Happy Blaugust

Today is the first day of August and with it comes two things. Firstly my wedding anniversary. My wife and I have been married Twenty One years as of today, which is weird because like I have been married longer than my baby boomer boss. Then again he is on I think his fourth marriage and I only have the one, so even though the age difference it makes sense. We’ve been that “stable” couple in our families and in theory have been the most responsible of adults… even though adulting is occasionally super hard. I am very happy to have a steady partner in this journey. The second thing is of course the official beginning of Blaugust, though technically on the schedule it goes into July and September a bit as a sort of ramp up and ramp down. However now is the time when the posting counts towards the goal of posting something every single day of August. What you make of it however is up to you. The first year it was a very super serious event and I only really gave credit for “winning” to those who made at least thirty one days. However that had the trickle down effect of burning a lot of people out, and I fear lead to more blogs closing as a result. From that point on we have had a more relaxed festival of blogging thing going on and focusing on simply posting more regularly than trying to meet a fixed target. There are of course awards to be given at the end of the event for people who meet even the most basic of posting requirements. As far as gaming goes, I spent last night working on the new Solstice of Heroes event in Destiny 2. I decided to go with a gaming image because I have gotten tired of the Blaugust logo leading every post so far this week. I am not sure if I am going to be able to get everything done in order to get the fully upgraded set of armor, but I had some fun last night. The specific screenshot is of me apparently breaking Gambit Prime. We tied the first round and then went into a second round where we filled our motes quickly… and a primal never spawned. In fact nothing spawned at all during the event and we just stood around killing invaders as they came over and any blockers they happened to send. It did allow me to very quickly complete the “kill seven guardians in gambit” task because we legitimately just stood around waiting for someone to spawn in.
So far we have managed to gather up 60 players in this blogging game. One of them is a daily Vlogger but that counts too (we love you Wolfy). Generally speaking we still have a few trickle in after the first of August, so there is absolutely still time to sign up and participate. We are down a bit from our high of 90 participating blogs last year, but then again that makes a bit of sense given that we took a year off from the event and there was a bit of a nostalgic rush of folks signing up. I expect to see a few more sign-ups but I am not sure if we will make up the 30 player gap. The truth is… it isn’t for everyone and I am not going to shame the folks who tried it out last year and decided it wasn’t for them. Without further waffling about… here is the list as it stands today. On some level what we are trying to accomplish here feels a bit anachronistic, given the shift away from blogs and to new media. However this yearly re-igniting of the fires seems to be helping. Last year was the first year that we started the Blaugust Discord, and for the first time in all of the incarnations of Blaugust, Newbie Blogger Initaitive and the Developer Appreciation Week… we managed to keep something going all year long. At any point you could pop into the Discord and see activity within the last few days, and often times had people actively chatting. I cannot fully explain how happy that made me even when I myself would get busy and fail to chime in on topics. When I first started this blog it was in the heyday of World of Warcraft blogging, and we were in the middle of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. With that came the extremely active Blog Azeroth community and its outreach to anyone who was interested in writing about the game. My very first twitter folk were attached to that community, and even today there are folks like Jess that I see on an almost nightly basis in Final Fantasy XIV. I made ties that have lasted over a decade and a lot of that was because Fimlys maintained an IRC channel associated with that community and more specifically the Twisted Nether Blogcast. The constant interaction lead to forming some pretty deep bonds that still last today, and it was my hope that Discord could play the same role with our community. When I stopped blogging about World of Warcraft, I felt like I was falling into a vacuum and a lot of what I dealt with for those first several years was trying to carve out a community of some sort outside of a single game. There were a bunch of us out here on the frontier that would flit back and forth between games and has our own Independent Island States of a sort. Syp was the first to really unite the clans with the Newbie Blogger Initiative, and each time we ran an event we rallied together towards the same cause. Blaugust was born out of that desire to get people together and meld together all of these independent voices into something more cohesive. I am emboldened by this event because each year we meet brand new people who are out here on the outskirts of other communities doing our own thing. I feel like we do finally have a broader sense of togetherness, a common spirit that we are all laboring towards the same goal of making this community a better place. I am truly happy to share this journey each year with you, but more importantly I am constantly excited to see it keep on happening without my prodding. Each of you that participates is critical to this process, and I want to thank you all for continuing to join me in this madness. Happy Blaugust Everyone! Now here are the links I keep sharing each time I post the blog list. If you have yet to sign up please make your way to the Google Form and do so. If you have ever wanted to do this, then take a chance and we will be there to support you along the way.

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