October 2018 Gaming Goals

It’s another month and time for another round of gaming goals. September started out optimistic but I got pretty derailed from what I intended to accomplish. Luckily it’s a fresh month which means a fresh start with new goals. September Goals in Review: WoW: Level an alliance-side character to 120. Nope. I barely touched my alliance characters at all this month. Run each available dungeon on mythic difficulty at least once. Nope. Run available LFR. Nope. I did the first wing but still haven’t run the wing that released last week yet. Complete “Raiding with leashes IV”. Nope. I am beginning to hate ICC at this point. It needs to give up that last pet. D3: Unlock adventure mode on a HC character. Yes! The only goal I actually met this month. I’m not a total failure!
October Goals: WoW: Run available LFR. The rest of Uldir LFR should be out this month and I do want to see the whole thing. Complete “Raiding with leashes IV”. Someday this pet will finally drop. Someday. D3: Help Belghast get a stash tab. I don’t know if I will want to push much farther into the season for myself, but if I’m helping out a friend I’ll be way more motivated. Dragalia Lost: Finish the story. I’ve become a bit addicted to this mobile game, I really enjoy it. It seems like most of my friends are playing it right now too. I want to see the whole story before I get distracted by something new.
I scaled back my WoW goals this month because honestly I’m not really feeling into WoW at all right now. Likewise D3, where I got super invested in the season for about a week and then my interest faded again. I’ve been easily distracted by mobile games, that let me chill on the couch with the spouse instead of hiding away up in my office. I’ll be losing more than a week out of October for work travel, so there’s no sense setting ambitious goals this month.

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