Chasing the Darkness

Just as a heads up this post is going to contain some spoilers, so if you have not finished the main story then I would suggest you go no further. Last night I kept I head down and pushed through the rest of the main expansion story in Destiny. From a lore standpoint it presents some really interesting food for thought and makes me think we are headed down a specific path. Namely that we will be swayed by the Darkness as they spent the next several seasons trying to explain to us how we should come over to their way of thinking. There had been rumors about Destiny 3 potentially including Darkness powers, and I think it would be interesting if we as guardians figured out a way to harness both forces for good. I’ve always assumed that the Darkness in the Destiny universe was somewhat of a hive mind. Which makes me wonder if maybe just maybe this isolated ship that crashed on the moon may somehow be broken off from that collective consciousness. I’ve been wondering if it like the Darkness that was present in the Black Garden have been fractured from the whole and are working by their own means. This could in theory give us access to the powers of Darkness without being consumed by it. As far as the pyramid ship itself… it had a very sithy vibe to it. There are some follow up quests that I picked up after finishing the last mission that may add additional story beats. The only problem that I see however is that without a firm knowledge of Destiny lore, I am guessing the story attached to Shadowkeep is going to read as completely incomprehensible to everyone else. Eris does not exactly do a good job of explaining things as you go, in part because she herself is an unreliable narrator with a very specific point of view. Similarly I wonder if maybe this specific tangent of the Darkness has been trapped in the Black Garden, and ultimately that it wants us to free it. I didn’t get a vibe from the final quest that it was trying to kill us, but instead trying to test us and our resolve to see if we were worthy of its ultimate prize.
In the Shadowkeep trailer, Ikora Rey talks fairly opaquely about the relationship between the Vex and the Black Garden. Namely I focus on the bit of what she is saying that says that the Vex will do anything to protect it. It was through Quria, Blade Transform that the Vex learned of the Sword Logic and that by worshiping the Worms they could draw power. I think the ultimate end of that line of logic was that the power of the Worms came from the Darkness and that through worshiping the Darkness they could draw even more power. Did the Vex then go find a pyramid ship and capture whatever organism that the Darkness represents at its core, and install it then in the Black Garden on Mars as a sort of machine to power the Vex as a whole?
I get the distinct impression that the Darkness represented within the Hive ship crashed on the moon doesn’t want to harm us, but instead wants to use our abilities to some end. I think that end is ultimately to send us into the Black Garden to free whatever vestige of itself is trapped there. Maybe you learn more details after the raid, but since I have yet to do that it is all speculation. I just have a feeling that our contact and the artifact that we collected, is leading us down a path that will eventually end in the ability to channel both the light and the darkness.

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