Holiday Checklist

Holiday Checklist

This morning I feel like I should be writing something terribly profound given that this is my last post before Christmas.  Unfortunately I am not feeling profound.  We went to a Holiday party last weekend and my wife seems to have picked up some crud, which has progressed throughout the week.  Over the the last two days it feels like I too am coming down with whatever it is.  Fortunately today I only work a half day and then am off for four days.  I used to do this thing where I would essentially take off from before Christmas all the way through to after New Years but unfortunately…  given the position I am in  the other two section managers got their requests in before me.  So as such I am back to work on Wednesday and then off again the first week of the year, which should be fine.  I honestly don’t mind so much given that Christmas is largely about the kids and the other two managers have them… and I do not.  Like my cats won’t actually notice that a holiday is happening and will instead just look at me strangely when I am home during the day on a non-weekend.

Because I used to have almost two weeks off at Christmas I would do all sorts of things with that amount of time.  One year for example I played through Mass Effect 3…  and then played through Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 all over again in sequence to see how the decisions effected each other.  Another Christmas I leveled in duo the entire time in Star Wars the Old Republic.  This time however I don’t feel like I have anywhere near as much time as I would have liked so I am going to have to temper those expectations.  Some of the things I would like to accomplish over the break.

  • Dad of War
    • I would love to actually make more progress in this game and better yet would love to beat it so that I could decide if it is in fact on my games of the year list or not.
  • Monster Hunter World
    • both the USJ and Behemoth events are live on PC and I want to farm gear from both of those.
  • Destiny 2
    • I would like to ignite the last few forges that I am missing.
    • I want to do the holiday event and collect the items that come from it.
    • I would also love to get unstuck gear wise and learn to farm dungeons as a tank again.
    • I would really love to figure out the glamour chest system and clean out my banks.
  • Elder Scrolls Online
    • I just want to figure out why the hell my patcher is no longer working and get back in game.

Now that is a lot of things to try and cram into four days, given that we also have holiday festivities involved as well.  However it is worth a shot.  We unfortunately still have a bunch of shopping to do because we are bad at thinking of things to get for people during the run up to the holidays and wind up frantic at the last moment.  It is going to be a rather un-fun holiday if my wife stays sick and I continue to get sicker.  However that does not preclude me from wishing all of you out there a very Happy Holiday.  I will likely be hanging out in various online games since that tends to be what I do on breaks, so if you see me around say hi and I will wish you a proper greeting in real time as well.  I hope everyone has a great break and some good times with whoever you choose to call your family be they related or just an assemblage of the people that matter to you in life.  Next week I will start doing my rundown posts to cap the year, but in the meantime…  enjoy yourselves and I will likely see you again on Wednesday unless the spirit hits me.


Holiday Checklist – I have a shortened break but here are a few of the things I would like to accomplish.

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