AggroChat #80 – Limited Game Events


This week we continue our adventure into this new topic focused format, this time with the full AggroChat crew.  The big topic of the night we take on which is not specifically a single game… is limited game events like holidays or other expiring content.  We dig into the things we like about them and dislike about them, as well as provide some ideas in how to make the concept work better.

On this show we talk about…

  • Seasonal Events
  • Limited Game Events
  • Wildstar
  • Everquest 2
  • World of Warcraft
  • World Ends with You
  • Star Wars the Old Republic
  • Final Fantasy XIV
  • Tales of Zestiria
  • Destiny
  • Marvel Heroes
  • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
  • Space Team
  • Magic: the Gathering

AggroChat #78 – Fiddly Runic Madness


This week we once again have the full AggroChat crew, and a long list of things to discuss.  The challenge with every episode however is always coming up with a title, and this weeks honor goes to a lengthy discussion we happened to have about the new rune system in Wildstar.  We could however just as easily given this a Star Wars title because we spent a huge chunk of the game discussing various pieces of that universe as well between Star Wars the Old Republic, Battlefront, X-Wing Minatures and our upcoming Star Wars pen and paper game.  The show ran a little long, but we had what felt like a bunch of interesting conversations about lots of different games.

  • Star Realms
  • Star Wars Battlefront
  • The Beginner’s Guide
  • Undertale
  • Eighty Days
  • Wildstar
  • Secrets of Grindea
  • Star Wars the Old Republic
  • X-Wing Miniatures Game
  • Fallout New Vegas
  • Marvel Heroes
  • FTL
  • Mega Man Battle Network
  • Star Wars Pen and Paper
  • Destiny
  • Rockband 4
  • Playstation 4

#Blaugust Day 19: Scattered

We've reached that point in Blaugust where it starts to get difficult. The stored up ideas have been used and we're dependent on new ones for our posts. Tamrielo may be able to come up with a couple hundred ideas in an hour, but my mind is not so fecund. Or maybe I just self-censor too much, I know that's a problem. As much as I say that this blog is for me, I'm always aware that I have an audience and that anything I post could theoretically be viewed by anyone and everyone in the world.

#Blaugust Day 19: Scattered
Damn you brain!

Last night was a pretty light one gaming-wise. I played a little Magic Duels, long enough to knock out the daily quests I had active. One was to win 2 duels with either a blue/green or a blue/red deck, so I tried out an artifact deck based on Kodra's recently talking about how awesome they were. I won both duels, but the deck never seemed to really click. The idea is supposed to be lots of cards that spawn artifacts (mostly 1/1 flying thopters) and benefit from artifacts being in play along with cards that buff artifact creatures. Despite something like a dozen or more cards in the deck that create the thopter tokens, I never put out a single token in either game. Just bad luck of the draw, I guess.

#Blaugust Day 19: Scattered
Three in the deck and I never drew one

Apart from that, I logged into Marvel Heroes for a bit and finished up getting Thing to level 60. With that done, I looked through my stable of characters to pick the next to run up. One problem I've found with the story rebalance is that any character that completed the story on normal prior to the rebalance still has all the story quests completed post rebalance. That means I've got a few characters such as Squirrel Girl and Storm who are between level 20 and 40 that I can't use the story to level. I'll just have to go with the old legendary quest / Midtown leveling method for them I guess. It works, but it gets tiresome fast.

I ended up pulling out Deadpool, who I got as my free hero for the anniversary celebration. He's supposed to be a lot of fun to play, and his synergy bonuses are +10% each to rare item find and special item find which are useful for pretty much any character, particularly the level 60s that I'm hunting end-game gear with. I ran him through the first chapter and liked him reasonably well. I'm playing him mostly shooty so far, with AoE bombs to deal with packs of minions. They did a good job with the humor and fourth-wall breaking of his voiced lines; hopefully they won't wear thin as the game goes on.

#Blaugust Day 19: Scattered
Seriously considering picking up this costume

Finally I went offline and read for a while. I'm about a third of the way through Choke and it's as disturbing and hilarious as I expected from Palahniuk. I imagine most of my readers have seen the movie version of Fight Club (if you haven't, you really should), but a lot of you probably haven't read the book. It's well worth your time even if you've seen the movie. In fact I'd say it's even more worth it if you've seen the movie, as the differences between the two make a fascinating study in how you go about adapting a story to a new medium in a way that takes advantage of that medium.

AggroChat #70 – Calibrating “Main Gun”


This week we are joined by Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Tam and Thalen, with Kodra having to deal with some family stuff.  I was not certain how much we would have to talk about, but like always we managed to fill a show full of all sorts of games that we had been playing.  Thalen starts it off talking about his further adventures into the Magic Duels free to play game.  Similarly with the launch of Fallout Shelter for android he has started playing that as well.  Finally he talks about the recent Fantastic Four event in Marvel Heroes and how The Thing is the tankiest of tanks.  Tam spent the day at an Infinity Tournament and talks about just how awesome the Seattle minature gaming scene has been.

Grace talks about her recent swap to spending most of her time in Wildstar and the excitement surrounding the impending free to play drop that is now on the public test server.  Additionally she talks about her recent foray into the PVP system, and how generally cool the community seems to be surrounding it.  While board games are normally the territory of Kodra, Grace mentions the Exploding Kittens card game and how much fun she has had with it since receiving it.  Ashgar has followed in Tam’s footsteps and talks about his experiences playing Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment.  Ash has also started on a brand new playthrough of Mass Effect with the intent of carrying one save game from one all the way through three.  This of course spawns a conversation where we talk about our experiences with the Mass Effect series.  

Finally I talk about my recent return to Rift, and my obsessions with Hellgate London.  Additionally we talk about next weeks show, where we plan on talking about the storyline of the Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward expansion.  We have purposefully kept discussion of plot points to a minimum, but we feel it is generally safe enough to start talking about where we think the game is going.  We are announcing this ahead of time for the purpose of letting our listeners and readers join in the fun.  Do you have any interesting theories or are there parts of the story that you didn’t quite grasp?  We are taking in questions via email for this coming show, and we will go over them on the air.  I should be a lot of fun and it is our first real attempt to do something like this.