Masterwork Colossus

Masterwork Colossus

Last night I managed to push through to Masterwork Colossus.  It might not be the most optimal build but I was just mostly going for being able to experience what having a heavily armored Chonky Boi feels like.  It is pretty good but all in all I still feel like it is really sluggish to play as.  I need to spend a night running a bunch of strongholds in an attempt to get better abilities, because the currently batch I am using doesn’t really make sense even in the simplest of terms.  However they are both orange and as a result I am using them…  because based on my experience with the Ranger… it generally makes enough of a difference to make it worthwhile.  I am deeply looking forward to the March 12th patch and seeing how the game feels after that because it sounds as though they are giving the weapons a little loving.  My next goal in the queue is to start branching out and trying other weapon combinations, seeing as I have mostly just used a handful of weapons the entire time I have been playing and I have a vault full of interesting sounding Masterworks.

The truth is I did not have a terribly productive night seeing as I spent most of it trying to fight falling asleep.  I am still coming down off being used to consuming three or more Energy Drinks a day…  and as a result everything feels way harder than it should.  I could have probably gone to sleep around 7 pm last night but my wife was not ready until around 9:30 so I managed to hold out until that point.  I spent a lot of the night doing more passive things like watching YouTube than I actually did running content in Anthem.  My hope is as we clear the weekend I will have distanced myself from the influence far enough that I will once again begin to feel like myself.  The further into this I get… the more I realize how much it was actually needed.  I am going through some of the basic signs of withdrawal…  constant headaches, dizziness, muscle aches, alternating between feeling like I am freezing and feeling like I am burning up.  I realize it is nothing like ACTUAL withdrawal but man it still sucks.

My hope is as we make it to the other end of the weekend that a lot of these symptoms will lessen.  Yesterday however was pure hell to make it through, and there were several times that I contemplating going to the vending machine and just saying fuck it.  So yeah that is my world right now and until I get on the other side of this I am probably not going to be doing a lot of thought provoking content.  I hope you have an excellent Friday and an even better weekend.  Tomorrow I get donuts…  so there is at least that to look forward to.

Energy Saving Mode

I have no idea at all what I want to write about this morning.  So for some back story I am struggling a bit to get my shit together right now.  Unfortunately this condition is self imposed.  While I no longer necessarily identify as Catholic, I still find myself doing some of the trappings of my upbringing…  like my wife and I often go through the motions of giving up something for Lent which officially began yesterday with forehead smudge day… aka Ash Wednesday.  Side note…  there was a guy in legal who was completely on point with his smudge because he somehow got the priest to give him a Harry Potter lightning bolt.  That is a tradition that I do not necessarily miss, because growing up as the only smudgehead in a baptist town…  was not a joyful experience.  However the concept of giving something up for the roughly month between the start of Lent and Easter is still a useful practice because it sort of helps me do things that I had been contemplating already.

For me personally…  I gave up pop and energy drinks…  the later being my real crutch that has lead me to my current state of stupor.  I was drinking an excessive amount of them…  often times I had one on the drive into work after having already consumed my morning cup of coffee.  Then if I went out at lunch I would pick one up on the way back to the office.  Then at night I would often times start the evening off with one as well.  Three a day on average is a lot of that to take into your system…  not to mention the actual monetary cost of it given that they are all pretty much $2.50 each (even though we bought flats of them at Sams to blunt the cost a bit).  Yesterday I was doing okay for most of the day but hit a wall around 3 pm…  then was completely out of it last night.  This morning I am feeling groggy as hell, which is in part why I could not come up with anything meaningful to talk about this morning and dove deep into the source of my misery instead.

Right now the wife and I are both trying to do this thing, since she too consumed energy drinks…  but in nowhere near the frequency.  Most days it was still one of them and occasionally two of them.  What we have ruled as “in bounds” are Coffee and Tea, so we can still have that first cup of coffee in the morning.  Also any sort of additive to water is also in bounds like those little drink mix packets.  Essentially the entire purpose was the exorcise the position Energy Drinks have held in my life and also to keep me from just falling back on Mountain Dew as a replacement by also banning pop.  We will see how this goes but the end goal is to get off of them while doing Lent and then hopefully not return to them shortly after?  I gave up Monster a few years back…  but I rationalized that I was specifically giving up Monster…  and not all Energy drinks… and just wound up leaning on the occasional Red Bull instead.  This time around however I am trying not to give myself much wiggle room to simply follow the letter of the law rather the intent.

Energy Saving Mode

On the gaming front, I spent some time last night working on Chonky Boi and doing the Legendary Contracts.  From them I managed to pull two different Masterwork Grenade Launchers that represented the last weapon type that I did not at least have one MW for.  Sentinel’s Vengeance is the only one that I can really see myself using in the long run, as the other… Insult and Injury is a bounce type Grenade Launcher.  Functionally how the one I like works is that the grenades stick to the target and upon detonation applies an Acid area effect priming the target seeing as the grenade appears to explode three times qualifying itself for a small hit streak in the process and proccing the perk.  The one I don’t like bounces the grenade once and then explodes meaning that too often you hit the target with a grenade… it bounces off.. and then explodes in a way that doesn’t actually trigger damage.  The core problem I have with heavy weapons right now is how cumbersome they are to reload, and as such I have swapped back to a more normal load-out.

Energy Saving Mode

The whole reload thing wouldn’t be so bad if you could reload while sprinting…  because the second you hit that booster to get out of harms way it interrupts the reload animation which is maddening.  Last night I also pulled a Masterwork Heavy Assault Launcher in the form of Black Powder which is far from ideal but I am using anyways because I like seeing orange rather than purple.  It actually does a really good job of mopping up targets that didn’t die from a melee smash.  I still feel like I cannot quite get the swing of Colossus, but I also am on this path that makes me not want to stop until I have filled every slot with a Masterwork.  At some point I am sure I will be doing the same process on both the Storm and Interceptor…  but in part I have been holding off on those for grouping with my friend Grace when she starts the game.  I like the Storm and Interceptor far more than I do the Colossus so in theory this experience of gearing up my least favorite of the suits…  has been interesting.  I like the look of the Colossus and I want to like it as a whole… it just feels awkward and I cannot move in it the way I can with other frames and it feels bad.  I mean I think that is the point, given that you are supposed to be this giant immoveable wall…  but the way that shields have a cooldown makes it feel like I am left sometimes with no real way of dealing with incoming damage.  In a traditional MMORPG…  this character would have a healer backing them up and it would make it feel much better than it currently does.

Now however I need to get to work and try and survive another day caffeinated way less than I usually am.

Chonky Boi

Chonky Boi

Monday night after finishing a significant number of contracts and stronghold runs I opted to spend a little time on my Chonky Boi in Hard Mode normal contracts to start building out enough gear to make something functional.  I’ve been spending a little time now that I have the Ranger in a good spot, working on the other javelins and Colossus seems to be the one I struggle the most with.  What I expect is for it to be this unstoppable juggernaut… and what happens in practice is that I am constantly having to run away from the fight and find red chicklets on the ground to heal myself back up.  In my hard mode travels however I came across one of the last “drops in any mode” Masterworks that I did not currently have…  the Fist of Stral which is based on Cloudburst one of the two Autocannons that don’t require much in the way of spin up.

Chonky Boi

Also in my travels I picked up my second Legendary in the form of Glorious Result a Heavy Pistol.  This is not exactly my jam but I spent a little time checking it out and playing with it.  It is somewhat unique in that it fires two shot bursts and it feels a bit like using the Crimson Hand Cannon from Destiny 2.  That was not really my moment of joy and neither is this weapon, however I do dig the fact that it reminds me of Ghostbusters with its “Scarbusters” paint job.  This is largely going in the vault as more of a collectible than something I am actually going to use, which is a little disappointing for how few and far between Legendary drops are.

Chonky Boi

After running a bunch of regular contracts on Monday night I managed to cobble together something resembling a decent build and last night I opted to do my Legendary contracts as Colossus to start piecing together a reasonable assortment of components.  I also had time to run one Stronghold as Colossus which was manageable but still as a whole the suit feels unwieldy, especially considered to the much more nimble Ranger that I am used to.  Right now I am running the Fire Wall ability as primer and Siege Cannon as my detonator, and it seems to work for most things…  and thankfully I managed to pick up a Masterwork Rubidium Furnace so I can continue with that build.  That is the worst part about easing your way into Grandmaster 1 is having to abandon what was a build that felt good… and deal with whatever luck of the draw got you.

Chonky Boi

Overall for the night I got several components including my third Legendary drop…  which I was sorta kicking myself a little bit that it happened while playing my alternate frame.  The biggest thing I am noticing is that as I get better gear I seem to be getting more pips of armor…  which means I can survive significantly more damage before I have to run away and find skittles on the ground to recuperate that health.  Not having and over-shield is still fundamentally weird and feels not amazing…  but I think I am starting to hit that break even point in Grandmaster where it largely feels the same as Hard mode used to.

Chonky Boi

I’ve not really talked about it much on the blog but I have been using a really cool website called Anthem Archive to look up various gear options.  What I would really love for them to do is implement some sort of a profile system that allows us to either run a tray resident app that uploads our loadouts, or for Anthem itself to have some sort of an API that they can access to pull the same information.  I also wish it would allow you to link to a specific item… so that I could have included links to each one of those components so you could find out what exactly they do.  The site as a whole isn’t quite there yet…  but it is the best that we have and I am thankful to have ANYTHING at this point.  I however have been spoiled greatly by the utility that Destiny Item Manager provides for Destiny/Destiny 2.

Fun Police: Portal Division

This morning I am taking a break from my normal Anthem love fest to complain about another game.  This time it is World of Warcraft something that I have not played since the beginning of November, but am still subscribed to it because I guess my theory is that the urge might hit me again at some point?  As such since I am a paying customer I do feel like I’ve earned the right to complain about things from time to time.  Now I am one full patch behind and there is a new patch on the PTR that information has been trickling out about on the various data leak sites.  I personally found out about this through a conversation between my friends Dom and Gloria, which lead me down the rabbit hole last night of trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

It seems as though the Blizzard Fun Police have struck once more and removed a bunch of portals from Stormwind/Orgrimmar, and cleaned things up a bit in the form of a new “portal room”.  I am going to use the Alliance as an example since I have spent more time in my life playing in that area than in the equivalent Cleft of Shadow area in Org.  Both the Mages Tower and Cleft of Shadows became the dumping ground for portals that were still useful but not necessarily associated with the current expansion.  The newly renovated area now contains the following portals.

  • The Exodar
  • Shattrath
  • Dalaran (Northrend version)
  • The Jade Forest
  • Stormshield in Ashran
  • Azsuna
  • Boralus

What is missing from this portal area are…

  • Caverns of Time
  • Ironforge
  • Blasted Lands
  • Pandaria Shrines

If I am reading this correctly on the Wowhead article it also seems as though the axe is being taken to a bunch of the other portal options that had still managed to survive to this point.  The other areas that have had a pass by the Fun Police are…

Dalaran (Legion)

  • IronForge/Thunder Bluff
  • Darnassus/Undercity
  • Caverns of Time
  • Dalaran Crater
  • Karazhan
  • The Exodar/Silvermoon City
  • Shattrath
  • Wyrmrest Temple
  • Vale of the Eternal Blossoms

Shrine of the Seven Stars/Two Moons

  • Shattrath
  • Dalaran (Northrend)

Dalaran (Northrend)

  • Caverns of Time

Essentially this is going to leave us with no way of getting to the Caverns of Time quickly… and practically no ways of getting to certain areas of the world quickly.  I keep using the words Fun Police on purpose because so much of the decision making that goes into World of Warcraft always feels that way to me as a player.  They announce some system that seems awesome at first… but the closer we get to the release of that system there is always some aspect of it that sucks.  For example… I remember being super amped about the release of the item appearance collection system to feel Transmogs…  but then also being super disappointed when I found out that you could not collect items unless you were on the right class when an item dropped.  Similarly the Transmog system itself is just a significantly worse version of the cosmetic systems that other games have had for years that didn’t have weird restrictions placed upon them.

This effects me personally because I still had a good deal of my alts bound at the Shrine of the Seven Stars because it gave me quick access to move around the world and hit the content that I wanted to spend my time doing.  It also made farming older raid content for transmog drops simple…  given that I HAD to do that now on multiple characters to collect various gear sets for them.  What makes all of these feel worse is the grossly out of touch commentary that came along with it from Community Manager Bornakk.  The initial response is as follows.

I understand that changes can throw people off a bit at first, but I also think they help keep the world of Azeroth feeling alive. When there are fewer portals, does the world feel a bit bigger to you? Do you like that? How difficult is it to get to the locations you mentioned without a direct portal (talking to everybody who isn’t a mage here Fun Police: Portal Division ) ?

The thing is… no it doesn’t make the world feel bigger, it makes the world feel more tedious to move around.  There was a time when I had to spend 30 minutes or real time crossing the Ocean of Tears in Everquest.  This was not something I considered valuable, and it could be longer than that if you happened to roll up on the docks at exactly the wrong time.  This was passive time sitting there either waiting on a boat… or passively riding a boat…  and god forbid you alt tabbed to do something else and got engaged in it… and missed either getting on the boat or getting off of it.  This did not make Everquest seem like a bigger game… it just made it seem like a game that relished wasting my time.  Removing portals from World of Warcraft that were already in place and widely utilized…  just tells me that this game does not respect my time as the player.  The horrible response was followed up with a possibly even worse one.

I wasn’t being sarcastic. Apologies to you and others who felt I was dismissing them in any way.

For how I personally play and enjoy games, I like when I feel like I need to travel for a few minutes to get somewhere. For me, it is more rewarding when I complete the task that way and I wouldn’t want to be able to get everywhere instantly but there is a good medium to find (but continuing to pile up various teleporting items feels strange). Traveling over large areas reminds me of how vast the world is and I often reminisce while flying on a flight path or a mount. Sometimes I have even just used the port to Timeless Isle and taken the flight path to Shrine (instead of going straight there) as I can enjoy the view and relax.

That being said, I know I can be a bit strange and I’m often not bothered by things that bother others – that’s why I ask a lot of questions. I want to understand the different play styles and opinions of others so I can better discuss them both with you and internally. Getting to the fundamental impact is important for me as the solution sometimes requires a different approach. Hopefully I can avoid the feeling that I’m just talking at you and want to be talking with you. Cheers!

I am glad that Bornakk enjoys having their time wasted.  However I feel like that maybe shouldn’t be the scale by which we judge content?  I realize we all have hot button issues that don’t bother others… for example I have talked at length about how much I hate item management…  and then Bhagpuss will come along and talk about how organizing his inventory is his happy time.  While that discussion can be esoteric, and I have addons to help me clean my bags…  limiting access to the world by removing portals feels significantly less esoteric.  Gloria also brought up the point that I immediately thought of last night… in that Final Fantasy XIV is a game that feels massive in scale, but it is also a game that has instant travel to any number of Aether crystals that are scattered conveniently around the world.  The vastness is not harmed by the fact that I don’t have to start in Gridania and travel by Chocobo to all of the destinations in the shroud.  The scale of the world still seems extremely impressive as I am popping my way into conveniently located hubs that allow me to play the game in the manner that I want when I want to play it.

Now I realize this is not the first time that Blizzard has come along and axed a bunch of portals.  I raged against the action the last times it happened, and I am no less annoyed today than I was back then.  I think it is a dumb call…  but I continued playing the game because there were other aspects that I really did like in spite of the frustrating decisions that kept being made.  I’ve talked to my friend Grace at length about this…  that while I keep one foot back in the community to keep tabs on what is going on…  I seem to only see the bad in the actions that they are taking right now.  Battle for Azeroth was an expansion that went completely in the opposite direction that I would have wanted it to go coming down from the high point that was Legion.   Legion pretty much dethroned Wrath of the Lich King as my favorite expansion that Blizzard has ever done… and in many ways it is because of the focus on class fantasy and giving us a bunch of interesting and unique content tailored towards that specific fantasy.

Battle for Azeroth… other than the cool troll and loa storyline…  has been a pretty hollow experience that I keep finding plenty of excuses not to return to.  Limiting my access to the one thing that did seem appealing…  which was farming transmog gear in older areas of the world…  really doesn’t help that desire to return.  However as a player, watching the game go down a path I have no interested in going…  I am mournful of the version of World of Warcraft that I did love.  I would love to see a complete change in attitude within the WoW team and a focus on the fun rather than frustrations.  However much like the fact that at 42 years old I am pretty set in my ways…  a game that is 14 years old is fairly doomed to keep traveling on the same heading.  As such I think this is another title that I can add to the list like Dark Age of Camelot and the original Everquest… that I remember fondly…  but have no desire at all to return to.