Livingroom Rain

For whatever reason years ago when I leveled Mining and Botany to 50, I neglected fishing. As a result I spent most of last night chilling out and fishing in a video game, which is fine because I needed some heavy chill. As I alluded to in yesterday’s post, neither my wife or I really got much of a good sleep the night before. This is largely due to the fact that sometime between 8:30 and 9 pm that night it started raining in our living room. We didn’t pick up on it at first because something was on the Television, but the cats were freaking us out which lead us to notice the droplets coming down from the central rafter in our main living area. This has happened before and through much trail and error we have had the roofers out in an attempt to figure out what was causing it. Up until this point we thought it was the flashing at the top of the roof line that was the issue, and they would come out and tamp that down and caulk it, which would in fact cause it to stop for awhile. However this time while up on the roof the guy noticed an entire segment between this raised area of the roof and our chimney that appears to have no flashing at all. All we can figure out is that maybe when the folks put on the siding, that they failed to put back the flashing in that area. This will of course lead to minor surgery on the roof at some point in the future, but we have temporary flashing and caulk install in a hopes of getting us through the next few days of severe rain.
As far as gaming goes, I am all over the place right now. I am still spending a little bit of time each day in World of Warcraft, but I think I have petered out when it comes to pushing alts to 120. During the course of this run I now have on the Horde Side my Paladin, Hunter, Druid, Warlock, Death Knight, Mage and of course the original Warrior and Demon Hunter that were previously at 120. On the Alliance side right now I have everything at least to level 100 and so far the only 120 is my Paladin. For the moment I am mostly cherry picking World Quests each day when one shows up with an upgrade to any of my army.
Over the weekend I spent some time in Guild Wars 2, and that is something I would like to revisit in the coming weeks as well. I am not sure why it happened, but I logged into voice chat and everyone seemed to be in the game, so I like the dutiful toady I am patched it up to join in. I left the game with my Warrior in a fairly good spot, I just need a lot more points to finish getting Berzerker and Spellbeaker. I did some significant changing around of things because it appears that my Hammer/Greatsword is no longer in the “meta” and instead the money build is Greatsword/Mace and Shield preferably with Spellbreaker which I do not have… but there is another built the uses Discipline in its place. I had some fun fiddling around in Fractals and would like to do more of this.
Minecraft Dungeons released yesterday and I have been spending some time playing with it. I’ve not gotten terribly far in part because I mostly played it prior to heading to sleep last night. I tried it out first on Xbox One through game pass and then ultimately purchased it for Switch which seems to use my Microsoft account. I like it quite a bit but it reminds me way more of Gauntlet Legends/Dark Legacy than it does Diablo. It is quite a bit of fun though and I am interested to see how the game evolves as I level up and move through bigger areas.
Lastly Phantasy Star Online 2 released for Windows 10 PC today and I have it downloading in the background. This is more than likely going to be consuming the majority of my time for the remainder of the week as I try and catch my CAST Ranger to Ash and Tam who have been playing considerably more often on the Xbox One. This game looked horrible on a base Xbox and as a result I just found it a struggle to get into it considering I was also having to learn how to play it with a controller. I had experimented with the Japanese client and it completely spoiled me towards anything other than the Windows release. What have you been playing lately? Drop me a line below and let me know. The post Livingroom Rain appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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