July 2018 Gaming Goals

I can’t believe it is July already. That means it is time to find out how I did on my goals for last month and make some new ones!

June Goals:

WoW: Finish at least 2 more priest transmog sets. I think this is a yes? I actually didn’t make a note of exactly what I still needed when I wrote this goal. But now I’ve finished everything from MoP except for one pair of boots from SoO.

Level the new mage to 100. Done! She’s actually 110 and ready for BfA!

Heroes of Hammerwatch: “Beat the game”. Nope. I only ever made it as far as the last boss (before NG+). Then a new D3 season started and I got distracted…

July Goals:

WoW: Finish one priest transmog set from WoD and the last one I need from MoP. The WoD raids are harder to solo but I think I can do this.

Level one allied alt to 50. It will probably be my highmountain monk. Leveling these alts when I already have 110s of every class feels sorta pointless, but the completionist in me won’t let me stop.

Figure out who my main will be for BfA. In my heart my forsaken priest will always be my main, but I haven’t enjoyed the playstyle in ages. Lately I prefer monk, but they aren’t in the best place in terms of group utility and I don’t know if that is getting better in BfA. Druid is great and always useful, but I will have to level a new one as soon as zandalari become available because DINOSAURS. I also need to decide if I am going to rejoin my alliance friends, join a new horde guild (which means rerolling on a new server again), or just go solo and skip raiding this expansion. So many decisions!

Once again that’s not many goals for the month. The really big one is figuring out my main, because it relies on answering so many other questions about how I want to play in the new expansion.

May 2018 Gaming Goals

Another month has left us, taking the tattered ghosts of all my well-intentioned gaming goals with it into the ether. Let’s see if they come back to haunt me in May!

April goals in review:

WoW: Complete all the priest transmog sets up through Cata. Nope, but not for lack of trying. I ran everything on two priests every week, but I’m still missing one piece from Dragon Soul.

Get my new mage up to 70. Nope. 67 is pretty close though! The new leveling experience is slow. It doesn’t feel great.

Participate in my friend Belghast‘s M+ nonsense. Yes! I missed last week due to family stuff, but otherwise I’ve been enjoying this.

Monster Hunter World: Finish the story. Nope. I checked out and fell down a Night in the Woods -shaped hole and then never came back.

May Goals:

WoW: Keep playing in the M+ nonsense group. I don’t know if we will get to +15 before BfA arrives, but we will have fun trying.

Finish all the priest transmog sets up through the first tier of MoP. This seems like a minor goal since I’m almost done with Cata, but the MoP raids have 3 sets each. Plus I think some of the difficulties are mutually exclusive in terms of loot.

Level the new mage to 75. I’m keeping this to baby steps because leveling just feels bad right now. I hope there’s another leveling catch-up bonanza like the Legion invasions as part of the BfA pre-launch.

Destiny 2: Check out the new expansion. I’ve essentially quit playing D2, but since I’ve already paid for this expansion I might as well see what it has to offer, right? Hopefully it will give me a reason to come back.

Stardew Valley: Try multiplayer. A beta version of SDV with multiplayer just got released. I haven’t played in ages but this seems like a good excuse to fire it back up and mess around with a new farm.

That’s it! Another month with very modest goals because real life is still kicking my butt.

March 2018 Gaming Goals

Oh, is February over already? It feels like this year is going by way too fast. I was out of town for over a week this month, so that’s my excuse for not meeting all of my gaming goals.

February Goal Review:

WoW: Do all the wings of Antorus LFR. Done! I barely remember it, because LFR is not that memorable. At least it unlocked the new story stuff in Silithus.

Get exalted with one of the Argus factions. Done! I actually finished them both!

Hollow Knight: Get an ending. Nope.  I barely picked this game back up.

FFXIV: Catch up on the new MSQ, dungeons, and raids. Partial Credit. I have caught up on the questline and dungeons, but still haven’t done the new raid stuff.

Pyre: Finish the game. Nope. Although, I still have a couple days left to do this before our game of the month podcast.

March Goals:

WoW: Finish off the TBC raid transmog sets for my priest. This is pretty RNG dependent, so I’ll count this as a win if I at least run both raids I need every week this month.

Level one of my allied race alts to 60. I unlocked all 4 available allied races, and made an alt of each. Now I just need to decide which one I want to level first.

FFXIV: Catch up enough to run the new raid stuff. I don’t feel very motivated to do this, but I would really like to at least see these once before the next patch cycle.

Furnish my house. Yes I bought a house when they were re-opened to individual buyers. Now I need to spend even more gil to make it feel a little more homey.

Diablo 3: Help my friends get their murder bears. I finished the basic season journey and got my cosmetic rewards right away, but I have a few friends who are not quite there yet. I want to make sure I help them out before I get bored and wander off until season 14.

Monster Hunter World: Catch up to my friends. This feels slightly impossible since everyone is still pushing forward. If I want to be able to do relevant things with my friends I’m going to have to try.

I finished more of my February goals than I thought. Let’s hope I can do the same thing this month!

AggroChat #192 – Essentials of Grind

Featuring:  Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Nephsys and Tamrielo


This week we went a little off course from our normal show.  In truth we are all largely playing the same games we have been playing for the last few weeks.  Instead Ashgar proposed a topic where we discussed what makes a grind work in a game.  This eventually devolves into a discussion of mostly Monster Hunter World because it seems to have a really great grind mechanic.  We also discuss traditional JRPG grinding, MMO grinding, and a bit about why the Destiny 2 grind isn’t really working out.  Tune in and grind your faces off!

Topics Discussed:

  • Grinding in Games