Shake that Tambourine

You know I probably should be talking more about Blapril today, but there is an entire post on that already. Instead I am going to talk some more about Animal Crossing New Horizon which is apparently my new main game. I still find this all bizarre given that I had never really played one of this games and wasn’t even sure if I would be that into it. Now I would say that much like Breath of the Wild, this is a game that is worth plunking down the entire price of a console just to play it. From what I am hearing this also may be responsible for console shortages because apparently it is extremely hard to find a non-mini style switch that docks and plays on a television. I still think that the mini would have been the perfect device had they just included the video output chipset to allow it to be docked.
I’ve visited so many islands and they are all adorable. Mine is decidedly not. My room decor is what I would like to call “swap meet chic”, where I basically cram everything I come across into the same room without it actually making any semblance of sense. Sure I have a random candle on the wall because it came from a balloon. I also have an inexplicable cat tower but no cat… so whatever… it allows me to go over and bat the ball if I try and interact with it. Why do I have two wardrobes? Because I built one and then built another one for a quest because I forgot I had built the first one… don’t judge me.
I spend my days harvesting resources and stockpiling them… which then I turn into stone axes… which break… so I make more of them. Were this on the PC I would have long downloaded a way to cheat durability so nothing ever broke. However I guess it does give me a reason for all of my harvesting… even though it seems like only one type of wood regularly gets used for anything that I actually need. I have so much hard wood folks… and I am not even trying to make a joke about that. I figure at some point when I unlock terraforming I will actually start caring about the placement of things, but I am super jealous of all of the folks that I go visit that seem to have a “plan” or even “goals”. For now I mostly just have a random assemblage of shit I drug home from the dump.
For example, this is the island of @playerVShobbies and it is absolutely adorable. I am super jealous of her Gnome collection and really do need to spend more of my days hopping around and shopping from different nook stores. I popped over her to sell all of the apples that I had been hoarding for a whopping 35,000 bells. We talked on twitter while she sat on this rock and did the joyful emote over and over, and I did it back as a thank you for opening up the island and giving me a place to sell my fruit.
Her island also had this super sweet gas pump, which I bought for some reason… and is now just sorta sitting in my front yard because reasons. Anything that speaks to me I am dragging home in part because I know what is being sold is completely random on a given day and that I might only ever see it the one time. I learned that lesson from the small amount of time that I played Pocket Camp. I love old gas pumps in real life even though I am not in the least a “car guy” so I guess it makes sense that I would want to try and drag one home from my travels. The thing that I really need to find at some point is bamboo, which I guess means more island adventures… which in turn means more damned tools breaking.
The highlight of the night however has to be going over to South Perry and visiting @Kuriie. She gave me a super sweet Tambourine which is fun to bang on and I have been doing this pretty much from that point forward. It makes me just ridiculously happy to do this, and while I am certain that the novelty will wear off at some point it is pure enjoyment for the time being. Now I am starting to think that maybe I should not have named my island Pandemia… though I guess I could do a sweet logo like this for my docks. Kuriie’s island was super good and once again… here is a person with a major plan and a lot of talent. Everything was laid out purposefully and I guess made me realize that I need to probably sort out exactly what I want to do and how.
My happy place on the island however is the Museum and more specifically the deep water area. It is so peaceful to watch the schools of sardines swirling around. Getting this building opened up has singlehandedly done more or my desire to fish than anything else in the game. I want to catch more fish to make the aquarium even cooler. Like I am sure the dinosaur exhibit will be sweet once I have completed a few of them… but for now this is my moment of zen. I named my island Pandemia in part because I am using this game as a way of combating all of the frustration surrounding the very real Pandemic we find ourselves dealing with. Games have always been an escape for me, but I am not sure if I have ever needed a happy place to keep returning to quite in the same way as I have now with Animal Crossing. Thank you so much to Nintendo for releasing this during our time of need.

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