. Maybe?? Does boosting count? I boosted a highmountain tauren. I still want to level one normally so I can get the heritage armor though.

Figure out who my main will be for BfA. Done. Sort-of. I boosted that highmountain druid on a new server so I can potentially raid with Belghast. I think I would still be agonizing over my choice but the free loot faucet from the pre-launch event was enough to force me to choose so I didn’t miss out.

August Goals:

WoW: Complete at least one more WoD transmog set. I know I’m going to put this aside for a while once BfA launches but I’d like to finish one more before I do.

Complete “Raiding with leashes IV”. I am only missing the pet that only drops from 10N Lich King. I hate trying to get it because it feels like I’m wasting an attempt at Invincible, but I really want to finish this achievement so I can get my celestial bunny.

Level my druid through BfA. This is a no-brainer.

D3: Unlock adventure mode on a HC character. My hardcore mode achievement list is shameful. Although I’ve leveled to 70 with friends using their adventure mode, I never actually unlocked it myself. Time to fix that.

Season 14 Still Going Strong

Season 14 Still Going StrongEven though I completed the entire season journey, I am still very engaged in Diablo 3 for the time being. Maybe it has something to do with the joy of double treasure goblins. It’s given me some time to work on achievements. You can see I’ve maxed out a few categories, like the set dungeons and campaign mode. I am sorely lacking in hardcore mode achievements though. I’m considering leveling a hardcore character this season just to knock out a few of the easier ones and bring that 31% up to something more respectable.

Season 14 Still Going StrongIn other news, Blaugust is back! I’ll be joining in all the fun and games, with posts here and on my Creative Thing blog. If you are a blogger, or are thinking about becoming one, come join us!