Intense Aetheric Activity

I am now officially in full swing of Nexus light farming and wound up spending my entire evening in Sastasha. In theory I could clear the entire place in roughly five minutes loaded in solo with undersized party. I had I had spent more of my time trying to optimize my route and my mob stacking… I could have potentially gotten it down to a bit lower. However for the uninitiated you might ask exactly why I spent two hours solid running the same dungeon over and over as many times as I possibly could squeeze into that two hour block.
Now some of this information comes from my friend Ashgar and other bits come from this Wiki page, but I am now in the step for the Nexus Zodiac weapon where I have to run a bunch of activities. Each activity produces a certain amount of light, and I have screenshot the table and placed it above. You effectively need to go from 0 to 2000 light to move past this step in the weapon grind, with different activities rewarding different amounts of light. So as you can see finding something that rewards Blinding Light for example is going to be way more effective than something giving you Feeble. Ash however suggested that generally speaking one of the early instances always rewards blinding light, and the trick is finding it.
The instances providing bonus light reset every two hours on the even hours… which doesn’t actually work for me when in truth they were on the odd numbered hours. So my bonus reset happened at 7 pm last night and I ground my little ass off until 9 pm getting in as many instances as possible with only a brief break to switch machines because I needed to call mom while grinding and wanted to move to where I could hook up a headset. I have no clue exactly how many runs I managed to get in but if you subtract about 15 minutes of the available time and bump my run time up to 6 minutes… you end up with me having run somewhere between seventeen and eighteen runs last night. In truth I think it was probably something in the neighborhood of fifteen to sixteen given where I wound up on the charts.
There is an in-game doodad that allows you to check how much light you have collected with a given weapon. Now I had run a couple of Frontlines that were both at Blinding Light, which is what leads me to believe that I was somewhere in the fifteenish range for runs completed. I started the night with the meter showing “No Activity” and finished the night with “Intense Aetheric Activity” as shown in the image above. In theory if I can happen upon another Blinding Light dungeon… in an absolute worst case scenario I am 5 runs away from completing. Alternately I could just run Sastasha 9 more times with no bonus and it would end up in the same result. Whatever the case… I am apparently fully committed to this madness now and I have no clue what happens after I get the Nexus weapon. I have a feeling I will rapidly be entering a level of territory where it just isn’t worth it to keep pushing forward. Instead it is probably time to start another weapon if I so choose. Regardless this has done what it ultimately needed to do… give me a purpose for logging in every night and hanging out with the FFXIV crew prior to expansion launch next week.

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