Accidental Chaperone

Sometimes your evening doesn’t go exactly as planned. Last night was absolutely one of those. I had every intent to hunker down and grind out Crucible until I made a significant dent in the Thorn quest line. That did not happen… in fact I didn’t even make three games before I was looking for something else to do. Ultimately I think there are a bunch of issues. Firstly I am not that great of a PVP player and it shows when I am trying to get kills that push me outside of my comfort zone. I am not normally a Hand Cannon player, and even then I am not normally one who uses the Omolon style energy hand cannons. Most of the ones that I have that are void fall into that category.
Squirrel suggested that I use the Thin Line hand cannon, but I am guessing at some point I tried it and didn’t like it because I only had one version of it sitting in my vault. Triple Tap and Outlaw is not exactly optimal for what I would be doing with it, but I gave it a shot. Overall it felt okay in actually lining up targets and dealing damage but the low stability and low handling score made the entire experience feel sluggish. I also gave a shot to the Ikelos Hand Cannon that you get through the quest line and again it was in that faster firing archetype which meant you needed to land way more hits to actually pop off a Guardian.
Ultimately I gave up on the whole void thing and just wound up using The Last Word a bunch last night which seemed to be fairly successful in finishing off Guardians. The only challenge there is that this is really a close range engagement sort of weapon and I kept getting maps with extremely long sight lines. The meta feels stacked against Hand Cannons right now but I will eventually push through it. What I think this is going to mean is that my load out is going to be Last Word in my kinetic slot and maybe the Suros Iron Banner Void SMB in my secondary or a pulse rifle depending on the map. That way I am either getting Hand Cannon kills or Void kills… because apparently getting both at the same time feels awful. Ultimately I got 10% progress for the three games I played which I guess is okayish.
What I did instead was decide to hop over and play some Gambit and take advantage of the infamy bonus. Without really meaning to however I apparently completed the Chaperone quest line and now have a shotgun that I am likely never going to use! I did not exactly love this weapon in Destiny 1 and I doubt I am going to love it in Destiny 2. I guess you could run double shotguns easily since this fits neatly in your primary slot. That seems like misery however, but I am happy to have accidentally knocked out another exotic weapon quest.
At some point along the way I picked up a sweet ornament for the weapon… but it only serves to make me miss my invective. I realize why we are never going to get the ammunition regeneration weapons… but it doesn’t mean I don’t miss them an awful lot.

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