Setting Expectations

Today is the very last day of April, and in theory it would normally be the point at which we draw this month long experiment to a close. However due to the weird nature of the times we find ourselves in I changed things up a little bit this year. I am not exactly sure if that many noticed but the time frame of the event and as such the tabulation started March 29th and concludes with May 9th, encompassing the entire six weeks of Blapril. It always felt weird that I specifically outline six weeks of content creation and then only ever counted 31 days of that period towards the ultimate goal of the event. The problem is, now would be the normal time when I start tabulating the results but this means that I ultimately have one more entire week that I will need to include. It is probably however time to talk a little bit about the proceedings as a whole. We had 46 bloggers sign up to participate in the event, which seems pretty solid given the very impromptu nature of the fact that we moved this up to April. That was made up of eight mentors, thirty two participants and six newbies. So in essence we brought six blogs into the forefront of this community and hopefully got them a bunch of exposure and what will ultimately turn into regular readers. Here is a quick rundown of the participants. One of the best things to come out of last year, I think was expanding our reach to Facebook… which more or less was a completely different community of users that we were not reaching. Last year Angie from Backlog Crusader introduced the community to Geek Blogs Unite, and this year we had several participants that joined the proceedings from there. I’ve personally been down on Facebook as a whole for years, but it opened my eyes to the fact that there are other thriving communities out there that I personally wasn’t even paying attention to. I think another significant success has been how actively the Blaugust discord has remained throughout the years between its inception and this current event. It has sorta become a base of operations for a lot of us as we go throughout our separate lives as bloggers. Blogging in as disparate a community as we have will always be a bit like island nations developing trade negotiations with other island nations, since we don’t have a perfect copy of shared experiences. However having a stable platform to communicate and share ideas most certainly helps the isolation, which I guess is an important realization given that so many of us are in very real isolation mode. Since the topic of this post is about setting expectations, I just want everyone to be aware that the assigning of rewards is going to come a little later this year than it has in other years. Since I specifically used the verbiage “Posts during the weeks outlined for Blapril 2020” that includes all six weeks and I don’t want to jump the gun and push someone out the door that is still working towards whatever goal they ultimately had. My hope as well was by extending it out a bit, it would feel like less of a sprint after which the participant collapses at the finish line, and stops posting for another year. Fatigue has always been a challenge we have dealt with since the very first running of this event. Yesterday our dear Bhagpuss, who has always been one of my favorite bloggers to read wrote a bit about the exhaustion. It is well worth the read but there is a bit of it that ultimately addresses some of my concerns in doing this each year.
Every time Belghast runs one of these things he takes great care to emphasize that it’s not a competition, that there are no “win” conditions and that the awards are only there for fun. Even so, every time there seem to be quite a few Blaugustians or Blaprilistas who don’t seem to be finding it anything like as much fun as they thought it would be.

Bhagpuss – Inventory Full
To which I allowed myself a moment of despair and commented about my own fears.
I always feel bad when folks seem to struggle a bit. It is this moment when I start to question if I should ever do another event like this again. I am never certain how it is going to end up. I think blaugust as a community has been good, but I am not sure if blaugust as an event really bears the fruit I ultimately hope it will. Those of us who are regular bloggers will stay regular bloggers, but I am not sure if we are really making any new ones from our mold. Belghast – via Inventory Full
The thing is… this is always a concern that I have when deciding if we are going to do this again. This is also why the format has shifted throughout the years because I keep trying to figure out a way to get the benefit of having a focused month of blogging without getting some of the negative after effects. Blaugust is the herald of fresh content, but unfortunately it is also the warden of months of not posting as the writers recover from the marathon that they just ran. Those of us who are more or less daily bloggers have been doing this for so long that I am not sure what we would do if we were not posting content. However for everyone who has been a once or twice a month blogger, it is a major stretch to try and create so much content in a single event. That first year was an eye opener, because so many people that managed to get their thirty one days also effectively dropped off the face of the planet. There are times I allow myself to get mired in the notion that I might have killed as many blogs as I have helped create or promote. I appreciate when folks like Naithin come along to give me a kick in the rear when I get to thinking like this, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that what I said isn’t true. I am constantly concerned about the impact I have made with this event, both the positive and the negative. Bhagpuss had some sage advice to follow my own comment.
I tend to get the sense that the pressure, such as it is, comes from the Award system. It’s similar to what you see in games with achievements – with some people, once they know they exist they feel obligated to get them. You couldn’t really have made it any more clear that the awards are just for fun but their mere existence has people setting targets. Bhagpuss – Inventory Full
So I guess the question is… should we do away with the awards? I am wondering if they are something that is more or less vestigial at this point? Blaugust started its life as a challenge to other bloggers, to do what I had chosen to do and start blogging on a daily basis at least for one month. It was in fact a contest and we even had rewards for winning, which admittedly was mostly me just handing out some duplicate humble bundle codes that I had stockpiled. In an attempt to combat the fatigue I kept trying to open it up and make less things mandatory in an effort to lower the anxiety and stress. However for whatever reason I have kept the rewards as sort of bragging rights for anyone who wanted them. So I ask you the participants and my readers… are the rewards making things worse? Is it time to abandon them? What changes could I make to Blaugust/Blapril to lower the stress level and reduce the negative impact of the event? What would you change if you could in the way these proceedings work? I guess the other topic we need to discuss is whether or not we want to do anything in August when Blaugust would normally run, and if so what should we do to mark it? My comment section as always is open and so long as it isn’t random pedantry about typos or spelling errors, I always welcome real criticism.

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