Black Hole is the new Black

Blaugust 2015, Day 14 Black Hole is the new Black It finally happened, friends. I acquired both the Supernova White and Black Hole Black dyes. More importantly, I got both without having to sell my soul to buy them from the market. I have been pretty happy with my current outfit, but I just had to incorporate the black dye when I found it. I think both versions look good, but the black just looks sharper to me. I had been trying to avoid spending much gold so I could get a better idea of how much I made over the month, but I think the 50g to upgrade this outfit was money well spent! This addition brings me to about 15 dyes missing from my wardrobe. About half of them are legendary quality dyes, so it might be a while before I get them all. I’m hoping I can find them before the dye system goes account-wide. The only two I’m really still excited about are Dominion Red and Ichorous Orange. Hopefully I’ll keep being lucky with my dye crate drops!

More Raiding!

Blaugust 2015, Day 12

More Raiding!

As you can see from my tiny body, plummeting to its death, this place is huge.

Last night I was able to “help” my guild in their Genetic Archives run. Since this was my second foray into this raid, I had no excuses for the number of bad things I stood in. What I did have was a lot more fun. Since I had seen almost all the fights we did before I was a lot less overwhelmed and could actually relax and enjoy myself a bit more.

More Raiding!

I still love those loot explosions!

While large raid sizes are not really my favorite thing, there is something to be said for being able to blend in to the crowd and just shoot things. WildStar’s raiding seems ridiculously forgiving, at least at this level. I’m used to fights in FFXIV where one death out of 8 players can quickly spell disaster.  It is startling and refreshing that even though a few of us died early on the Kuralak fight the rest of the group was fine to push through without us.

I still haven’t come to terms with why I like DPSing so much in WildStar compared to other games, but I’m glad I do. On nights like last night it is way easier for me to hop in and help shoot things than to play a critical role like tank or heals.

Silly Things

Blaugust 2015, Day 10

Silly Things

He looks angry but he really just needs a hug.

I’ve been known to be a bit of a content locust, devouring new things quickly and completely. Sometimes I move on to new games afterwards, but often I stick around. It requires a bit of self-motivation to find your own fun when there’s no obvious goals sitting in front of you. In WildStar right now I’m not raiding doing much group content. Instead I have the goals of making as much money as I can in a casual way, and upgrading my gear in whatever slow manner I can without raiding. These go hand in hand when I see those drool-worthy ilevel 74 pistols sitting on the AH…

In FFXIV I’m at the stage where I can easily cap my raid-gear currency in a few days, and there’s little I need that can be obtained by pugging. I could just log in very rarely except for raid nights and still be making the exact same amount of progress. Instead, I’ve decided to pick back up where I left off on the relic weapon questline. This is a level 50 quest chain from before the expansion with about 8 different parts that starts you off with an ilevel 80 weapon and eventually progresses it up to 135. In some ways it reminds me of the legendary item quest chains in WoW from Pandaria and Draenor. The difference is that the end result of this chain is not really any better than what you could get from raiding, and it takes a pretty soul-crushing amount of grinding to get there. The quests also send you to a wide variety of different content, across every zone in the game and into most of the level 50 dungeons. It also asks you to dish out quite a bit of cash for vendor items and to either craft or purchase some high-level crafted items.

Before Heavensward released I was about halfway through. I set this goal aside when the expansion launched because there was so much new content to see. When things finally slowed down enough for me to return I was pleased to note that most of the quests had been altered to reduce the grind. I’m now on the next-to-last step, which requires 400,000g worth of vendor items, another 600-800,000g worth of crafted items, and multiple items only purchasable by spending level 50 PvE tokens. Oh yeah, it also requires item drops from 16 of the level 44-50 dungeons, and the drops are not guaranteed.

If you think it sound silly to go through all this effort for an item that was barely worth it when the content was new and is not even slightly useful now, well, yes it is. Sometimes we have to make our own fun in games when there are lulls between content. Sometimes the game puts a silly challenge in front of us. Right now I’m grateful to have something to do that keeps me active and engaged in FFXIV while I wait for new content and for my raid group to return from their end-of-summer travels.

These types of trials are also rites of passage that give a weird traumatic bonding experience. In late Wrath-era WoW I got my “The Insane” achievement, and part of what got me through it was the support of a guildie who had done it too, and the few other folks I’d eventually befriend just because I saw them working on the same tasks with me every day. So three cheers for silly goals that bring silly people together! And a Moonshine Mansion tip-o-the-hat to my FC-buddies Lonomonkey for inspiring me to go down this dark path in FFXIV, and Ash for keeping me company during the silliness! Hopefully I’ll be reporting on my success here soon, before a new level 60 version of this quest chain gets added to the game!

What I’m Playing: August 9, 2015

Blaugust 2015, Day 9

I had hoped that talking about what I’m playing once a week would inspire me to play more games, or at least mess around in a few different games. No such luck this week.

What I’m Playing: August 9, 2015

These bears just get me

Alphabear: I’m stalled out at chapter 4, mostly because I have to wait for some of my better bears to wake up before I can beat the daily levels and unlock the boss. I still love this game and play it daily.

Diablo 3: Got my wizard up to level 50. Not really a huge change from last week. I really need to push if this is going to happen before the new stuff arrives.

Hatoful Boyfriend: OMGWTFBBQ. I’ve now played through every possible ending. This game. Just…wow. It does an amazing and very weird job of bringing absolutely everything together. Go play it right now.

FFXIV: My Monday night raid group finally killed Bahamut, thus finishing the content that existed prior to the expansion. My Wednesday night raid group killed Bismark Ex this week. We were missing a few people and had to pug, so I’m looking forward to killing more things with my friends and FC mates instead of strangers.

WildStar: I’ve been doing a lot of dailies and running tons of shiphands as I work on my guides. My experiment to see how much money I make casually in one month is going quite well. I’ve made over 38 plat already since August 1. I have a few ideas of what to spend it on at the end of the month, but if you have any suggestions let me know! Right now I have enough glory to upgrade at least one item to a raid-quality piece, but I’m holding off because I don’t want to dish out the money to upgrade and rune it during my experiment.

That’s pretty much it for this week! There’s a few games I probably should have been playing (FFV I’m looking at you). I also was almost tempted to play some WoW since they sent me a 7 day trial. Fortunately I stayed strong and stayed away, mostly because I didn’t feel like re-installing it and also because the free 7 days expired before the expansion announcement hype.