Streaming Goodness


Streaming Goodness

Rooster Teeth is one of those groups that I have known has existed forever… but never really watched much of.  I was not a Halo player, but I do admit to watching quite a bit of the first few seasons of Red vs Blue.  Similarly RWBY is one of those products that I have known was available, but for whatever reason never actually watched.  There was a certain bit of fitting tribute the other day that I started watching the show, on the Anniversary of its creator Monty Oum’s death.  Over the course of several hours of watching I went from knowing absolutely nothing about this show, to becoming a huge fan.  I had always heard it described as “An American Anime” but didn’t really know what to expect from that.  I mean Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra are pretty much what I think of when I think of American Anime.  I love both of those shows and a lot of other continuous narrative cartoons like Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and Bravest Warriors.  So as to why I never started this one in particular, is as big of a guess as any.

I guess what I like about it so much right now is that it has pretty much everything I loved about Bleach, without all of the stuff I didn’t love about it.  What attracted me to Bleach was this premise that created a universe full of really interesting characters.  Sure while Ichigo is the “main character” there are a bunch of other extremely interesting good guys and bad guys that make up the tapestry.  RWBY does this through the creation of teams that fight together, and can either be positive or negative influences on the story setting.  Also there are shades of post apocalyptic, in that the characters exist in this world that is being plagued by a bunch of supernatural creatures known as the Grimm.  The only way mankind has managed to survive is by harnessing the power of dust, refined elemental essence to power up their abilities and be able to fight back.  The show itself takes place in a sort of Hogwarts for demon hunters, a school known as Beacon that trains individuals to become either Huntsmen or Huntresses.  So all of those elements like Bleach and Naruto are there, to keep churning out interesting people to encounter in the world.

What makes the show better for me… is the fact that thus far at least over the course of the three seasons I chain watched… there isn’t a lot of repetition.  The frustration with Bleach is when you have the realization that every single season is the same.  Ichigo gets his ass kicked by some new bad guy > Ichigo trains to unlock some previously undiscovered ability > Ichigo wins… but just barely… but still enough to save his friends.  While RWBY borrows heavily from Anime tropes, the way it puts things together feels more fresh to me… because it is based in a culture I already understand.  The problem with Anime in general is that there are so many cultural experiences that I lack, and I simply cannot understand without having to research why the hell “this thing” was funny or important.  When I watch most Anime, there are certain points where I feel I need footnotes to understand the subtle nuance of what is happening.  RWBY however makes sense out of the box, with nothing lost in translation… because it quite truly IS “American Anime”.  So I have to say… I am now hooked and will join the folks waiting every week for the next show to release.  I’ve even gone so far as to hook others on the show, which I guess is the truest sign of enjoyment.

Heroes Reborn

Streaming Goodness

When I am sick I seem to ratchet down my game playing and increase my television watching.  So over the last few days I have been hunting for things to watch, and over the last two nights have picked back up on Heroes Reborn.  I started the first episode of the show some time ago, but it either failed to grab me… or I got distracted.  I’ve now chain watched my way through the entire first season and I have to say… I really enjoyed it.  Heroes is one of those shows that I have both extremely fond and extremely negative memories of.  The first season was among the best single television seasons I have seen…  and then that second season…. I would probably rank among the worst.  The third season came along and fixed some of the problems with season two… but by that time the audience was gone and the show was doomed.  I don’t think I actually watched any of that fourth season… which honestly after watching Heroes Reborn, makes me want to go back and chain through the originals again.

Reborn is the perfect example of a show that stands on the shoulders of the original, but doesn’t actually require you to have watched any of it.  Sure there are plot points that you will get earlier if you know who certain characters are from the original, but you learn soon enough what powers they have.  The entire show takes place in a very “Days of Future Past” storyline, where the heroes… now called Evos are being forced to register their powers.  There is very much a “humans” vs “evos” undercurrent that runs through the show, along with the expected “no evos allowed” signs.  What makes this season work however is the same thing that makes me question if they are setting themselves up for a crappy second season again.  Much like the “Save the Cheerleader, Save the World” plot of the first season of the original, there is a clear narrative path that ends up being concluded in a massive event.  The problem is… I am not really sure how they top this.  I mean you can only quite literally save all of humanity so many times during a television show.  All of this said… I really enjoyed myself and I guess I am along for the ride when the second season releases.




Media Consumption 11/28/2015

Rainy Morning

Media Consumption 11/28/2015It’s been a good morning, albeit a cold and rainy one.  I got up and made a beeline to the kitchen to fix some breakfast.  We’ve recently had a renaissance with the little triangle sandwich maker thing that became popular during the 90s.  Recently we started playing with making pancakes in it, and the resulting tiny triangles of pancake goodness are awesome.  So I fixed pancakes and sausage and my wife and I nommed happily.  From there I ended up popping into World of Warcraft for a bit to do some garrison stuff, and shortly thereafter found The Goonies on cable.  Around about this point my wife and I decided it was a good idea to go lay down and snuggle with the cats.  It was around this point where my wife asked me… if I had already done a blog post.  It had quite honestly slipped my mind.  I live my life based on a sequence of rituals, with each one kicking off the next ritual… and if any of them happen out of order all sorts of mayhem occurs.

So that folks is how one almost breaks a three year streak of daily posting…  not with tragic circumstances… but just a charming morning that made me forget that the internet was a thing.  As a result I am getting a really late start at the day, but have now officially had some coffee so I believe I can functional properly once more.  I’m back on the sofa wrapped in my blanket cocoon and tapping away on my laptop.  Generally speaking Thanksgiving is usually this difficult holiday filled with running around like crazy, but this year a bunch of things have happened ending up making it the most chill and relaxed time ever.  Firstly we wrapped up the work on the house just before the extended weekend, and with that there was a flurry of cleaning to make the house feel “finished”.  Then we were able to load all of our meals into an evening and a morning…  giving us the rest of the break just to chill.  At this point we are taking advantage of the constant rain and the cold temperatures to simply stay in doors and hibernate.

Jessica Jones

Media Consumption 11/28/2015

With the hibernation has come a lot of Netflix or equivalent digital streaming.  Over the past week I have been watching the new Marvel Netflix series, Jessica Jones.  I have to admit that this is a character that I only know of in relation to the other characters she surrounds.  I went through my “Kung Fu” phase where I read a lot of Powerman and Iron Fist, and ever since have had a certain affinity for the characters in that chunk of the Marvel Universe.  In truth…  after the amazing results of the Daredevil series, I would have watched anything produced for Netflix feature Marvel characters.  Jessica Jones however took a completely different tone, but one equally gritty.   While Daredevil shows the clear physical toll of being a hero…  Jessica Jones does a good job of showing the mental and emotional toll.  Jones herself is completely walled off from the world in her own emotional bomb shelter, trying to keep as many people away from her… because she is convinced that is the only way she can actually keep them safe.

The show also digs into a lot of themes of violation and betrayal but does so in a slightly different way than we are used to seeing.  The Purple Man has always been such a strange character in the comics, and I was not quite sure how they would end up making it work for the screen.  David Tennant’s portrayal does this excellent job of walking this razor line between making him completely horrific and likable at the same time.  There are times you think that maybe with the proper role model, he could change and be a force for good…  only to get those hopes dashed when you realize that this is a person without any sense of a moral compass.  The actor playing Luke Cage also does an amazing job of bringing that character to life, and I am hoping we see a significant big more of him in the future seasons and the supposed upcoming Luke Cage Hero for Hire show.  My favorite insider moment in the show was when Rosario Dawson’s Clare Temple, and it is setting her up to be the Night Nurse taking care of all the supers in trouble.  I could gush about Ritter, but really without her the show would have fallen apart completely.  I highly suggest watching it… and I am trying really hard not to do any serious spoilers here.

Inside Out

Media Consumption 11/28/2015

Last night I also finally got around to watching Pixar’s Inside Out.  I have to say that in all honesty there has yet to be a Pixar film that I have not loved, and that is saying something because in truth…  I can’t say the same about Disney animated films in general.  There is a certain magic that Pixar brings to the screen, and a certain timeless “realness” that they give their characters.  This film was a bit of an emotional roller coaster but I guess that makes since as it is kinda the “Feelings Have Feelings Too” movie.  There were so many moments where I laughed out loud, and several moments towards the end of the movie where I failed miserably to fight back tears.  Maybe the whole nostalgic binge I have been on served to deepen the experience of this movie.  There were so many profound messages like…  you can’t really be happy without also feeling sad sometimes.  There were moments I related to the dad, especially when he was straight up oblivious…  because so often I get lost in my own head and forget that I am supposed to be paying attention to the world around me.  One of my favorite bits came at the very end of the movie when it showed the inside of the cats head…  I am pretty sure that is exactly how it works inside our cats at least.  This morning while laying in bed… every so often one of them would go tearing through the house for no apparent reason… only to come back and snuggle a few minutes later.

Heroes Reborn

Media Consumption 11/28/2015

Another thing that I started last night was Heroes Reborn, which is the reboot of the much acclaimed Heroes television show from a few years back.  I say much acclaimed… and by that I guess I really just mean the first season.  The show as a whole went tragically downhill quickly after that, and I blame the writers strike on pretty much killing all hope of that show living up to its full potential.  I mean I realize strikes have to happen, but that managed to kill a number of would be amazing televisions shows.  This time around we have zoomed forward to several years after the events of the first series, to a time where the “Evos” as they are now calling folks with super powers are out in the open and an act of terrorism has turned the public against them.  The show has shades of the Mutant Registration act from X-Men, and the first episode centers on the dad from the first series, who has apparently forgotten any knowledge from the event.  The first episode was intriguing enough to get me to start watching it, and I figure at some point today I will continue on that process.  Will be interesting to see where they go with this one, and I hope that maybe just maybe they can live up to the promise that the first season started.