Incoming Addition

This weekend we did something that I was not expecting to do. But first… let me back up a bit. If you have read this blog for awhile now, you will know some months back that we lost our elderly cat Allie. It had been something we were expecting for awhile, but it is nonetheless extremely hard because she was absolutely my baby. She regularly lay across my chest while playing video games and snuggled into my beard. After her passing I was absolutely not ready to contemplate another cat, nor did I think we really needed more than the two we already had. However after having three for so long there was just something that felt off about the balance of our home.
Kenzie however around the same timeline was diagnosed with Diabetes and we were going through the process of trying to get her to a sustainable dose of insulin. It involved trips to the vet for glucose curves to the point where if she even hears the cat carrier door now she runs and hides. Luckily she has reached a point where she is now going back every three months instead of every two weeks. We have reached a state of equilibrium in our home and it is in this that I realize that we need a third cat in the mix. Kenzie and Mollie have never really bonded. Mollie had been friends with Allie and there are times when it seems like Mollie understands the absence and misses her. My futile hope is that by adding another baby into the mix, that once again it might cause Mollie to bond with them.
So for the last week or so I had been watching various sites like Pet FInder just to see who all was available in the area. In my travels I found my way out to the city pound, and among the various cat pictures there was one that really spoke to me. Ultimately that is what I had been looking for… that animal that I had an instant connection with. According to the paperwork her name is Jillian but it is highly unlikely that we keep that. We are in the process of trying out a bunch of other names to find one that suits her more. She is a sweetheart and we’ve not been to visit twice and put in all of the adoption paperwork on Saturday, so that she is “ours”. Unfortunately we have to wait until next Friday before we can take her home, but it has given us time to set up an isolation suite for her to live in for the first week or so as she gets used to us and the smells of the other two animals.
I fully expect to shut off my office for example and take her in there with me so she can roam and explore while I do other things. I already love her so much with only having had two extended visits. Yesterday I didn’t take any photos, but she came to us pretty much as soon as we opened the cage door. I wish we could have taken her home on Saturday, but I understand them wanting to make sure that every animal is spayed or neutered before leaving their custody. We would have happily taken her to our vet, but I am not sure if they would spay at her age. They say she is only three months old, but she seems older than that. The workers didn’t have all of the information but she came from a foster home because she arrived as a baby kitten. You can tell however that she has had attention because she is pretty sociable. My hope is that we are still getting her young enough that she will bond extremely strongly with us. I am not sure if we will be going out today to visit, but I am low key planning on popping by either on my way home from work or at lunch over the next few days. The staff says that they really appreciate it when someone comes to visit during this awkward period of waiting for the adoption to finalize. There is a chance that we may get her before Thursday, so I am holding out hope for that. I know next weekend is going to be extremely busy but we need to spend as much time as possible with her. As such I am hoping to maybe spend the week nights taking care of as much as we can so we have just large blocks to time to spend with her on the weekend. If you follow me on twitter you have already seen most of these photos, but since it is technically a holiday for me I figured I would just knock out a quick post about the adorable kitty baby for anyone who was not watching.

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