Stopping Bathers

Stopping Bathers

I stayed up way the hell too late last night and I am going to pay for it today.  Funny how knowing this is going to happen, doesn’t actually prevent it from happening over and over again.  Yesterday was the day that the Leviathan raid opened for PC players and in a very impromptu manner we scraped together a raid out of six people who were 270 or better geared that happened to be around.  The group we went in with: Tamrielo, Thalen, Phorsaken, Lleandryn, Muspel and of course me.  So 1 Titan, 2 Hunters, and 3 Warlocks…  what is with our clan and the proclivity for the “caster” archetype?  We are odd ducks when it comes to raid content.  In this era of Fat Boss and MTQ Capture…  generally speaking we prefer to go in completely blind.  While I have seen random tidbits here and there about the Leviathan raid…  I had purposefully avoided any strategies in the thought that maybe just maybe Destiny 2 on PC might gain some traction and I could get folks interested in attempting the raid.  We fairly quickly sorted out the banner mechanic for the first area, and then proceeded with attempting to learn the Royal Baths encounter.  The biggest problem facing us last night was the fact we did not start until it was already very late for us East and Central players.  We did however work on a seeming answer to how to get through the encounter, and in theory it will just involve us properly executing on the plan…  something I was not capable of doing last night after about 11 pm.

Stopping Bathers

As far as the night as a whole…  there were many attempts made at the Nightfall.  This one is considerably worse than last week mostly because of the prism modifier and always seeming to be dead when I could be doing the maximum amount of damage to things.  For the first two attempts I was running a less than successful combination of dual auto rifles, and wound up swapping things up a bit to the Manannan Void Scout Rifle as my energy weapon and Merciless as my fire Power Weapon.  The challenge I kept having was in sections where I really could not get close to the targets and they were hanging back at a range where the autos were just not that effective.  We managed to get the kill and the items gained from the Nightfall and the first chest of the raid managed to push me up to 287 power level.  I am thinking that it might be time to start doing the various exotic quests so that I can push up weapons from infusing the items I am going to get.  I will absolutely funnel the MIDA Multi Tool into my Manannan and the Mini Tool into my Antiope-D.  So technically we have not actually cleared much in the raid, but we have a game plan and the intent to come back Friday night and give it another shot.  I at least hope that our gameplan is in fact the one that is going to work going forward, because we managed to get to a burn phase…  just got killed by the adds while trying to do this thing.  Hopefully we can smooth out the rough spots and get a win, and move forward in the Leviathan.  Side note…  please do not post strategies because I know the desire to say “you only need to do this” is going to be strong.  We legitimately prefer to figure this shit out on our own.  It is always a challenge to find a team willing to wipe for science.

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