A Drought of Silverware

One of the things that I have learned about myself is the more responsibility that I gain in the workplace, the less I want any at all in the gaming space. Yesterday morning I was completely gung-ho about getting in and doing some Eden on reset day. I even went so far as to make plans with some friends to try and make this thing happen. However by the time I got off work, I was in a completely different mindset and just could not handle any sort of serious activity. There are days like yesterday when I leave the work environment completely emotionally and physically drained. A few years back we took the DISC assessment, and I remember being warned by the person going over the results with me that I was operating in the work environment well beyond the bounds of my comfort level. If I remember correctly there was 30 point swing in several of the indicators between my natural and adjusted or “work” states. I feel like I sorta operate in this weird place as a sociable introvert. I can pretend to be extroverted really well, but it has a pretty significant cost and last night more or less was an example of this. I logged into Final Fantasy XIV but I didn’t really pay attention to chat at all and just spent my time quietly grinding away at Palace of the Dead. I think this is why I have enjoyed the Deep Dungeon systems so much is that it feels like I am doing group activity, but really I am largely just soloing with very limited consequences. My hope is that as the week goes on I will get the “oomph” required to be a responsible adult and do my tankly duties. I really do want to get some more gear and collect another one of the doodads that will eventually turn into a shiny new axe. What I ultimately did however was head to bed around 9ish do my dailies in Dragalia Lost and play some Final Fantasy V for awhile on the tablet. I’ve played the game for Four Job Fiesta a few times, but never actually played it legitimately the way I would want to play it.
As far as Blaugust news goes, we are continuing to have a handful of sign-ups trickling in. However we are starting to get down to the wire. Next week is the official beginning of the event and I feel like there are a bunch of people that have yet to actually go through the process of signing up. The discord is active once again, but I have not had that much time to check it during the day. Unfortunately when I get home at night I tend to enter a space where I seemingly go blind to social media. I am however catching up on what is happening as often as I can. As far as participants go, Chestnut is working on another twitter list pulled from the spreadsheet. Basically the information is copied and pasted from the sign up form verbatim, so if there are errors with the way you are showing up in the list that likely means I need to correct how your site was signed up initially. I’ve been trying to triage issues as they arise, but I generally don’t go back and update the previous lists. With that note… here is the most current list of participants to date. Once again repeating the common links that folks catching up now might find useful. This weekend I plan on starting some brainstorming about topics that I would find helpful were I just getting started out in this madness. If you have at all considered doing this thing, then please by all means sign up and be counted! Once again I will throw out the disclaimer that the email address being collected from signing up on the form is going no further than that initial spreadsheet. It is only there if for some reason I need to contact you regarding Blaugust. In the past we have had sponsors pop up and give prizes and largely I have used email addresses to contact folks directly for these purposes only.

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