AggroChat #441 – Shackled by Tradition

Featuring: Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Tamrielo, and Thalen Hey Folks! We are down Ash and Ammo but carry on with what we originally thought would be a short show.  The curse of saying that means that without a doubt we end up going over. We start off talking about Tam’s new toy, the PlayDate Console, and some of the interesting design choices it presents.  From there Bel talks about the Diablo 4 reveal trailer and the weak reception.  This leads to a larger discussion about issues with Blizzard as a whole and how everything somewhat feels like short-sighted decision-making. Bel and Tam talk about Trinity Fusion a game that feels like a halfway point between Deadcells and Hades that Bel stumbled upon through Mastodon. We dive into a large topic about how games end up shackled by specific traditions and how they have limited various designs. Then we get into a few shorter topics like Gamepad.Club is a lovely community if you are looking for a place to land on Mastodon.  Then we all give you a plea to watch Nimona.  We are likely going to talk about that movie in a full spoiler sense next week.

Topics Discussed

  • The PlayDate Console
    • Interesting Design Ideas
  • Diablo 4 Season 1 Reveal
    • Weak Reception
  • Problems at Blizzard in General
  • Trinity Fusion
    • Deadcells meets Hades
  • Shackled by Tradition
  • Join Gamepad.Club
  • Watch Nimona
The post AggroChat #441 – Shackled by Tradition appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Eternal Beta Tester

Yesterday Threads came out which is the Meta/Facebook/Instagram equivalent to Twitter. I tried it so you don’t have to… but let’s be honest I also sort of sign up for every social network that comes out. Someone might view this as me being fickle or indecisive, but it is just in my personal mindset to want to get in and poke around with a lot of different things. While I was a WoW Tourist for years, it did not stop me from playing every new MMORPG that came out even though I had no real intentions (until Rift that is) of actually leaving that game. Threads is not exactly what I would consider good, but it does seem like there are people who love the damned thing. My spouse is a teacher, and apparently among her friends… they are completely enamored with it. It also seems to be a big hit amongst the celeberatti types.
At its core… Threads is essentially “what if Instagram was Twitter”. My core complaint with Instagram and part of why I only use it for idly scrolling… is that most of the posts that I end up seeing are not from people that I followed, and even then nothing is in chronological order. Twitter for me was very much an “in the moment” experience, and focused entirely on the people that I followed and the things that they might have been retweeting. There was a sense of immediacy to the platform and if something was more than a few hours old… you might as well not respond to it because it was already “old news”. Instagram and Threads are applications decided to have some algorithm feeding you content, in the order in which it deems most relevant. On the day Threads opened… most of my feed was made up of completely random people that I did not know at all. On day two it started to feed me more of the people I was following… but also still a lot of randomness. None of this is conducive to a reasonable replacement for Twitter.
I feel like it is VERY important to understand that I have never used official apps with Twitter. Algorithmic fucking about and promoted Tweets were never part of my user experience. Instead, I had a very user-crafted experience and I was able to tweak the site and my TweetDeck layout to match my interests. This is also why I use Mastodon and what I expect out of a social media experience. Coming from that background… Threads is a completely unusable mess of an application. There is also the problem that it is mobile-only… and I really don’t use social media that much on a mobile device. Sure it is great for idly browsing while laying in bed waiting for sleep to claim me… but during the day I am almost always using it on a computer through a web browser. I didn’t start using Instagram at all until I could access it and upload through a browser… which I did by tricking the browser to think I was on an Android phone. I am not willing to jump through those sorts of hoops for Threads, because it just doesn’t add anything of value to my life. In fact, I had uninstalled it from my phone until this morning when I decided I wanted some screenshots… and now have uninstalled it again.
Blue Sky on the other hand… is charming. There is something about that platform. It has a vibe not unlike what those heady early days of Mastodon felt in 2018. Granted it is a different type of user that is hanging out on the platform than the deeply FOSS/Anarchist vibe that was on early Mastodon, but still it has a unique thing going on. Right now I am mostly there because the handful of friends that were unwilling to convert to Mastodon seem to have taken up residence there. It is still feature-limited, and I still think the At Protocol is the Betamax to ActivityPub’s VHS and will ultimately lose… but it is interesting enough to keep me logging in periodically. There is still an awful lot of “talking about other social media networks” going on regardless of your platform. Things are in a state of flux and I guess it is natural… but I also was sort of happy to have reached a point on the Fediverse where it was coming up less and less.
I think my core problem with Blue Sky or BSky as most users seem to call it… is the interface. I hate the default Twitter interface and BSky seems to be a carbon copy of it. I never understood how people could use that interface… or the default Twitter app… and was always shocked at how few people used TweetDeck or any of the third-party apps like Fenix or even HootSuite. Among the options I have found so far with Blue Sky, I think TokiMeki is maybe the best. It essentially allows you to create a multi-column view like you would it tweet deck. Some of the layout of the site bugs me a bit but I have gotten used to it. What I don’t love however is the lag involved with using any of the third-party options.
Another option is something called SkyFeed, and thus far I do not love it. I might learn to love it eventually though if I ever figure out how to make my own custom feeds. Part of the claim to fame with this interface and Blue Sky, in general, is you can roll your own feeds and assign some pretty detailed filtering parameters to them. You can then either publish your feed globally or simply use it privately. I’ve subscribed to a GameDev one and a Cat Pics one and they both work pretty well. Skyfeed has a helper tool for generating feeds so even if I don’t end up using this as my final multi-column UI, I might use it to help build some feeds.
I think the biggest challenge for me personally with Blue Sky as a whole though… is that I don’t really feel like I belong there. I mean I am sure this is partially just a me thing, but as a platform goes it seems to be dominated by the most charming shitposters. All I really want to do on social media is spout off my random nonsense about the video games I am playing, and comment on other people’s random nonsense. While I can in fact do this thing, it also doesn’t really feel like that is the vibe of the platform as a whole. There is a certain oily sheen of Twitter clout that I recognized when stepping aboard and does not really fit what I want anymore. I kinda want a bunch of unabashed geeks talking about their super grognard and arcane exploits. I have no interest in appearing cool anymore, and I am just not sure I fit into the community that is gathering there.
Part of that is absolutely on me though, because I am not sure if I want to fit in. I found a home and it is a delightful one, and while I keep poking around looking at other things because it is my nature… I am always happy to return to the blue-grey interface of the default advanced mode Mastodon client. I think what I daydream about is a future where maybe my sticking around on doesn’t mean not being able to hang out with the friends that didn’t connect with the Fediverse as a whole. My hope with the focus on federation among the current crop of platforms… means at some point they will all standardize on a single federation method, or at least that there will be gateways and bridges that are built between them. I dream of an era when we all get to settle into whatever social platform feels the most comfortable to us… and also still get to share conversations freely.
I would love to say just create an account on and hang out there with me. I’ve helped with this instance in order to have a comfy place for my friends to land, but I also am tired of being the guy who is constantly trying to recruit folks away from whatever platform they are enjoying. I had come to realize that I was just going to lose access to a number of friends, and I had been okay with that… but the last few weeks and the continued dumpster fire that is Twitter sorta ripped open some old wounds. However, I am sorry to say… I won’t be coming to Threads and while I am lurking there… I won’t be adopting Blue Sky as my new home. My home is and will continue to be That is where I feel most comfortable and honestly feel most loved. I’ve tried almost every social platform that has come out over the last few years save for the more toxic ones like Gab or of course Truth.Social… and none of them have done it for me. On Gamepad we have a little over 100 users and most of them are active, and it just feels comfy.
The Fediverse can be a wild place, but it also feels like home. I love gamepad and I love all of the other bright little hubs out there that folks have coalesced. I love how open and free folks seem to be in their discussions. I love that folks seem to be genuine with each other and are willing to tear down the layers of defense that we threw up while using Twitter. I don’t want to be cool anymore, and I am not sure if I ever wanted to be. I don’t have to even give the slightest fuck about what my follow count looks like as compared to someone else. I just want to be me, sitting on my virtual porch waving at other delightful geeks and nerds as they pass by. Maybe that is a weirdly utopian viewpoint of the Fediverse, but it represents how I feel about it most of the time. Sure there are little wars that get waged between instance admins that are diametrically opposed on a given issue… but being on our small little island we are often insulated from a lot of that. I trust Gazimoff, Aywren, and Scopique who I share admin/mod duties and I am always happy to welcome a new face that shows up on our shores. It isn’t perfect, and I realize our little corner of the internet won’t be for everyone. However it is where I live now, and while I might visit other places… it is the only place where you can always find me. I still hope for a day when a bridge gets built between my home and wherever you call home, but I’m not willing to abandon my peace of mind to keep looking for a mythical realm that everyone will simultaneously decide to call home. Like I said the other day… there is no new Twitter, that time is over and you have to figure out where it is that you call your home. The post Eternal Beta Tester appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Gamepad is Cozy

Good Morning Friends! I’ve not really talked about it here on the blog, but for a while now I have been helping with the operation of Recently there have been some situations in the greater Fediverse where instance Administrators have gone missing leading to periods of significant degradation in operation and instance culture. Due to these wider concerns, Gazz wanted to protect the instance from ever being in a situation where an administrator could not be reached. I was asked and I agreed to help around with the instance. The variance in our operating times helps us catch those sign-ups and approve them a bit faster. So if you have any questions or concerns about feels free to hit me up through any of my many social channels. I’m not really around on Twitter anymore so if you reach out there, it is going to take a while for me to even notice. I have to admit I had been somewhat hesitant to talk too broadly about my role as an administrator on not because I was ashamed to talk about it, but more because I wanted to spare the instance any undue heat. I had a fairly significant falling out with the Administrator of another gaming instance that launched last November. Largely I was trying to keep from our small home drawing her spite and her blocking the instance. However, I feel like I have been walking on eggshells since the events surrounding the launch of that instance and my being removed from the moderation team. When the same exact things happened to the other moderator of the instance, I just got tired of trying to be cautious. I will not let that bullshit that we dealt with damage my joy when it comes to the fediverse any longer. I feel safer on Gamepad than I did on other instances, because I have known Gazz for so many years, and he also knows me.
We’ve not had what I would consider meteoric growth, but it has been steady growth nonetheless. I think the great social media land run is more or less over, and folks who would be willing to leave Twitter already have their flag planted on some instance here. Most of our growth has been folks migrating from other instances because they wanted a more chill local feed. Truth be told the great thing about the Fediverse is that there is no real reason why anyone needs to be on any specific server. More than anything it is about choosing your local feed and maybe having a “cool address” behind your name. We’ve thrown out a placard and announced that we were open for business, and folks have answered that call a few at a time. Even I put off moving entirely for a while because it is a bit of a hassle to uproot yourself and plant yourself in a new place… even when you feel like that new place will be a better home. I have to admit I am honestly fine with having a bit of a personal touch to our home, rather than trying to bring in thousands of people. None of us are trying to make a living off running an instance, but instead just trying to carve out a comfy home for ourselves in this new social landscape. The really cool thing about where we are now in the fediverse is that you can maintain a small instance, yet still have a good federation with thousands of other instances. I think last I knew we were federating actively with some 9000 other instances. Small instances that are not terribly well federated have issues with hashtags and the like, but so far the handful that I follow habitually are still introducing me to new people. I admit I was a bit concerned about that by moving away from one of the “stuxlikes”, but I’ve not really seen any tangible difference. I don’t think Patreon fully covers the operating expenses but if nothing else it is putting a decent dent in them.
So far things seem to be trucking along swimmingly. There has been a bit of weirdness when someone migrates from an instance we have not had migrations from before. We aren’t entirely certain what is going on there but it settles out after a few minutes. Essentially when you migrate from another instance there is a flurry of activity as the new server handshakes with both the old server and every server that you were following folks on. The whole “moving” instance thing is relatively new as in the past the only option you had was to export the list of folks you were following and then import that list into the new home. Previously there was no means to move followers, and the new process essentially asks for permission from every instance. If it succeeds the instance has the person who was following you previously follow your new account and then unfollow your old account. This works great so long as every server is running the same version of Mastodon, but largely falls apart when you are talking about other fediverse variants like Pixelfed, Pleroma, Misskey, etc.
Because of the voluntary nature of server migration and follower moves, this is in part why I always suggest folks export all of their data manually to CSV so that they can fall back to importing those if anything does not go as planned. In a worst-case scenario, you can then manually import everyone you were following, and hope the nature of the fediverse takes hold and they follow you on the new account. Server migrations are commonplace enough that rarely does anyone really bat an eye when someone jumps instances. More than anything the ability to change instances provides a self-healing characteristic that you just don’t have in another environment. If an instance gets stale, too busy for your tastes, or is unsustainable by the administration team… then you can move your home and in most cases, the entire process takes less than fifteen minutes from start to finish. Instances sign onto the Mastodon Server Covenant as we have as a way of providing at least three months’ notice if an instance needs to shut down.
Right now we are going through a rather public scenario where a large instance is shutting down. Currently, folks are using this as an excuse to decry the failure of Mastodon. For me, I largely view it as the system succeeding because instance admins have thrown out the welcome mat to make sure the folks from needing a new home can find one easily. Migration is one of those things that is just built into the Mastodon experience. I’ve shared the entire history of my instances before, but is my tenth instance and in each case, I had perfectly valid reasons to move. That isn’t to say you need a reason other than “I want to” and the beautiful thing is that after awhile folks understand that the nature of the fediverse involves people shifting into more comfortable positions. I would never put the hard sell on anyone to migrate to any instance because so long as there is no defederation nonsense at work, we will be able to talk freely no matter where you end up. Anyways long post that went in a bunch of different directions as often mine do. I’m helping out with the operations of and while I’m technically an administrator I still very much take my lead from Gazz. I mostly help out with tedious things like loading emojis and helping to approve account submissions, but am there to step in if there ever comes a need for me to take a more active role. It is a good home and we’d love to have you, but also there is no pressure to move if you are happy where you currently “live” on the fediverse. The post Gamepad is Cozy appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

The Gamepad Club

Good Morning Friends! Surprised Josie is surprised that I am taking her photo. I figured since this is going to be a fairly light post this morning I would lead off with a cat photo and maybe even close with a cat photo. I’ve not really talked about it on my blog but late last year I was involved with the preparation and launch of a mastodon instance and said involvement went off the rails. As a result, I have not really had a default Mastodon instance to suggest to my friends. There are of course excellent sites run by Stux like,, and that I currently reside on, but there is just something different about having a nice focused local feed that you can rely on. Since most of my online interaction is with gaming-focused topics, it would be lovely to have a gaming-focused instance that did not have a shitbird for an administrator.
Back in 2019, during another wave of migrations from Twitter my friend Gazimoff founded and it was a delightful place. You might know him better from his time spent writing for or the ZAM Network… or even his intense involvement in the Wildstar community… or maybe the Mana Obscura blog. was really cool but also of fairly limited focus… given that MMORPGs in general represent a pretty small slice of the total gaming public. Then there was the fact that a lot of lessons were learned in a rapid-fire succession about how best to build a Mastodon instance and be able to scale it with demand. While was ultimately shuttered, lessons were learned about how to build a better community going forward and more than that how to make the entire site scale more sustainably.
Now we scan forward to yesterday when Gaz finally pulled back the curtain on his next venture. is the result of that understanding gained back in 2019 and created to be a more general focus gaming instance rather than a niche devoted to MMORPGs. Essentially Gaz decided there was a need for a stable gaming-focused instance that could scale as needed and that had a steady hand. I am very happy to have an instance that I feel like I can wholeheartedly support and suggest to my friends. He is doing it right from the start and has signed on to the Mastodon Server Covenant that outlines some basic parameters for operating an instance. I’m not currently formally involved with the running of this instance in any way, because I decided it was probably best that I was not at least in the short term. I’m admittedly concerned that the vindictive admin of another gaming instance might take some sort of retaliatory action against if I were.
I have however set up an account there and worked on my profile. I’ve not made the formal leap, but I am sure at some point in the coming weeks I will. I have a lot of faith in Gaz and the lessons that he learned while running and how best to keep from running into any roadblocks with I think one of the huge benefits of the way it is configured is that it is not just another hosted instance on, and as a result, he can pivot and apply custom patches as needed rather than waiting for the entire hosted infrastructure to be updated at the same time. I plan on picking his brain on his experiences with Linode, because I have been deeply considering shifting all of my infrastructure to a self-managed cloud environment rather than the shared web hosting that I currently have.
I will close out this morning’s post with a picture of Josie and Gracie chilling on the sofa and actually getting along. Josie is not all that sure about her role as “Big Sister” and mostly gets annoyed by Gracie’s love and attention. Essentially my friends if you are looking for a more gaming-focused instance, then I highly suggest you check out It is still pretty small but I figure in the coming weeks it will grow into a lovely community, without any terribly onerous rules. Gaz is someone I trust and someone who has been a friend for years. I am very willing to put my faith in him when I migrate. The post The Gamepad Club appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.