Toxic Rain Champion

Good Morning Folks. One of the side projects that I have been working on is a Toxic Rain Champion. I’ve played Toxic Rain before and I have played so many Champion builds… but I have never played Toxic Rain ON Champion. Mostly I am going down this path because I am somewhat tired of Lightning Arrow, yet I also seem to be drawn to creating at least one bow character each league. Clearly, I am doing this wrong because I should be playing my normal Lightning Arrow set up with the new Elemental Hit of the Spectrum instead. I may respec at some point and do this because so many perfect elemental bows are being crafted with the league mechanic that nearly perfect bows… are dirt cheap. However, I am a weirdo and seem to crave doing a thing in spite of it not necessarily being the optimal scenario.
I am loosely following some templating with the tree that ends up creating a wildly different structure than I am used to. I have plenty of regrets to respec this later, but for now, I am going with it so that I can learn the whys of this particular pathing structure. Specifically, I think it is due to this weird snaking column of nodes that do damage over time instead of the normal pathing which puts you down a path of scaling additional arrows and crit. There is a lot of devoting nodes to flasks… and I might remove all of that because I am not sure it is actually worth it. My goal in life is to never have to hit my flasks… and a lot of the scaling is specific to life and mana flasks which I hope to reach a point of never actually having to hit.
I am already off the path because one of the things I have always hated about Toxic Rain is managing wither stacks. I hate withering step full stop. So instead of running toxic rain in both a Mirage Archer setup and a totem setup… I am shifting things up a bit and mixing in Toxic Rain of Withering which went in as a transfigured gem last league. The idea is that the totems debuff while dealing damage and then my Mirage Archer setup deals the bulk of the damage output. Alternatively, I could swap my main link to Withering and then swap over to a Manaforged Arrows setup instead of running totems. Similarly, I have seen folks play this as a full totem build with a link devoted to manaforged arrows to apply culling strikes and withering.
One piece of tech that I am playing with that I have never done before is using Despair as a Blasphemy support aura. I am only going down this rabbit hole because I picked up this necklace and wanted to play around with it. Essentially it gives me some damage over time, chaos damage scaling, decent life, and makes it so that Despair has no reservation if cast as an aura. Since I run around a lot dropping totems and proccing Mirage Archer I am often touching pretty much every mob with this aura. Which means I am stacking withered easily and also rebuffing them with despair… causing a significant escalation of the chaos damage I am dealing.
I am also playing around with a chestpiece that I have contemplated using a few times in the past, but never actually used. Basically it has really high armor and evasion, increased flat chaos damage, decent life, and some buffs to life leech. Unfortunately that last bit is going to require a rework of my tree to make functional, but I feel like it is going to be worth it. I am also desperately needing some mana leech so that I can drop clarity at the moment. I am in a very raw state with this build because I just finished off the second Kitava last night and have yet to do anything to fix my gearing woes. Basically I am going in a direction but it is going to take a lot of fiddling to see if this direction is going to pay off. I have a number of issues to resolve before I really figure out how well this is going to work. Right now I am running Purity of Elements and I would like to stop doing that at some point. This means I am going to need to cap my resistances through another means as well as figure out a way to deal with elemental ailments. I am too low-level to swap over to the onslaught belt, and am wearing Tanu Ahi to make up for not having that at the moment. I would love to use a Death Rush, but I am not sure if I can make the gearing work out as I need to make up for a lot of resistances and spell suppression and might need that ring slot. Anyways… it is going to be a bit of fiddling around before I can get this build into a workable and stable state. The post Toxic Rain Champion appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Crucible in Review

Good Morning Friends! The Crucible Challenge league is coming to a close in Path of Exile and I thought I would spend some time this morning talking about the various builds I played. The crucible mechanic itself was a bit cumbersome and lackluster unless you were willing to go extremely deep into the system and attempt to craft the perfect tree. I was not willing to do this, but I did interact with it at a very surface level. This was the league of completely insane builds that we will likely never see again, in part due to the crucible weapon tree allowing for some complete nonsense. The fact that there were nodes that allowed an item to vendor for a unique version of that item base, led to drops in prices of things like the Aegis Aurora selling at one point for as cheap as 60 Chaos instead of the usual 1-2 Divines.
What this did do was cause me to set up several tabs where I just chucked bases that I cared about into them… and then when I was bored or looking for something to do I would run maps and reveal trees. The problem with this plan however is that it was EXTREMELY rare that I went through a map and did not get one of the bases that I cared about to drop… so my supply never seemed to deplete. I should probably spend the next few days unlocking the trees that I already have revealed that sell for currency. Essentially I spent a lot of time fishing for a better tree to them try and merge with my assorted weapons… and never really had much luck. I think this was probably better for map blasters than someone like me who tended to favor Heist and Delve… two league mechanics without Crucible forges.
Crucible was easily my most active League and during it, I completed a large number of builds. I have to be honest… this is maybe my favorite part of Path of Exile. I like trying different things, given that there are so many years worth of content and so many skill gems that I have never really explored. More than anything this league was a bit of a redemption arc for characters that I had tried in the past and never really managed to get working. The only problem with trying out a bunch of different builds is that I never really elevated any of them as far as they could really go… before shifting gears and trying something else. I guess let’s review some of the builds that I played in this league.

Righteous Fire Juggernaut

Another relatively new thing about this league is that I recorded a lot of short videos talking about various builds. I’ve recorded several with my Righteous Fire Juggernaut, but here is one where I did some delving which is honestly how I spent most of my time on this build. Righteous Fire and more specifically the Juggernaut variant is just one of those comfy builds. You end up being super tanky and can mostly laugh off most incoming damage. I managed to clear 3 of the 4 Void Stones on this character and make it all of the way through mapping without much issue. I never really took this build as far as it could go because I essentially needed to complete the swap from Fire Trap on the pseudo-six-link helm to my six-link body armor and I never really wanted to mess with recoloring my Brass Dome. Additionally in a true endgame variant, I would have figured out a way to make myself ailment immune without Purity of Elements. That said the version that I ended up with felt extremely good and served as my pillar for pretty much all of the rest of my shenanigans last league. I love this so much that even though I am not planning on starting Righteous Fire… it is pretty much a given that I will end up building one for delving. Here are the details behind the build.

Toxic Rain Ballista Pathfinder

This is the first build in what I call my redemption arc of past builds. I had tried a few versions of Toxic Rain during the Sanctum league, and never really landed on something that I enjoyed. Mostly what I landed on was that I had been trying to convert to Toxic Rain a bit early for my tastes and that in past iterations I was not running both Toxic Rain as a self-cast ability and on Totems. Additionally, I have learned that I really hate Focused Totem Support, because I do not want to be responsible for triggering my totems. Sure Focused Totems are a clear dps win, but you also lose the quality of life of not having to constantly aim them in order to get anything from them. I had a lot of fun with this character, but the negative with a Pathfinder is the reliance on constantly hitting your life flask to keep your regeneration rolling. I am not sure if I specifically followed any single build guide, but probably the most comprehensive version available is the one that Zizaran produces for each league. This is really the build where I discovered POE.Ninja and their Builds section and I was able to compare and contrast a bunch of successful Toxic Rain builds in order to land on something that felt good to me. Admittedly this is sort of a more advanced process, but learning that I could adapt builds to fit my needs was a real game changer for me.

Explosive Summon Raging Spirits

One of the things that I love about Diablo-style ARPGs is how getting a specific item that drops… often generates a desire to build around it. In my travels on my RF Juggernaut, I stumbled across a helmet with four gems on it… Burning Damage, Concentrated Effect, Minion Damage, and Minion Life. After spending a chunk of the Sanctum league playing a Summon Raging Spirits build… I had this desire to build around this helm and more specifically pivot into Minion Instability with a Fire Explosive Raging Spirits build. For the most part, this worked well, but as is the case with many of my builds… I was unwilling to focus on it enough to really sand off some of the rough edges. This could have been a great build on its own and would have been perfect cromulent as a main build. Its critical flaw… is that Toxic Rain and Righteous Fire were just better. Unfortunately, this character no longer exists in this state, because I recycled it into a later build. There really is not a direct guide that I followed, but again spent a lot of time on POE.Ninja looking at other Summon Raging Spirits builds that utilized Minion Instability. If you want to go down this path, I did find a decent enough guide you could follow.

Explosive Arrow Ballista Champion

This is another build in my redemption arc because the very first time I attempted to follow a guide was back in the Sentinel League and attempting to play Explosive Arrow. I had no idea what I was doing, and going back earlier this league and looking at my old characters… it was painfully obvious. I had no real defensive strategy and made zero effort in attempting to cap my resistances. So knowing what I know now… I wanted to make an attempt at creating a better version of this character. Originally I thought maybe Zizaran’s definition of “Tanky” just did not match my definition of that word. Turns out no… Explosive Arrow Champion is EXCEPTIONALLY Tanky… almost to the point of being similar in feel to my RF Juggernaut. I had so much fun with this character, and unfortunately… it RAPIDLY eclipsed my Toxic Rain Pathfinder in the amount of time I spent on it. This is the build that I most associate with Zizaran, so of course I would suggest someone following his guides. If you have any questions however with this build or any of the other ones I have talked about… my comms are always open.

Wintertide Brand Occultist

On the ultimate redemption arc build… we have Wintertide Brand Occultist. Back during the Sentinel League, I made an attempt at following Pohx’s guide for the Righteous Fire Inquisitor. However, I stopped short… and pivoted into undiscovered territory when I decided that I really liked Wintertide Brand. This led me to try Storm Brand for my Kalandra league starter, to mixed experiences but it also started a mental obsession with wondering what a proper Wintertide Brand build would feel like. So this League I decided to repurpose my Explosive SRS Necromancer and respec it into a Wintertide Brand Occultist. The only negative about this build is that I tried to do it on the most shoestring budget ever… which meant that I reused as much gear as I thought I could get away with from the previous build. The end result… works shockingly well and quite honestly in the time that has passed since I recorded the above video… I have gotten much better at playing it. I spent a good chunk of last night zipping through Tier 16 Red Maps with a decent amount of juice applied and it performs like a champ. I honestly considered just league starting this build for Ancestor League, it is that stable. With enough attention and focus, I think I could resolve any of the existing survival issues. Namely, I need a lot more block but levels and investing in some good jewels for my passive tree would solve that. Sadly I don’t really have a guide for you to follow. The only thing I can truly provide is my POB. I pieced this build together on my own by looking at a bunch of folks who were doing something similar on POE.Ninja. Wintertide Brand is sort of an offshoot of the much more popular Cold Dot Elementalist.

Armageddon Brand Scion

My Sixth build of the league was extremely haphazard and a bit of a mess. I normally do not care about Achievements in video games but for some reason… I do in Path of Exile. There is an achievement for killing Dominus in Act 3 with every base class in the game, and the fact I had never done this with a Scion was bugging me. So I rolled a Holy Flame Totem/Flame Wall Scion entirely with the purpose of killing Dominus, and after doing this… I mostly felt fine with walking away from that character. As the league wore on, and I was feeling the itch to play some more Path of Exile I dusted this character off and made a pivot from Totems to Brands, and decided to roll with an Armageddon Brand setup. I successfully got it up to maps, and with enough time and investment, I could have probably made this an enjoyable character. However one of the lessons I have learned… is it is okay to walk away from a character because it is relatively trivial to run up another character. I actually enjoy leveling through the contents and I find the process of “building” a character to be extremely therapeutic. Unfortunately, again there is ZERO guide here, and mostly just a lot of me winging it as I went and searching the passive tree for anything that I thought might be useful that I could path to easily. Do I suggest anyone follow my character? Hell no. Do I really like Armageddon Brand and want to give that ability a proper redemption arc in the future? Hell yes.

Lightning Arrow Raider

Now we get to what is technically my eighth build of the league. There is a Righteous Fire Inquisitor that I never finished because I decided that I really do not love the Inquisitor variant of that build and will probably always choose Juggernaut. Essentially this was my first time doing a “league start test” where I tried out a build to determine if I wanted to play it at the launch of the Ancestor League on Friday. I had noticed over the last few leagues that there are a lot of folks who play some variant of Lighting Arrow as a league starter, because reportedly it requires no gear to function. After playing it I can in fact verify that it does not require much in the way of gear and can map on four-links. The most popular variant of this is played with a Deadeye and is exceptionally squishy. I opted to go for a way less common variant that uses a Raider that is significantly less squishy… but also is nowhere near anything I would consider “tanky”. I am league-starting this because I really enjoy leveling on a Ranger, and also… I really want to do some of the content that is facilitated by having a character that can explode an entire screen at once. I know at some point I will crave a tanky character to do some delve or similar meaty content… but I am looking forward to seeing how the mapping phase goes with this character. I managed to survive low-tier red maps without any investment and only some minimal bench crafting to at least partially solve my resistances. My goal is to see how far I can get without touching the trade league to help solve my problems, and mostly turn this into my mapper for the league. The nice thing about Ranger is that I will be able to pivot into a bunch of popular builds if I decide I get tired of Lightning Arrow.

Final Thoughts

While Crucible as a league mechanic was a bit “bleh” in that it didn’t really give me a fun repeatable activity that made currency… the “sandbox” state of the game was phenomenal. It is easily my favorite league of the four I have played thus far, but largely because this is the league where I felt like I finally grasped some of the nuances of this game. Of the builds that I tried this league… I would absolutely play RF Jugg, some form of Toxic Rain, Explosive Arrow, Wintertide Brand, and some form of Armageddon Brand build again. Probably my favorite build would be the Wintertide Brand Occultist because as time has gone on in the league I have played it more and more as my “not RF Jugg” build. Wintertide Brand just feels cool and adding in all the other cold dot mechanics feels super satisfying. As we go into the Ancestor league I have a handful of builds that I want to try a make happen:
  • Poison Summon Raging Spirits Juggernaut – This is a staple of hardcore and I am curious if I can make a version that feels tanky enough to do delve. It is simple enough to pivot into Righteous Fire if it doesn’t work out.
  • Shockwave Totems – I still want to find a totem build that I enjoy, and since Shockwave Totems wrecked Sanctum the first time around… I am curious about this one as maybe a Hierophant build.
  • Exsanguinate/Reap – I played seismic totems for a bit during Sanctum, and I really liked Exsanguinate far more than I liked the actual Seismic totems. I know there are versions of this build that use Juggernaut for Hardcore, and others that use Scion for Softcore. I want to research this and try and make one that feels good.
  • Something with Cyclone – I love Whirlwind and its spin-to-win play style. Righteous Fire sort of scratches a bit of this itch of being able to just roll over the top of your enemies. I do however want to try and figure out a way to build around Cyclone and make it feel enjoyable… maybe a cold conversion.
  • Armageddon Brand – I enjoyed Arma Brand enough with the Scion to try and give it a redemption arc. I figure this is probably going to be best played with either Hierophant or Elementalist, but will need to do some research.
This is one of the things that I love about Path of Exile is that I always have projects within projects. I know for example that I will likely create stash tabs devoted to each of these ideas so that as I find gear that might be useful I can start gathering it up while I am playing my league starter. I sincerely doubt that many of you are going to make it down to this point in the blog post because this one is pretty massive. If you have, however, thanks for sticking around even though I tend to get hyper-focused and obsessed with a single game at a time. This has become more of a thing the older I have gotten. Anyways I hope you have a most excellent day and I will see you tomorrow for more nonsense. The post Crucible in Review appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Automatic Screenshots

Good Morning Friends! Yesterday I talked about how I wished there was a tool out there that would just take screenshots at key moments for me. I get deeply engaged and in a focused state… and forget to mash the screenshot key. Then there are moments where I am actively fighting and think a screenshot might be cool… but it is inconvenient to break the action and try and capture it. So instead what I posited is something sitting there in the background snapping a screenshot every minute or so, and then later I could review these and cull the dross. I think largely I landed on something that works for me in this fashion and while I hinted at it yesterday, I am going to talk a bit more about it today after having played with it.
I’ve been using an open-source program called ShareX since 2020 to record my screenshots. I like its default structure of naming the files based on the program that is actively in use and then dumping them into monthly directories. This works well for me other than on the first of the next month… when I seem to forget that I will need to start looking in a new directory. It is extremely flexible and even offers the ability to upload screenshots as part of the capture process. I’ve turned all of that off and I largely just use the “Capture Active Window” task hotkey. However, I noticed that I had available to me a “Start Auto Capture Using Last Region” option which will turn on the auto capture dialog to the left and minimize it. In order to turn it off you have to click through to your system tray pop up that window and hit stop. However what it does amazingly well… is just start working and do so seamlessly in the background until I am ready for it to stop working.
I did have to configure some overrides specific to that hotkey, and you can access those by clicking on the gear next to the hotkey that I configured. Namely, I needed to change the file naming structure because the default option was simply not granular enough for my needs naming the files a sequence of letters: A, B, C, etc. The other thing that I needed to do was manually kick off the auto-capture functionality and set it to full screen. The default seemed to be “region capture” which was capturing both of my monitors at the same time which is not useful at all. I removed the %pn from the beginning of the file name because for fullscreen captures it is not able to determine what program it is capturing. I wish there was an option to have it capture the active window, but it works well enough for what it does do.
So last night while I was running maps and done delve, I had it sitting in the background quietly snapping a screenshot every minute. This allowed me to capture some really interesting screenshots of skill effects firing off. For example, I was getting attacked by some sort of lightning attack it seems like and you can see my Toxic Rain falling as well as I was clearing my way through a Crimson Temple map. I never could have captured a moment in time with quite so much clarity as I would have effectively had to stop what I was doing, hit the print screen key, and then go back to attempting combat.
It also captured a good number of completely useless screenshots of me futzing with my inventory. The normal process of me running content is to fill up my inventory, then port to my hideout and dump said inventory before diving back in again. This means that I have a fair number of photos of me showing my inventory in various states of being unloaded.
There were enough cool screenshots though that I think this is going to be how I handle this going forward. For example, it caught a pack in mid-explosion down in delve which looks freaking sweet. Really at the end of the day, this gave me what I really wanted. While it would be cool if it actively triggered specific events going on in the game, I am more than happy to just have random shots at regular intervals.
As far as gaming goes… I spent a good chunk of last night clearing out this massive Vaal City Complex with about a dozen city nodes and a Vaal boss. Then down to the left I found another smaller Abyssal City complex with five nodes and a Lich Boss encounter. I also ran a lot of maps on the Toxic Rain Pathfinder to fuel delve and while doing so I was swapping out at the end of each map to run Crucible with Righteous Fire which is just better at dealing with massive amounts of damage. This provided a truly ridiculous number of Heist missions which I burned through to get the quest items out of my inventory. It legitimately was an almost perfect night of hanging out on the sofa, playing Path of Exile, and snuggling with Josie and Gracie. Josie was curled up beside me and Gracie laying on my legs. I am legitimately not sure if this auto-screenshot thing is going to be of use to anyone else, but I certainly think it works well for my purposes. If you go down this path I would certainly be interested in hearing about your exploits. The post Automatic Screenshots appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Playing it Wrong

Good Morning Friends! Yesterday I made a post stating that I thought I was done screwing around with gear on BelToxica my Toxic Rain Pathfinder. So immediately after finishing the post… I started screwing around with her gear again. However, before I dive into that madness I thought I would talk about getting my fourth Delve boss of the league. I’ve yet to find a Crystal King, but I am starting to roam around in the appropriate level bracket to find him. I did find a Primeval Ruins last night so it is only a matter of time before I find a boss. Last night I found another Abyss boss which makes two, and I’ve also found a couple of Vaal bosses and have my sights on a third. Admittedly they are nowhere near as rewarding as the Crystal King, but they are still well worth taking the time to clear. Delve is still very clearly my favorite game mode, but I am also spending quite a bit of time in Heist and unlocked my trinket slot yesterday.
So the biggest change that I immediately made was to spend 2 Divine Orbs buying a Devouring Diadem. The piece of this item that I cared the most about was the fact that it gives me the Eldritch Battery notable because this allowed me to reclaim three passive choices, which I immediately poured into additional survival nodes. I also made the swap from the found chest piece that I had been using to go back to The Restless Ward where I spent a stupid amount of currency getting to six sockets and six links. The big benefit to this swap was that it gives me way more Energy Shield… which effectively gives me a larger pool of mana to cast spells with… allowing me to actually start casting the Divine Blessing version of Malevolence that I have in my build. This alone was a pretty massive damage increase to be rocking temporary damage over time aura. The Diadem also now allows me to run 4 auras at all times… which currently are Grace, Determination, Defiance Banner, and Skitterbots.
Then of course I did not leave well enough alone and dropped the Ming’s Heart I had been using for some extra Chaos Damage and went back to the earlier resist ring that I had equipped and then swapped out my amulet to balance out the missing resistances. This allowed me to drop my resistance quiver and pick up one with some damage stats on it. This then caused me to not have enough strength… so I temporarily have a bench-crafted suffix on the item but my goal is to figure out a way to solve that either by giving up a single passive node on the tree or finding another way to shuffle my gear. Either way, once the strength problem is solved I will swap that out for something that adds damage like attack speed.
The biggest change that I made yesterday thought has absolutely nothing to do with gearing. It seems that I was honestly just playing the build wrong. So up until this point I had been periodically dropping ballista totems and then tapping Toxic Rain every now and then to make sure that my Mirage Archer was casting it constantly. This is great when it comes to mapping clear and lets you zoom through the content with things constantly dying in your wake. However, I was doing the same with bosses… and they were taking forever. It suddenly dawned on me… that I can probably cast Toxic Rain much faster than my Mirage Archer can, and as a test, I started channeling from a safe spot during boss fights… and sure enough that caused the bosses to just evaporate. So my build was always way stronger than I gave it credit for. At some point, I am going to try some bigger bosses on the character to see how quickly I can destroy them.
In other news, I’m just about to kill Kitava for the first time on the Explosive Summon Raging Spirits Necromancer build. I decided to lean into the fire nature of the build and threw on a cosmetic set that I had never wore before on a character. At this point, this is mostly a side project but it is kinda silly how much damage SRS with Minion Instability does for damage. I am looking forward to seeing what I can do with this build once I hit mapping. I’m in a really great place in this league honestly between Righteous Fire Juggernaut which feels indestructible, and Toxic Rain which feels pretty comfy as well. I’m mostly only leveling the Necro because I enjoyed the heck out of SRS last league and I am curious about how it will feel with a pseudo-eight-link helm. It took me four leagues, but I’ve reached this place of zen with Path of Exile. Again I am sorta sad that I don’t feel like I could really recommend it to new players because the journey I had to make to get to where I am today was pretty daunting. Even then there is so much of the game that I have never even touched. I still only have two of my four void stones for example. I’ve never seen a pinnacle boss really, other than the two easy mode ones you get to quickly in Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds. There are so many league mechanics that I have not really spent any time exploring like Breach, Legion, and Delerium. For the moment though I am very happy with the state of all of my characters. The post Playing it Wrong appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.