Dredging Demons

I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out what to write today and quite frankly I have nothing much to say about anything. I played some SWG Legends last night and turned in a bunch of fractaline in Destiny 2, but past that I didn’t do anything of significance to talk about. I also find that I have no real inspiration as far as topics to branch out into. The last few days have been a struggle to get through and as such you are getting a picture of Josie fighting with a box to tide you over until actual content arrives. Hell maybe the content is hiding in the box that she is fighting with.
Late Monday night I tweeted a thing out, and I am still more or less in this mental space which is making it super hard to be creative or thoughtful about anything. I appreciate the support that folks have shown me, but like… I am in a place where that almost makes it worse? I had an interesting talk with my friend Lyle aka @x1101 that put it into perspective as he struggles with it as well. I’ve known for awhile that I battle with impostor syndrome at work, because on some level I expect to be unmasked as a fraud and failure at every turn. He said that this whole feeling that I am having… is basically impostor syndrome but for friendships. That in the same way that I don’t think I have skills, I also don’t think I am worthy of friendship. When I have these doubts I don’t share them because I want positive reinforcement, because really that doesn’t work in the way that you would think it works. I share them largely because I want the other people out there who are struggling with their own mental and emotional prisons to know that they are not alone. I’ve been told that I am someone that people entering the blogging community find intimidating. Like I am someone who has their shit together and such and seemingly is not easy to approach with comments or ideas. While I do not at all get this, because in my head I am nothing… I have heard it enough times to know that it is apparently a thing. So my hope is that when I share my doubts with you my readers and my own challenges, that maybe it makes your challenges feel a little more normal. I have a few friends that suffer from some of the same issues that I have, and have built a sort of virtual family of folks who understand me at a deeper level than I am worth understanding. It feels good to not be alone and to have friend who get at a fundamental level when I have to bail on some activity because I just can’t handle human interaction right now. My hope is by dredging up these demons and putting them out on display that maybe it helps someone out there too.

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