If You Give a Chieftain a Cookie

Hey Folks! I am getting around to writing my “morning” post in the afternoon… or at least it will be after noon by the time I finally publish this thing. Yesterday was the official end of our private league that lovingly became known as “Bel League”. I think this was a very interesting experiment and I think that for the most part, it was a success. I created three highly viable characters during the league and one failed character. I made my way through all of the maps save for one that never would drop… the Unique Twilight Temple map, but I still consider that a win in spirit. In the experience ladder my characters sit for perpetuity at First, Third, and Fifth place which seems like a solid performance. The character that did not work was my Volcanic Fissure of Snaking build, but I pivoted that character into what has become one of the more enjoyable Righteous Fire characters I’ve created. Now that I am over in Trade League, my characters are showing up on POE.Ninja so for anyone at home you can check out the state in which I managed to get them all.
As soon as I got access to the trade economy… I of course started fiddling with my characters. The problem with reaching a point of stability with a character is that it is almost like trying to renovate a house of cards. As you swap a piece of gear for something else… you create a deficit that you then have to patch elsewhere. In all of my time in the private league, I never found a single viable Elder influenced helm and since we are playing in a hyperinflation league… I did not want to pay 20-30 Divines for a pseudo-six-link helm to put Righteous Fire in. My first purchase was spending 5 Chaos on a level 85 base Pig-Faced Bascinet that I then proceeded to pour a bunch of fossils into before making do with Level 20 Burning Damage and Level 18 Concentrated Effect. This however meant that I would be losing my +1 to Maximum Fire resistance on my influenced helm. So I got around that by picking up a Rise of the Phoenix with +2 level of Socketed Aura Gems… which bumped my 21/20% Purity of Fire to the next breakpoint and made up that missing Maximum Fire Resistance allowing me to stay at 90% to all elements.
If I was moving Righteous Fire to my helmet, that meant that I needed to either recolor my existing Lightning Coil or purchase a new one. Having access to trade meant that I could find a better-rolled one that was also corrupted and had the +2 to Level of Socketed AOE Gems on it… meaning that my 21/20% Fire Trap gains +2 from the chest, +1 from a leveling Empower, and +1 from my Sceptre for a grand total of Level 25 and soon to be 26 once I gain another level on that Empower gem. Since I am converting 50% of my physical damage taken to Lightning Damage, I thought while I was at it I would pick up a reasonably rolled Taste of Hate to add 15% of physical taken as Cold. I thought these flasks would be much more expensive but I picked it up for 10 Chaos. I am guessing all of the magic find is producing more than the market can absorb.
This left me with one last problem to try and fix. I’ve always had negative chaos resistance on this character since the swap over to Righteous Fire and I really wanted to at least attempt to resolve that problem. Given the high number of uniques that I am using, that left me with three slots that I could swap out pretty easily to try and at least make a dent in this problem. So after some fiddling around I found a new pair of boots, gloves, and an amethyst ring that combined take me close to the cap in spite of not quite hitting it. I’m at least up to a positive 67% which is far better than I was before starting this process. I could in theory swap my necklace out… but given how much I am relying on it to make up attributes I would still want +1 to all fire skills… I figured that would be a more tricky replacement. I would love to be able to run Defiance of Destiny that I lucked into yesterday… but I would need to probably swap over to a full cluster jewel setup in order to make that happen. I’ve rapidly run into a Ship of Theseus problem… where I am not quite certain how much of my build remains the same.
The last thing that I swapped out was my two Ursine charms for slightly better-rolled ones to increase my regen and strength… that will give me some additional health. In the end… I’m about the same armor-wise… down about 200 life, and 200 life regen… but am converting 15% more damage to elemental and have enough chaos resistance to not be completely trashed by any modifiers that deal chaos damage. I also picked up a bit more damage from the swap of Righteous Fire and Fire Trap so am killing things faster…. which ends up making the build feel better as a result. All told… it was a good series of moves that cost me around 5 Divines in total. If I decide to push this build any further… it will involve almost entirely respeccing the character and stacking on a bunch of cluster jewels. For now, however… I am going to let things alone for a bit and just play the damned game. The post If You Give a Chieftain a Cookie appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.