Goals Ignored

I had a bunch of objectives to accomplish last night on what is effectively the final night of Stormblood. The first was to get my tank to 360 so that I could be able to run Ghimlyt Dark. That did not happen, and instead I wound up getting side tracked helping my good friend Jess run a couple of dungeons for her Anima weapon. The first of these was Gubal Library Hard and I thought in theory we could duo it, in spite of her being concerned about needing a healer. We did perfectly fine until on the final boss I forgot about the whole hide behind rocks mechanic on the Meteor and wound up dying… which ultimately ended up killing her as well. We dusted ourselves off and made it through perfectly fine on attempt number two. Shortly after getting underway Ashgar had logged in and briefly bemoaned losing out on free “Light”, and as a result we waited on him to finish the instance he started while we were in Gubal. If nothing else I figured things would go faster and more smoothly with three people. We could have in theory been able to complete it as a duo, but there are a handful of rough encounters. We made it through without a hitch and got those steps of her books taken care of. From there it was a bunch of the running around and doing stuff tasks that were needed which we really wouldn’t be super efficient at helping. Around about this time my friend Grace logs in, and geared shifted once more.
The entire purpose for pushing up my warrior in gear over the last few days has been to make it ready to tank the final dungeon needed for the main story quest. Grace had been frantically trying to get her way there, and I knew without a doubt that I was not capable of doing this as a Warrior. I even created that spreadsheet to try and figure out how many things I needed to pick up to make it happen. Whatever the case in the end it wound up that I wasn’t really needed. I ninja invited Ashgar to the party and then checked to see if Sita was available to dps. Both agreed and we were off doing a full Free Company group to knock out the final dungeon she needed. We struggled a little bit on the final boss, but only because the dance is a little odd to get used to. I myself had only run the dungeon once when I did so as a Samurai for my own main story quest. We wiped once in part because we lost a Sita and then while rezzing we lost a Grace. I was the last Lala standing and wound up hopping in an explosion since there was no way at all I could finish the encounter off solo. On the second try however we got things taken care of and Grace past this final obstacle. I would assume she wrapped the rest of the story and is now like the rest of us waiting for the expansion.
The third goal of the night was to get the Bard to 60… and I almost made that goal but simply ran out of time and or oomph to push across the finish line. I needed 2-3 runs of Palace of the Dead to make it happen, but I can easily wrap that up at some point during my downtime. Palace is a great activity to do while podcasting because it is largely mindless grinding, and that sort of stuff works well while talking. I just have to watch myself to keep from running “Dalaran” style laps around Quarymill. I had an evening where I accomplished pretty much nothing I set out to do. However I still had a really fun time with the activities I took part of. One of the things I need to learn is to do this more often. Back in my WoW days I would sort of go with the flow and tank whatever was needed for the guild. Then in recent years I have tried desperately to cling to my own list of goals and objectives and wound up getting frustrated when I was pushed off that narrow path. Turns out when I allow myself to leave the garden path I have an awful lot more fun just letting things happen as they need to. So here is hoping I can follow that bit of advice as we stare down the barrel of the impending expansion.

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