AggroChat #92 – Games of the Year 2015 Part 1


Tonight Ashgar, Belghast, Dallian, Grace, Kodra, Thalen and Tam talk about their favorite games of 2015.  This is the first part of a two part podcast.

Once again it is time for us to record our “Games of the Year” show, and this time around we did it slightly differently.  Last year we tried to come up with some title that represented the podcast as a whole, but it ended up being pure madness to get us all to agree on something.  This time we instead each picked three games to add to the list and now we are recording a show about all of those games.  Of note… this is not necessarily show about games that were released in 2015, but instead a show about games that were important to us during the calendar year.

This is being divided into two parts to cover the gap as myself and several others will be attending Pax South.  In this first part we talk about:

  • Hand of Fate
  • SubNautica
  • Secrets of Grindea
  • There Came an Echo
  • Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
  • Beginners Guide
  • Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
  • Hatoful Boyfriend
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X
  • Undertale

Underwater Interlude

Last night was very odd for me gaming-wise. It was one of those days where I got home from work and felt exhausted no matter what I did. My intention was to try out Warframe with the other Aggrochat folks, but it was taking a few minutes to download and I was getting sleepy and impatient. I spent a bunch of time staring at my Steam library and poking at things until I finally settled on Subnautica.

Underwater Interlude

Reusing this image because these giant squid monsters are still amazing.

I talked about my feelings for this game a while ago when I first got into it. I really loved building a cool undersea base and exploring. Unfortunately a bit before the holidays they added an update that changed some of the terrain and messed up my structures. These are the perils of playing a game that is still in Steam early access. On the plus side, they do keep adding new cool things almost every month or two. The newest one supposedly lets you access some new areas of your crashed ship, so I definitely wanted to check it out.

Starting up a fresh game was a bit daunting after all the hours and work I had put in and lost, but it was the only way forward. I waffled for a minute trying to decide between a normal game, or an exploration-mode only setting where you don’t have to worry about silly things like food, water, or oxygen. Eventually I decided to stick with the normal survival mode, since the “story”, such as it is, supposedly doesn’t progress in exploration mode.

This game is perfect for relaxing. The sea creatures, underwater vistas, and even the music are very pretty and for the most part very chill. Sure, every once in a while a sea monster tried to eat me, but that’s a small price to pay. Starting from scratch was a little annoying, but within a half hour or so I had a store of food and water and an all-important O2 tank. By the end of the evening I had a 1-room structure and had even managed to build a mini-sub, so the next time I play I should be good to go exploring  and gathering resources.

I didn’t manage to get far enough to start exploring the new stuff yet, but I did see some signs of the changes in the past few updates like new crafting recipes. I am incredibly glad I fired this game back up , it was a perfect calm way to spend the evening. If you weren’t sold before by “sweet underwater exploration plus building cool sea bases and submarines” then there’s probably nothing new that would change your mind. If you were on the fence though, it might be worth checking out. It is definitely more than enough to distract me until Diablo 3 takes over my world tomorrow night!

Underwater Interlude

AggroChat #75 – Diamond Jubilee


This week we had Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Kodra and Thalen.  Tam was jet setting around the country but should be back next week.  It seems pretty insane that this is already our 75th show.  Being our Diamond Jubilee of a sort I am swapping up our introduction a bit in an effort to make it easier to see precisely what games we happen to talk about on a given show.  Without further delay here are the games we discussed this week on AggroChat.

  • Jigoku Kisetsukan
  • Final Fantasy Record Keeper
  • Final Fantasy XIV 3.1 Delay
  • Fallout New Vegas
  • Mario Maker
  • Volume
  • Magic the Gathering: Battle For Zendikar
  • Wildstar
  • Diablo 3
  • Subnautica
  • LBX
  • Disney Infinity 3.0
  • The Force Awakens Hype
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Star Wars the Old Republic
  • Black Mirror


Off the Deep End

Off the Deep End

Gigantic squid creatures? Sold!

I have been filling the time before the next WildStar drop by dabbling in some other games. The one that has suddenly taken up the bulk of my play time the past few days is SubNautica. This game is in Steam early access right now. Usually I avoid games that aren’t released yet, but this one seemed perfect for me, is pretty far along, and seems to be getting regular updates, so I went for it.

SubNautica is a survival/exploration game, with the premise that you’ve crash landed on a water planet and need to manage your food, water, and oxygen while you explore. You start out with just a life pod and a few supplies, but eventually you can craft your own sea base and submarines.

Off the Deep End

Nighttime in the depths is very dark but also pretty.

The game is supposedly made to work with the Occulus Rift and I bet that would be amazing. The views are beautiful and the motion of swimming and piloting the various watercraft just feels right. I’m not sure how much there will be to do since the game isn’t finished, but I’ve put about 12 hours into it so far and haven’t found the edge of the world or even all the different types of resources or biomes yet. I did finally manage to build the large “Cyclops” submarine, and spent a silly amount of time exploring it and driving it around.

Off the Deep End

Yes I named my sub after a bioluminescent sea creature. Who wouldn’t?

If you don’t mind taking a chance on an early access game and want to explore an alien ocean and get murdered by alien sea life, you should definitely check it out!

Off the Deep End