She-Ra and Secret Missions

Apologies that a post never actually happened yesterday. It was one of those mornings that after waking up and showering I checked my phone only to see that I had missed a bunch of emergency texts from work over night. Basically the entire morning was spent dealing with issues that had come up, some of which threatened potential litigation. The level of stress that I have been under over the last three weeks has been indescribable as so many things have gone wrong in sequence that I am no longer shocked by them. The biggest challenge for me is that I am stressed beyond the point of being able to actually find relief.
Traditionally my prime outlet is gaming, and I have been in this funk of sitting at my machine and largely staring blankly into oblivion. Yesterday for example I was technically off the clock at 9:51 in the morning having worked my maximum allowed hours for the week. However instead of firing up a game and doing something that I would enjoy, I mostly just browsed the internet or watched YouTube videos for a solid four hours before doing something with any meaning behind it. I did have an enjoyable evening finishing up objectives in Destiny and slowly catching up on She-Ra. It is such a phenomenal show, and I highly recommend it to anyone.
I finished everything on the Huntress for the week, so I am now moving on to the next character in pecking order and going to at a minimum work on Iron Banner for the Warlock. I am not sure how much I will get accomplished over the next several days given that Diablo 3 seasonal start is tonight, but going to at least make an attempt to push. Grinding random stuff in Destiny and watching things on Netflix seems to be a pretty good stress reliever for me right now. I can’t really handle ONLY watching video these days so I tend to be playing something on my 43 inch 4k television while watching netflix over on my 1080p side monitor that I have turned portrait mode. This generally contains whatever I happen to be watching, twitter and the various chat programs. That said I seem to be very bad at watching things like Discord while I am also watching something on Netflix. Apologies for all of the ignored messages last night. I am in a much better headspace than I was yesterday so whatever it was that I was doing seemed to help.

Blaugust Secret Mission

Now this next bit is going too be purposefully obtuse, but I am in need of about 30 volunteer bloggers for a secret mission. We had the normal Blaugust style festivities this year in April, and we’ve talked about doing something to mark the traditional event. I have a plan and I am in need of volunteers for shenanigans. It won’t require much effort out of any one blogger, and I can even assist with some of it. I will go into further details in private, but I am wanting to more or less keep this secret until I am ready to announce the plans… which means in order to do it I need those 30 volunteers. You all have about a bajillion different ways to contact me, so if you are interest in this quest hit me up and I will fill in the details further. The post She-Ra and Secret Missions appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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