Genshin Marvelous Merchandise Event

This morning I didn’t have a ton to talk about so I thought I would talk a little about the current event happening in Genshin Impact. For the most part this is a give away of a lot of items disguised as a daily event. If you go over to the events tab you are going to see an entry for Marvelous Merchandise, and this is going to essentially tell you where the merchant is on any given today. This morning is the second day of the event on the American servers. I am guessing you have two options here… either roam the world aimlessly looking for the vendor or simply reveal the “hint” which just straight up tells you where to go.
So for today he was available in Springvale, and when you get close enough you will start to see the Slime Box icon that represents this vendor. Liben reminds me an awful lot of Don Kanonji from Bleach and this thing seems to be a trope I have seen in several other anime of having a weird sometimes slightly creepy dude that helps the protagonist. You and Paimon are very suspicious of what he is asking… essentially collecting random materials from the world and trading them in for a mystery box.
So far he has asked for some really basic stuff that I already had tons of laying around in my inventory. The first day he asked for the basic button mushrooms that can be found pretty much everywhere in the world and by this point I have a significant number of. On day two he asked for pinecones, which again can be found practically everywhere and I also had a large number collected. I am guessing this pattern is going to keep going as he asks for something basic that then allows us to cash in for goodies. The only day that is going to be a challenge is if he starts asking for things like meat, since I tend to cook my way through those as soon as I get them.
After you hand in your materials he is going to allow you to open up one of the seven elemental slime themed boxes. The first day I opened electro and you can see it still shows as unavailable on day two. Next I went for pyro and am slowly going to work my way across the boxes left to right. It appears that each day your box is not a fixed set of rewards and instead pulled from a random pool of options. Essentially you seem to get some number of primogems, some amount of mora and then maybe some extra items thrown in.
On the first day I pulled 30 Primogems and 40,000 Mora which is absolutely worth the few minutes it took to knock this event out. On day two from the Pryo box I pulled 4 purple experience books, 30 Primogems, and 20,000 Mora. Like I said earlier it appears based on some quick research that the box you choose doesn’t actually indicate the rewards that you are going to get and instead you just get rewards from a pool of available options. So far there appear to be four patterns that you can pull.
  • 30 Primogems and Extra Mora aka 40,000
  • 30 Primogems and 3 copies of 3 different green quality talent books
  • 30 Primogems, 20,000 Mora, and an assortment of experience books
  • 30 Primogems, 20,000 Mora, and an assortment of enhancement ore
I am seeing reports of some folks getting different numbers of items within each category, so for example one reported getting 8 Mystic Enhancement Ore and another person reported getting 6 Mystic and 6 Fine Enhancement Ore. I am not sure if world rank and level have anything to do with this calculation, but essentially those four patterns seem to be what is available.
Another aspect of the event is that by opening boxes each day you are going to end up getting a huge chunk of Battle Pass progress. However that isn’t much of a driving force as I have recently completed my Battle Pass and reaped all of the rewards from it. I find myself in a place where I have less of a focus each day because for the longest time I had been pushing for AR40 and completing BP50… both of which are goals that I have accomplished. Now I am more or less in a daily pattern of logging in, doing the bounties and then trying to farm something useful for character progression. We are on the cusp of patch 1.1 and I am hoping that on November 11th when it drops we will have more activities to revitalize the gameplay. This currently event isn’t exactly ground breaking, but it is a good opportunity to get some free wishes, which I thoroughly approve of. The post Genshin Marvelous Merchandise Event appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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