On Avatars

This might be kind of obvious because my progress on these ran to a screeching halt, but I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to write for Ashgar, who is the 4th member of the “adventuring group”.
Ashgar is me, in a lot of senses, so figuring out what to write feels like I’m trying to decide what my own character traits are, what faults I’m okay with a fictional version of myself having, and bragging about the things I’m good at. Introspection is hard, and also it runs into how private I am about my own life.
That said, I do still want to get this project advanced a bit, so I’ll be working on character profiles for my other characters. I’ll get to myself eventually, and hopefully that will also let me address some spots where I have personality type gaps. Fiction doesn’t have to perfectly mirror reality, after all.

On Blaugust 2021

The last post I made on this blog was for Blaugust in 2019, but my 2020 wasn’t exactly the best either mentally or physically. I know I’m in good company there.
Regardless, I’m basically going to be ignoring the blaugust prompts, and using this as an excuse to do some writing for my stable of massively underdeveloped characters. I plan to get Monday/Wednesday/Friday posts out for these, so that can be something to look forward to. In time, I would like to get back to using this as an expansion of thoughts from the podcast. But for now, writing for writing’s sake will have to do.

On Being On-Call

It turns out that when I’m in a state of high-stress, the blog is one of the first things that gets left behind. If you listen to the podcast you may already know this, but I played a decent chunk of Warframe in the past week. Warframe has changed a lot since I played it last, but it’s still just a game that’s fun to play for me.

On Being On-Call
I’ve never really articulated my thoughts about this game, but that seems like it might make a good topic going forward. Today is dedicated to recovery, however.

On Blaugust Reborn

Greetings! It is now the official start of the month of August, and this year Blaugust is back!

On Blaugust Reborn

This space has been pretty unused for quite some time, but I’m hoping Blaugust helps me get back to regular posting a bit. Back when I was able to write posts during lunch at work, I was able to keep to a pretty consistent 3/week schedule, so I think for the month of August we’re going to try going back to that. This past year+ has been a little crazy for me personally, and I’m very gradually getting back into the swing of things. In the meantime, I’m still playing games and you can hear me on a weekly basis on Aggrochat.