Green and Orange

This morning I am struggling to come up with anything worth writing. Allergies are killing me and I am in sorta a histamine daze. We have a very lovely screenshot of what it looks like to be in Swamp of Sorrows… where everything is either orange or green. Were it not for my glowing eyes you would have trouble making out my facial details. This is an era in the game where objects don’t really throw off proper lighting, and as a result the campfire that I am standing beside is doing nothing to illuminate the scene. Last night I more or less finished Badlands, minus all of the quests that involve Uldaman, which we still need to run. There are some quests in zone that I could do but they were higher level than was efficient for me to grind out, and also in a super dense and dangerous area of the zone. As a result I hopped a flight to Stonard and have been whittling through the quests that I had in Swamp of Sorrows. They also are largely higher level, but the zone as a whole is pretty spread out allowing you to keep from getting a bunch of multi-pulls. That all may change as I am about to start hunting the murlocs along the eastern coastline, and we all know how they love to chain pull. In theory I really need to gather up a group of people and make an attempt at Uldaman, to knock out a bunch of the quests there. That might be an objective of this evening but the biggest challenge is the time zone thing. Last night was just a case of people logging in within a very staggered manner never quite giving us a party of five until Tam/Ash/Kodra had already committed to running some Wailing Caverns on their alts. Forty really is about the halfway point in the leveling process not 2/3rds as the numbers would make it seem. Things have really slowed down significantly and each level seems to take way more effort than the previous one. I think this is around the point where I started to lose focus in the initial game launch, because I never quite made it to 60 at launch. I think I got to somewhere in the 50-55 range before wandering off originally and going to play Everquest II with some friends for awhile. I then came back and pushed through the rest of the levels and started the traditional level 60 activities. I know next week my attention is going to start being split, and this weekend is the Tulsa State Fair, which means I am not going to get much leveling done on Saturday. The hope is on Sunday I can pour on a few more levels so I have a shot in hell of keeping up. Destiny 2 Shadowkeep launches on October 1st and I know I will start spending a bit of time each night in that as well. There is also Monster Hunter World Iceborne that I have yet to really touch. I don’t want to lose focus but we have officially entered the doldrums where that becomes a challenge.

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