Avengers After the Story

I spent a significant amount of my weekend playing Marvel’s Avengers, and this morning I am going to talk about it. Last week I talked a bit about my initial impressions of the launch and getting my hands on the full game, and this morning you are going to get more of a 30 hours in view. Lets start off with a statement that I think folks are probably trying to sort out, and that is is this a must buy game? I can give you an unequivocal no. That does not mean it is a bad game or an un-enjoyable game, but I would never throw this on a list of must experience games ever. If you have limited funds and even more limited time, then you can probably safely give this game a pass for now.
Marvel’s Avengers by Crystal Dynamics is an attempt to take the huge stable of Marvel Comics characters and convert them into a reoccurring service game. The thing is… I have a soft spot for this concept because I loved Marvel Heroes the now long dead Diablo-like game from Gazillion. Really to be truthful I just want that game back, but unfortunately that isn’t in the cards. What you have with Marvel Avengers is a somewhat generic albeit competent hero brawler that sets itself in the general mission structure of a Destiny Strike. You take control of one of the heroes, drop into a “War Zone”, complete a sequence of scripted objectives, and win some loot in the process.
Where the game shines however is in the story content. That is the piece that Destiny never really got right. The first ten to twelve hours of gameplay are spent following a sequence of content through what is effectively the heroes journey of Kamala Khan, aka Ms Marvel. She goes from fangirl to glue that holds the team together and becomes a powerful hero in her own right. I personally think that it is worth the price of admission just to experience this story, but I also buy way more games than the average person so my barrier of entry is somewhat low. The story is essentially a “getting the band back together” experience, as you spend your time effectively rallying the troops. The events of “A Day” caused not only the world to lose faith in the Avengers but for them to lose faith in each other.
After the main story arc is finished, the story continues on a little bit further as you are asked to help Shield and the Inhumans on some side content. I am now working through the last bit of that, which I believe unlocks a new bit of story content. It should be known that I am playing entirely solo and in that mode the game includes a bunch of NPC Avengers to come help you complete missions. However based on my reading and watching of content, it seems like the Single Player and Multiplayer experiences are effectively the same with the insert of more humans rather than bots. Now we are going to get into one of the bad aspects of the game.
While you play through the story it feels like you are visiting a number of fairly unique set pieces. However once you enter the less directed Warzone play portion of the game, you quickly realize that there are something in the neighborhood of a half dozen maps in which every bit content takes place. Sure an individual Warzone might shuffle the elements, but you are going to memorize a good number of the venues quickly. The other challenge is that the mission lengths seem to vary wildly from dropping down a fighting a single elite pack to being lead through a sequence of five or six things. I am sure once I have memorized what every mission entails this will feel a little less weird, but for right now it feels a little jarring and makes it very hard to guesstimate how long something is going to take.
During the mission you do a lot of head hopping between multiple characters, but once I was given control I’ve spent the vast majority of my post story game time playing Captain America, who was my main in Marvel Heroes. As of last night I have hit the level cap of 50, which is the point at which you unlock all of your talent points, and I have my power level up to 136. Based on what I am hearing the power level cap is 150, which is achieved through wearing a full set of 130 yellow gear that you then upgrade to 140 with materials. The last 10 points is gained through the Major Artifact which serves as this games equivalent to the Destiny seasonal artifact and will give you those last 10 points.
I am certain at this point that there will be a limited number of things that will give me light levels… sorry I mean power levels. This very much follows the Destiny template, and it is a grind that I am deeply familiar with. The biggest challenge here however is that there just doesn’t feel like there is a lot of meaningful content to be grinding. Each faction gives you a daily mission to take down a boss, but as of right now there are 2 villains comic book villains in the game and 2 AIM mega robots that you can fight. Combine that with the six or so available map types, and the experience gets to feeling really repetitive really quickly. My hope is that we get a pretty rapid cadence of content drops, because at the moment the content available is feeling fairly threadbare.
At the moment I have spent the most time playing Cap and Kamala, but a close third would be Thor. They all command sufficiently differently to make them interesting, but after having ground Cap to 50… it seems like a big ask to grind them ALL to 50. For reference I had all of the heroes above level 5 by the time I finished the story and I believe had cap to around 15 and Kamala to around 10. So suffice to say that the story is not going to get you anywhere near the level cap, and if you want to do this thing it is going to involve a lot of grinding warzones. The levels come rapidly enough, but at this point I think I am around 30 hours into the game and just now have my first character to 50.
Marvel’s Avengers has some good bones, but I guess time will tell if this turns into a really great game or not. The story is solid and as I said before for me personally that was worth the price of entry. I just question if there is enough there in order to keep players engaged between now and when new content drops. The challenge cards I think were designed to be more of a thing than they really feel like, because you can progress them extremely slowly each day and they ask you to play in a very specific fashion to get that progress. I wish you could effectively grind your way through them, that every activity would add a little bit of progress. So I spent my weekend playing Avengers, but in my heart I was just wishing that I could be playing New World. The post Avengers After the Story appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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