
I can’t folks. I just can’t right now. I’ve been staring at my scrolling twitter feed for a good hour and I can’t come up with a single thing to write worth reading. I joked once that we are living in interesting times, and at the time I was simply referring to the pandemic. It is my hope that twenty twenty will be remembered as a turning point for this country and the rest of the world. Unfortunately in my just shy of forty four years I am not sure if I can muster the hope that that will be the case. It is my ultimate fear that this is but a brief pause as we continue to slide into a dystopian novel like the ones I read as a teen. I’m scared for my friends. I am exceptionally privileged that I can be scared for my friends and that I don’t have to be scared for my own life. I would love to believe that something is going to change, because it needs to change. I’m not going to syndicate this post because there really isn’t much here to read. It will go out automatically to a few places but I won’t go through the process of posting it around. Tales of the Aggronaut is going to be silent for a bit, at least until I can think of something worth saying. Keep your family and your friends close as we experience these times. Until Black Lives Matter, nothing much else matters. The post Cessation appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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