Life Without the Auction House

Morning Friends! If you have been reading this blog you will know that I am on somewhat of an Elder Scrolls Online kick right now. This tends to be a thing I go through where I latch onto a game and obsess over it for a few weeks/months and then get it out of my system and move on to other things. I would love for Elder Scrolls Online to be more of a permanent addition to the roster but I also know my personal faults which sorta stacks the deck against that happening. This morning I am going to talk about one of the weirder quirks with the game, the lack of a centralized Auction House. I am by no means an expert in this topic and as a result take pretty much all of my advice with a grain of salt. Traditionally speaking I am not the sort of person that plays the auction house in these sorts of games.
One of the things that I am getting used to slowly is logging in and seeing messages like this sitting in my mail box telling me that I sold something. This morning I am going to do my best to explain how selling items with other players works in Elder Scrolls Online given that I just stated that there is no auction house. I am still very much figuring all of this out myself and I am certain that somewhere in this post I am going to make factual errors just due to lack of experience with the system. What I do know however is that yesterday alone I made around 150,000 gold in sales and I am starting to get a little better at figuring out what to price things.
So when I say there is no such thing as an Auction House, what I mean by that is there is no vendor in the world that serves as a universal gateway to buying or selling merchandise. What exists instead is a series of Guild Stores. If you go to the banker one of the many options will be to access the Guild Store, which by default allows you to buy and sell items from members of your guild. This in itself is not super useful unless you are in a giant guild exclusively populated with traders. What most folks actually want is the ability to buy and sell items from effectively all of the other players playing the game. Here is where we start to get more complicated with the system, but ultimately it is one that I dig.
Scattered throughout the world are a number of vendors physically located in specific cities that are flagged as “Guild Traders”. Since I spent so much of my time in Shornhelm, these are a couple of the guild traders available there and you can see the guild that owns the vendor beside the trader title. Each week guilds throughout the game bid on specific traders in specific locations, and if they win that trader exposes their guild store to anyone who physically walks up to that location and attempt to buy an item. These traders are all clumped together somewhere in the city, and there are absolutely better locations than others. Mournhold for example tends to be a pretty hot location given that its trader stalls are all clumped around the Wayshrine for the city. Shornhelm where I am taking a photo tends to be one of the lower rent areas given that you have to exit town quite a distance away from the Wayshrine before you encounter the traders.
Given that players can be a member of up to five guilds at once, this has lead to the creation of trade guilds that act as cartels and make sure that they have a guild trader vendor each and every week. The above is a screenshot from the guild recruitment tool in game and just a handful of guilds listed under trading guilds that actively have a guild trader. Many of these guilds have trade requirements in that you need to make a certain dollar amount of sales every single week in order to guarantee your slot. However as a result they also tend to be the guilds that are furiously bidding on the highest traffic areas of the game. Many have a way of buying your way into the guild as well through buying weekly raffle tickets, which is a system that I have yet to really sort out.
I personally was looking for something a little bit more chill and ended up going with the Pilfering Peddlers which currently has a guild trader in Solitude. The challenge with being a more low key guild is that last week they failed to secure a bid on a trader meaning that we were effectively locked out of public sales during that time period. Right now I am mostly using it as a way of selling anything that I happen to get out in the world that has any value. Generally speaking I don’t sell anything that is less than 2000 gold on the trader, with the exception being patterns which are all pretty cheap but also sell super fast. The benefit of this system is that it is extremely cheap to list an item on the guild trader and since the default time period is 30 days you can mostly just set it and forget it.
The question obviously then is… how do I know if something is worth money on the guild trader? I lean heavily on an addon called Tamriel Trade Centre, that I spoke about the other day. Essentially it is a combination of a search website, an in game addon and a TSR that runs in your system tray and is constantly updating a list of prices in the background as well as announcing anything that you are selling. I combined a series of items that I have up for sale currently and you can see towards the bottom you will see a series of values in Avg/Min/Max format. Right now that is mostly what I am working off of because it tells me what items have been listed for on traders. Over time I am getting better at guessing what a reasonable amount because the first items I posted sold almost instantly telling me I had put them up for far too little.
My items are hosted on a Guild Trader located at Solitude in Western Skyrim, and anyone who happens to be wandering along can go up to that vendor and buy things directly from them. When this happens the item is delivered to the person via in game mail and then I get a chunk of gold delivered to me in my inbox minus the guild trader cut. What is more likely however is that someone will have gone out to the Tamriel Trade Centre website and done a search on one of the items I was listing and then purposefully ported to that city and bought the specific item they were looking for. The above is an example of a search that includes one of the items I am selling. Right now I am the most expensive vendor because I sorta took a chance on this item specifically and am testing the waters. Were I a smart trader I would pop around to the cities where folks are selling something similar cheaper and relist those as well. In each listing shown above it indicates the player selling the item, where the trader is physically located at, the guild in question, the price and how long ago the item was last seen. Right now the TTC website is only showing you things that someone has physically witnessed, but given how prevalent the addon is and how active trading is in Elder Scrolls Online it ends up being a pretty reasonable resource.
Tamriel Trade Centre relies not only upon you installing the addon but also running the thin client that hangs out in your system tray. I opened mine and it has all of the things that I currently have listed and my internal database of items last synchronized at 6:23 am which is around when I started writing this blog post. This TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident process) hangs out and is essentially the glue that makes the whole process work. This is ultimately how WoWhead also worked back in the day in that you would install the WoWHead addon and then have a piece of software that was ferrying any information you collected during your WoW Play Session back to the website. There is a mutual benefit here in that I get the pricing information I need to be able to confidently place things on the Guild Trader and they get the benefit of effectively being the centralized auction house search engine that the game is missing.
At this point you are probably saying… “But Bel isn’t this just needlessly arcane?” and on some level yes. On another level however I really appreciate this particular brand of nonsense. Using World of Warcraft is the equivalent of electronic trading in the stock market. The person with the best tools and is capable of executing the fastest trades wins. Elder Scrolls Online is more like a Flea Market where there is absolutely money to be made in flipping items, but it requires effort to root around through the dross, physically go to a location in the world, make the purchase and then post the item for an updated price on your own guild trader. Earlier I said I should go snap up the cheaper version of an item, but in doing so that requires time and effort on my part to physically drop down into a city, find that particular trader and make a purchase. The end result for me personally is the right amount of friction both on selling of items but also on buying of items. Do I go out into the world and farm an item or do I purchase it off a guild trader knowing there is a bit of friction in that interaction as well? Right now I am turning my proclivity for being a murder hobo and collecting loot into profit, given that items retain value in this game far more than any other game that I have played in the past. Some of the items that I have been selling have been in the game since launch and are still viable gearing options. There is so much content in the game and so many different item sets that no one can really corner the market on a specific type of item. The end result just works and the player based economy in Elder Scrolls Online seems to be thriving as a result, with the only barrier of entry being joining one of the hundreds of trade guilds. The post Life Without the Auction House appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

A Cog in the Machine

Good Morning Friends! I have been playing an excessive amount of Elder Scrolls Online and it appears that others have as well. This is pretty much a familiar site that goes away quickly, but it is still very much there almost every time I log into the game. To me that is the sign of a healthy interest in what is going on, which makes sense given that we just had a dungeon content drop and have a major expansion story drop in June. On top of that a number of my friends have been poking their head back into the game and House Stalwart ESO edition is once again relatively hopping with a blend of old timers and brand new folks as well. I am very pleased to see it once again turning into a melting pot of friends and friends of friends.
Over the weekend I finished up The Clockwork City and it was extremely enjoyable. Like from the moment I saw this content I knew that it would be my jam given how much I love the steampunk elements of the Elder Scrolls setting. What I was not expecting however is for there to be a longer term story being told through these expansions. Orsinium, Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood were largely independent story vignettes dealing with certain regions or factions of the world. Starting with Morrowind/Vvardenfell something different has started happening. Through the course of Vvardenfell, The Clockwork city and so far in Summerset we seem to be moving a larger narrative forward and I am very interested to see where it is going. Each expansion or story drop seems to be laying the groundwork for the next and we as the player know more about this conflict each time as we move the tale towards an eventual conclusion.
This makes me all the more happy about my dogged insistence on following the content release order. That is not to say that I am certain the game will weave together a narrative that makes sense if you start in another place in the broader tale, but I like to see the ground work spread out in front of me in the manner originally intended. For example I wish I had played Witcher 2 and read the novels before finally getting into Witcher 3 because the final experience would have been all the richer were I to better understand the source material. Similarly the best experiences with Mass Effect have been when I started over with the first game and played all the way through the series to completion. Each game works fine as a standalone but the experience is just more beneficial if you know all of the content that set up the ground rules.
One of the things that continues to impress me about The Elder Scrolls Online is just how well written their characters are. A number of them are effectively throw aways that you are likely only ever going to encounter in a specific region. However each of them is written in a way as they have an entire character arc, often times with rich development… over what is actually only a couple of paragraphs worth of dialog. It is an exercise in expressing the most emotional impact with the absolute minimal amount of words. It is just enough to make you as the player care about these sometimes companions that you have along with you in your journey. It is because of this ability that I am really looking forward to the companion system coming with Blackwood in June.
Summerset is lovely but it is having to grow on me quite a bit because it combines two things that I do not really love: Mages and Altmer. High Elves are my least favorite race in Tamriel and this is an expansion completely chock full of haughty elven nonsense. Combine that with a cloister of super secret mages that are also similarly full of themselves and you have a recipe for a sad Bel. That said now that I have gotten into it… there are definitely some interesting stories being told and I am far enough in to start watching the events playing out that are echoing what happened in Vvardenfell and Clockwork City. Once again… expert storytelling because they are making me care about things that I generally “nope the hell out” of on a regular basis.
With all of the beautiful and pastoral scenes there are also more than a few that are twisted and brutal. Like for example I got stuck in what I can only describe as a “meat dungeon” the other night and I had to snap a picture of it. I could almost smell the place. For now however I am wandering around Summerset and being the liberator of the Bosmer which are an elven people I can get behind. There are also returning characters like one of the best written in Elder Scrolls Online, Razum-dar. So in spite of my hesitations, this expansion is shaping up to be a damned good time as well. I sincerely doubt I will be close to caught up by the time June rolls around but I am going to keep plugging forward because if nothing else the champion levels are a nice addition. The post A Cog in the Machine appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Elder Scrolls Online Release Content Order

Morning Friends! Once again I treat you to a post about Elder Scrolls Online nonsense. I mean if you have been around the blog for awhile you know that I tend to get stuck on these sequences of posts because I ultimately post about whatever the heck I am into at any given moment. Right now I am super into Elder Scrolls Online again and I have my friends Zuu and Bells to thank for it. Had we not been talking about them returning to the game after being frustrated with Shadowlands, I likely would not have also booted up the game and dove head first into it. It is amazing what a difference having people to hang out with while playing makes. Like we are not actually doing much of anything together, but just the presence of other human beings occupying guildchat brings me joy after the guild effectively being dead for years. Another thing that I am known for is my weird tangents. When I approach Elder Scrolls Online I attempt to do so in a manner that reflects the order in which the content was released. I am not sure why this is super important to me, because it legitimately does not matter at all given that everything pretty much can be done at any time of your choosing or straight up skipped altogether. I think part of my logic here is that ESO has a deep structure that ends up lending NPCs a “memory” of sorts, in that they remember your actions previously in the game. Having played through the original three content blocks and a couple of expansions worth of story afterwards, I have noticed how characters that you meet in the newbie zone end up combining with characters that you meet in totally different faction areas, and all of them remember your interactions before. As such it is my intent to play these in order for the most accurate representation of what it would have been like to do the content when it first released having consumed the content beforehand. Once again this is not at all necessary because every drop of content in the game scales and can be tackled at pretty much any time and has been this way since the Tamriel Unlimited patch back in 2015. However if you are weird like me, I cobbled together a rough content order sheet in an attempt to replicate what it would have been like to stay current with the content as it was released.

Your First Faction

The Elder Scrolls Online Ouroboros Medallion (Gift with Pre-Order) 12345 -  Best Buy
When you start the game you are asked to choose a faction and a race. For the most part these are cosmetic choices unless you intend to pvp an awful lot, but for the purpose of this guide I am going to treat these decisions like they actually matter. The content flow order is going to vary a bit based on which faction you start with. Essentially to finish “Caldwell’s Silver” and “Caldwell’s Gold” you end up rotating through the factions in a specific order. I started as Daggerfall Covenant originally for example and my second faction was Aldmerri Dominion and my third faction was Ebonheart Pact. Basically the easiest way to remember this is if you look at the Ouroboros signet each head represents a faction Lion Daggerfall, Hawk for Aldmerri, and Dragon for Ebonheart. The faction order essentially flows backwards around the circle from your starting faction. Since you no longer start in Coldharbour and since at some point they began the process of starting some folks in Summerset and others in Morrowind there is a bit of fiddling to get back on the original path. Generally speaking there will be someone with a boat in the first town you arrive at that can take you to the other starting areas. There will be a sequence that is faction specific and then once you end up in the DLC the path ends up merged together. So here goes nothing in trying to outline as close to the release order for content as one can really get these days. The bits marked with * are for your first time through the content only. They won’t appear in subsequent factions.

Daggerfall Covenant Content Order

  • Take the Boat to Stros M’Kai
  • Stros M’Kai
  • Betnikh
  • Travel to Daggerfall
  • Talk to the Hooded Figure*
  • Complete Coldharbour Escape Quest Chain*
  • Glenumbra
  • Stormhaven
  • Rivenspire
  • Alik’r Desert
  • Bangkorai
  • Coldharbour Epilogue*
  • Start Aldmerri Dominion

Aldmerri Dominion Content Order

  • Take the Boat to Kenarthi’s Roost
  • Kenarthi’s Roost
  • Travel to Vulkhel Guard
  • Talk to the Hooded Figure*
  • Complete Coldharbour Escape Quest Chain*
  • Auridon
  • Grahtwood
  • Greenshade
  • Malabal Tor
  • Reaper’s March
  • Coldharbour Epilogue*
  • Start Ebonheart Pact

Ebonheart Pact Content Order

  • Take the Boat to Bleakrock Isle
  • Bleakrock Isle
  • Bal Foyen
  • Travel to Davon’s Watch
  • Talk to the Hooded Figure*
  • Complete Coldharbour Escape Quest Chain*
  • Stonefalls
  • Deshaan
  • Shadowfen
  • Eastmarch
  • The Rift
  • Coldharbour Epilogue*
  • Start Daggerfall Covenant

Combined DLC Content Order

  • Imperial City – Cyrodil – PVP area skip if not your jam
  • Orsinium – Wrothgar
  • Thieves Guild – Hew’s Bane
  • Dark Brotherhood – Gold Coast
  • Morrowind – Vvardenfell
  • Clockwork City – Clockwork City
  • Summerset – Summerset
  • Murkmire – Murkmire
  • Elsweyr – Northern Elsweyr
  • Dragonhold – Southern Elsweyr
  • Greymoor – Western Skyrim
  • Stonethorn – Blackreach
  • Gate of Oblivion – Blackwood – Releases June 1st
Currently at this moment I am roughly a third of the way through the Clockwork City content. I would love to think I will be caught up by June with the latest content drops, but I sincerely doubt that will be the case. Each of those content blocks is pretty beefy as far as the amount of quests and world content that you would end up experiencing. My personal preference has been to focus on doing ALL of the content available including side quests so that I effectively turn the entire map from Black Icons indicating that I have not completed something to White Icons indicating I have done everything in that given area.
However doing all the quests is not everyone’s jam and thankfully Elder Scrolls Online has made adjustments for the “do only the necessary things” play style as well. In each zone there will be a main story through line and these are marked with a unique icon. As to WHAT that icon represents is up to your own interpretation. I think most folks seem to refer to it as the shield icon versus the arrow icon which works for me. If you follow the main story symbol you will take the shortest route through a zone and should encounter all of the characters that will have the most long term impact on your play through. That is not to say that the side quest character are not pretty excellent, but I am not remembering too many of those that I have seen again once I left the zone. This iconography thankfully continues through each of the expansions allowing you if you choose to focus on only the most important story beats and progress through the content more quickly. Like I said before that isn’t exactly my style, at least not on my very first character. On subsequent playthroughs of the game story I am not sure what I will do. I have been weirdly resistant to “Alting” in Elder Scrolls Online since in theory I can do everything on a single character. The thing is experience is experience and until you hit 50 you are effectively trying to soak up as much of it as humanly possible before you begin your Champion Point grind. Because of that I personally don’t see much of a point in skipping the side content because it is all money, gear and experience. Is this guide useful to anyone? Probably not. However I cobbled this together in spreadsheet form yesterday and decided to go ahead and make a full post today with it. Figured it was a reasonable way to close out the week. The post Elder Scrolls Online Release Content Order appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

A Schedule of Play

Yesterday I spent a good chunk of time hanging out in Elder Scrolls Online and talking with my friend Clockwork Bells or Bells as I tend to refer to her more often than not. I realize it is probably confusing given that I am most often known as Bel but I assure you that Bells is a completely different human being that is legitimate and not someone I just made up to entertain myself. Somehow we ended up getting on this kick of talking about the games coming out and release dates and it made me realize just how much of my year is already spoken for. In January I did a post looking forward into the year but at that point a lot of the dates were not necessarily set in stone. This morning I thought I would refresh that post and talk about some of the dates of specific things that I know I am going to be playing.

Outriders – April 1st

On February 25th we got our hands on a demo of this game and I am super engaged with it. I like its particular brand of run and gun looter shooter nonsense combined with a very Diablo 3 style build system. I am fully on board with this game and looking forward to the release date on April 1st. I think the demo was a pretty great call because this is one of those situations where a game is launching into a genre that has some pretty tarnished history with games like Avengers, Godfall and now the mostly cancelled Anthem. Putting a demo out there shows that they were confident in their product enough to let us start playing it ahead of time. The cherry on the top however is that some progress will be carrying over, but I have not gone grind happy like so many have because I don’t want to wear the game out before it even launches.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition – May 14th

I love Mass Effect and over the course of the years since its release I have played through it a number of times. I cannot believe how absolutely giddy I am about the prospect of playing through it once more, but this time with improved graphics and hopefully improved interface on the game that needs it the most… Mass Effect 1. Over the weekend I talked about comfort gaming and how often I revisit good experiences from the past as a way of salving mental wounds of the present, and experiencing Mass Effect all over again with fresh visuals is going to be one hell of a nostalgia trip. I pretty much expect to be doing nothing but playing this when it launches until I have exited the other end and am watching the credits roll on the third game.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood – June 1st

I’ve said this before, but right now I am having this renaissance with Elder Scrolls Online and on June 1st the next major chapter of the story is released with a whole slew of new content and a new zone. That said I am so far behind that I doubt I will actually be caught up by then, but I am going to make an attempt to at least get a little closer to being caught up. If nothing else I am sure there will be some trickle down effect that impacts me and my enjoyment of the game when this batch of content launches.

Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart – June 11th

This is finally one of the reasons why I actually bought a PlayStation 5 and it is coming out like six months after that purchase. I am hoping for the sake of many that by the time we hit this point in the year that it becomes a little bit more reasonable get a console. I am a huge fan of Ratchet and Clank and I am super looking forward to Rift Apart. Like this is a different sort of experience than playing a “forever game” like so many on the list. Similarly the Elder Scrolls experience is different than a traditional expansion launch because I am effectively at end game gear and have been for years now. So there shouldn’t be much of a conflict of poking my head into this game and playing the hell out of it.

New World – August 31st

This is another game that I am super on board with and looking forward to playing. If you too got caught up in the whole madness of Valheim, then I highly suggest you also put this game on your radar. While it doesn’t have the really cool building elements, it does have a lot of the same exploratory and resource gathering concepts. I played this game last year for the first time and fell in love and have been anxiously waiting to get my hands on it legitimately. There is part of me that wishes it had just launched last year as planned, but I know the game that exists today will be better received than the first version that I played. I am not at all into PVP and this game has so much PVE meat on its bones that I think it will keep most traditional MMO players happy.

The Plan So Far

That friends is pretty much all that I know that has a proper release date. There are lots more games that I am interested in, but for now this seems to be the tentative schedule that I am looking at as I progress into the year. Other bits of information that we know are the fact that Diablo 4 will not be coming out this year at all and it is starting to look like Vampire Bloodlines 2 won’t be either. I am certain whenever Horizon Zero Dawn Forbidden West comes out that it is going to take up prime gaming real estate. Currently Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis is also slotted for release which I expect will get on this list at some point as well. Right now there is a big gap that is the month of July and most of August but honestly I would probably be perfectly happy just to keep plugging away at Elder Scrolls Online pending we still have a presence in that game. I’ve never really done this sort of thing, actually tried to plot the course game wise through the year. We will see if in the end my year actually does look anything like this since I am very easily distracted. The post A Schedule of Play appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.