Three Bosses Down

Three Bosses Down

Last night was an interesting night raid wise.  It seems like we reached some critical mass of gear to make the content largely doable.  Either that or we simply spent too much time fighting with the harder encounters first.  We’ve been able to down the first boss of Emerald Nightmare since our very first hastily thrown together raid on that Friday of the first week it was open.  However for the last several weeks we have had a slightly shifting raid composition as folks filtered in and out of the group, including several different tank and healer teams.  Last night however felt like things have started to solidify, and it really feels like a fairly solid team.  The biggest problem that has been facing us was the shifting from boss to boss trying to find the next one that worked for us.  On our first outing we gave Spiderbird a shot, and decided that maybe that fight had too many moving parts.  Then for whatever reason… we collectively decided that Il’gynoth was the next best target.  After a few weeks of wiping to the eyeball, we decided to shift focus back to Spiderbird at the tail end of last weeks raid and then were shocked we managed to get it easily to the 30% range before shit fell apart.  So this week we came back and focused on this boss and after about four or five attempts we managed to push it across with a victory that felt pretty solid.  Sure we were down several people at the point of the kill, but we had enough that after a little bit it felt certain we would get it.  Granted we were about 45 seconds away from the enrage timer due to the missing dps.

Three Bosses Down

From there we moved on to working on the Ursoc encounter because it seemed largely to be a tank, healer and coordination check.  On I believe our second attempt we managed to get the victory after a bunch of shifting bits around to figure out how to handle the charges more effectively.  As a tank however I have to say Ursoc is a bit of a heart attack.  I was constantly praying that I would have enough rage to hit my next reactive ability to help curb the insane damage that was coming in.  The constant tank swaps were a little strange to get used to as well, but Art and I managed to largely figure it out, and with it…  another new boss kill.  From here we moved to Dragons…  and on our second attempt hilarity ensued.  Several of us were down… and we THOUGHT we were wiping….  so Kylana started going into the whole spiel about how we could improve on the fight.  However the remaining living tank and the dps and heals that were still up just kept on pushing forward.  Apparently we were a lot closer to victory than we realized, because in the middle of this speech about the things we need to tighten up…  we saw the Dragons of Nightmare killed message pop across our screens.  It reminded me so much of the time we killed Sindragosa… with everyone dead.  Thalen had fired the last shot and then gotten frozen…  and the boss was dead but we all had to rez up and run back to be able to loot the body.  Because of this fact I didn’t get a screenshot of that kill, as I was running back at the time.  We put in some tries on the Eyeball but ultimately called it since it was getting close to our normal stopping time.  However I will absolutely take three new boss kills in one night.

Steam Game Crashes

Steam Game Crashes

When I get to working on something I can be completely oblivious to the world around me.  Last night was one of those times.  I got a message from Tam asking if I needed Xephatol one of the new dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV, to which I replied that I had not touched the content yet.  I was in the middle of digging into an issue that had been bugging me since building this system over the weekend.  Certain games just would not load regardless of how many supposed “fixes” I attempted…  namely the whole compatibility mode and run as administrator nonsense that you seem to need to do with Windows 10.  He hinted that it might be good to test out Final Fantasy XIV…  which is the point where I got super oblivious.  Namely that I said I had tested all of the MMOs and they seem to be working…  but that I was largely having trouble with Fallout 4 and No Man’s Sky.  It did not dawn on me at the time that he was not so subtly hinting that I should come run the dungeon with them…  and it even included an obligatory smiley after his statement.  So finally it dawned on me what he was trying to get at and I ultimately logged in, and got caught up to the dungeon.  It was a good time, and this really is a dungeon of bad ideas.  These silly birbs cannot fly… but want to at all costs.  More importantly than that however was the fact that it unstuck the logjam my content was in, and the post dungeon revelations were quite interesting.  I largely want to finish the story content so that we can talk about it on Saturday during the podcast because it is sounding like we are going to get a really interesting expansion announcement this week as a result.

Steam Game Crashes

As to the more pressing matters…  the issues I had been having were maddening.  The key problem with windows gaming on a new machine… is that you never quite know if what you are experiencing is just strangeness with the game… or if it is the result of some bad combination of drivers.  However as a result I updated almost every sort of driver I could think of to make sure that was not it.  Like I hinted at before…  I tried several versions of compatibility mode, and running as administrator.  I tried launching from steam, nvidia experience, and directly from the executable to see if there were any different behaviors exhibited.  In all cases what would happen in Fallout 4 was that it would show the “Please Stand By” screen… and would hear about 5 seconds of static and sound…  then the spinning blue “not responding” wheel would pop up and Fallout 4 would either crash… or just sit in this zombie state indefinitely leading me to ultimately close it with task manager.  Since the weekend I have spent a good chunk of every evening trying different things and scouring the web looking at people who supposedly had eureka moments.  Each time I would feel hopeful only to have it dashed almost immediately as the next great fix didn’t do anything for my current situation.  So this is the mental quagmire I happened to be in last night when Tam was trying to reach through it… the repetitive pattern of trial and research only leading to miles of defeat.

Steam Game Crashes

After doing the dungeon run… I had a bit of my own eureeka moment.  One of the posts had mentioned that usb devices being connected could be causing crashes like this on startup.  Now when I built the computer I did so seperate from my main gaming rig.  Then Sunday afternoon I unhooked literally everything that was in the back of the previous machine and plugged it into this one.  That means with it came all of the devices I had been using on the previous setup.  While crawling through the config file for Fallout 4 I noticed a setting that I like flipping to disable controllers, because it is one of those games where it is going to try and use a controller if one is hooked to your system.  I flipped that setting and bam the game launched.  Now previously I had the Windows PS4 Remote Play application installed, and I largely used it as a way to extract screenshots easily from my Playstation 4 for the purpose of these blog posts, rather than ferrying them across on a thumb drive.  As a result when I last used my machine I had my Dual Shock 4 controller hooked to the PC.  On a whim I disconnected the DS4 from the usb cable, and then suddenly No Man’s Sky would load as well.  It seems as though something was timing out when these games were trying to identify controllers connected to my system, and then getting really confused with the DS4 that doesn’t have actual drivers that work successfully most of the time.  So it seems as though this has largely cleared up the issues I was having, which makes me pretty happy given that I spent from 5:30 until 7:30 last night trying random combinations of things to get Fallout 4 working… when in reality I didn’t even care about playing the game.  I was stuck in a loop of needing desperately to solve the problem, so that I knew everything was functional.

Steam Game Crashes

Steam Game Crashes

When I get to working on something I can be completely oblivious to the world around me.  Last night was one of those times.  I got a message from Tam asking if I needed Xephatol one of the new dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV, to which I replied that I had not touched the content yet.  I was in the middle of digging into an issue that had been bugging me since building this system over the weekend.  Certain games just would not load regardless of how many supposed “fixes” I attempted…  namely the whole compatibility mode and run as administrator nonsense that you seem to need to do with Windows 10.  He hinted that it might be good to test out Final Fantasy XIV…  which is the point where I got super oblivious.  Namely that I said I had tested all of the MMOs and they seem to be working…  but that I was largely having trouble with Fallout 4 and No Man’s Sky.  It did not dawn on me at the time that he was not so subtly hinting that I should come run the dungeon with them…  and it even included an obligatory smiley after his statement.  So finally it dawned on me what he was trying to get at and I ultimately logged in, and got caught up to the dungeon.  It was a good time, and this really is a dungeon of bad ideas.  These silly birbs cannot fly… but want to at all costs.  More importantly than that however was the fact that it unstuck the logjam my content was in, and the post dungeon revelations were quite interesting.  I largely want to finish the story content so that we can talk about it on Saturday during the podcast because it is sounding like we are going to get a really interesting expansion announcement this week as a result.

Steam Game Crashes

As to the more pressing matters…  the issues I had been having were maddening.  The key problem with windows gaming on a new machine… is that you never quite know if what you are experiencing is just strangeness with the game… or if it is the result of some bad combination of drivers.  However as a result I updated almost every sort of driver I could think of to make sure that was not it.  Like I hinted at before…  I tried several versions of compatibility mode, and running as administrator.  I tried launching from steam, nvidia experience, and directly from the executable to see if there were any different behaviors exhibited.  In all cases what would happen in Fallout 4 was that it would show the “Please Stand By” screen… and would hear about 5 seconds of static and sound…  then the spinning blue “not responding” wheel would pop up and Fallout 4 would either crash… or just sit in this zombie state indefinitely leading me to ultimately close it with task manager.  Since the weekend I have spent a good chunk of every evening trying different things and scouring the web looking at people who supposedly had eureka moments.  Each time I would feel hopeful only to have it dashed almost immediately as the next great fix didn’t do anything for my current situation.  So this is the mental quagmire I happened to be in last night when Tam was trying to reach through it… the repetitive pattern of trial and research only leading to miles of defeat.

Steam Game Crashes

After doing the dungeon run… I had a bit of my own eureeka moment.  One of the posts had mentioned that usb devices being connected could be causing crashes like this on startup.  Now when I built the computer I did so seperate from my main gaming rig.  Then Sunday afternoon I unhooked literally everything that was in the back of the previous machine and plugged it into this one.  That means with it came all of the devices I had been using on the previous setup.  While crawling through the config file for Fallout 4 I noticed a setting that I like flipping to disable controllers, because it is one of those games where it is going to try and use a controller if one is hooked to your system.  I flipped that setting and bam the game launched.  Now previously I had the Windows PS4 Remote Play application installed, and I largely used it as a way to extract screenshots easily from my Playstation 4 for the purpose of these blog posts, rather than ferrying them across on a thumb drive.  As a result when I last used my machine I had my Dual Shock 4 controller hooked to the PC.  On a whim I disconnected the DS4 from the usb cable, and then suddenly No Man’s Sky would load as well.  It seems as though something was timing out when these games were trying to identify controllers connected to my system, and then getting really confused with the DS4 that doesn’t have actual drivers that work successfully most of the time.  So it seems as though this has largely cleared up the issues I was having, which makes me pretty happy given that I spent from 5:30 until 7:30 last night trying random combinations of things to get Fallout 4 working… when in reality I didn’t even care about playing the game.  I was stuck in a loop of needing desperately to solve the problem, so that I knew everything was functional.

Burning Plate of the Worldbreaker

Burning Plate of the Worldbreaker

In yesterday mornings post I showed off briefly my transmog to go with the hidden protection warrior artifact appearance, but I have yet to really talk about it.  I have to say when I saw the protection warrior artifact during the lead up to the legion launch, I was more than a little underwhelmed by it.  However over time I came to love it, largely because of the lore behind it.  This is of course a spoiler so if you have not unlocked the protection artifact, and want to be surprised… then I guess skip this post for now.  Essentially the shield that you pick up as part of the artifact quest chain was crafted from one of Neltharion’s scales.  Yes I mean Neltharion… not Deathwing… as in before the transformation happened.  So that alone made me a bit more excited to wield the weapon, however when I found out that the hidden appearance was a Deathwingy version…  I knew sooner or later I had to get it.  Now apparently in beta this appearance was just sitting out in the open in the Vault of Neltharion area in High Mountain, so for awhile I started making the occasional trip through that region to see if it happened to be up.  I had largely forgotten about the appearance however in the hustle and bustle of gearing and tanky bits.  A few weeks ago however I found out that apparently the appearance was alive and kicking in game, and that supposedly there was an easy way to get it.  That easy method involved standing at the torch in the Vault of Neltharion and running a  script to see if the quest trigger that makes the shield appear had fired.  Now unfortunately I learned about this… two days after they had applied a hotfix to make the logging thing stop working… and instead give players a single chance each day to get the quest.

/run print("44311:", IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44311))
/run print("44312:", IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44312))

So for the last few weeks it has been a nightly occurrence to log in, make a beeline over to the Vault of Neltharion either by running through the path of Huln from Thundertotem or flying directly to the vault via Obsidian Overlook.  To explain what the above script does, is that when placed in a macro the first check is to see if the shield has spawned for you and is lootable.  The second check is to determine if you have already spent your once a day attempt to get the shield.  You are going to see an awful lot of “false, true” on those two before you finally see one that shows as “true, false”.  Basically running the script saves you wandering through the cave checking every single kobold gold pile, because apparently it can show up on literally any of them.  The biggest problem is that I am not exactly sure what triggers eligibility for this quest.  The only certain requirement is that you be at least Artifact Knowledge 5 to unlock it.  However others are claiming that you need to have read the artifact book in your class hall, and still others are claiming that it has something to do with the Xe`ra quest chain that lets you see events through the eyes of Illidan.  Supposedly when the quest triggers you see an emote in game and hear a gigantic roar…  this never actually happened for me during the time when the script actually returned true, so don’t count on that part.

Burning Plate of the Worldbreaker

Here is a shot of me standing beside the shield on the pile of gold.  Note this is not the same pile of gold that I saw in earlier screenshots of how the process works, so I think that quite honestly it can be any of various gold piles that are guarded by kobolds.  Another thing of note… I have also heard that if you die it can reset the flag so I highly suggest you do not take the level or risks I did in trying to get the shield.  I did the traditional warrior tank thing and pulled literally everything up to the pile where the shield was and tanked it down.  On second thought this was probably not the most prudent way to do this… but dammit I was excited.  There is a certain level of paranoia and superstition now associated with this quest for me.  As a result I thought I would basically run through all of the various things that might be triggering it.  I cannot state that any one thing did it, but I had just wrapped up a bunch of stuff the day I finally got my shield.  So here was the status of several variables on that day.

  • Had obtained Artifact Knowledge 7
  • Sitting at Revered with All Legion Factions
  • Had just finished Xe`ra quest chain before attempting
  • Read the Artifact Book in Class Hall before attempting
  • leap down from Skyhold to Highmountain
  • flew to Obsidian Overlook
  • entered Vault from that direction firing script as soon as I saw the “vault” name text show up

Like I said… none of these or all of these could be significant… or this could just be the ramblings of a madman.  Either way I am happy to have my new shield and mace combo and now I am working on the other hidden color schemes.  It seems like these are the same requirements regardless of hidden artifact appearance or class.

  • Complete 100 Dungeons using a hidden artifact appearance.
  • Complete 200 World Quests using a hidden artifact appearance.
  • Kill 1000 Players using a hidden artifact appearance.

or you can just do what I do and periodically run this script from a macro to see what your present status is.  I basically just recycled what was my Vault macro, and turned it into this one.

/run local q,x,_,a,b = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo,0 for i=1,11 do _,_,_,a,b = q(11152,i) x=x+a end local _,_,_,c,d = q(11153,1) local _,_,_,e,f = q(11154,1) print(“Dungeons: “..x..”/”..b) print(“WQs: “..c..”/”..d) print(“Kills: “..e..”/”..f)

Which simply causes some numbers to print to screen indicating how many of each item you have completed.  In any case good hunting and hopefully you too will find your silly shield so we can stop caring about the Vault of Neltharion!